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Sep 14, 2022

But hold on... Which do you intend to sell?

Deciding on the area you want to concentrate your business on is challenging and we're here aid you. We've put together a 4-step guide that will help you develop and distribute the appropriate content for your business.

1. Have a look at the mirror

Finding your specialty will depend in large part on the areas you have knowledge. Do you have a great knowledge of specific areas, such as cooking gambling, investing or cooking? What is your favorite thing doing in your spare time? What do you love to do?

If you have the answers to these questions then you'll get a much clearer understanding of the value you bring into the conversation. You can then go deeper into topics that you are most familiar with as well as exclude those that you're less interested in. Explore the CreatorU Product Creation Masterclass on CreatorU to enhance your idea for your own product.

2. Check out your possible rivals

When you've decided on an overall topic, create your list of terms and buzzwords that someone could be using to explain the topic. Go to Google and do some research. Find out what other internet-based businesses are doing to market within this area in addition to seeing their top selling products. This will give you an insight into the methods used by the most successful companies in your industry and help you avoid entering an oversaturated market.

Review the "Zero to Sell" training webinar on CreatorU to get more detailed guidance.

3. Find your niche on the market

When you've researched similar companies and competitors, you should look for holes in terms of content or solutions to address customer issues which aren't addressed by competitors. For example, maybe you specialize in teaching customers how to cook at home. There are a lot of cooking blogs out there at no cost However, what percentage of them provide individual menu plans? Do any of them offer specific diets?

The business you run should be targeting a niche in the market that needs the expertise and knowledge of your employees. The more precise the area, the more relevant people will discover your information and offers. Watch the video Finding Your Hook at CreatorU to learn more.

4. Put your plan into action

Once you've narrowed your specialties, inspected your competitors, and identified the right niche for you, it's time to start building your content and selling it on . Take a look at The One Page Masterclass on CreatorU to find out more about building your sales pages.

Do you want access to additional classes similar to those we shared above? Sign up for CreatorU today for exclusive access to professional-grade guides and classes from highly successful creators.

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