Which Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 11, 2022

If you're new in the realm of eCommerce it's likely sure that you've thought of setting up one or two accounts on social media for your business. Social media evolves like winds and if you think that a Facebook account is enough for reaching your potential customers... it's not and you could find yourself in the middle of a storm.

The possibilities continue to grow. Every network comes with its own advantages and pitfalls and rules to follow.

This week, we'll discuss the most effective method to figure out which social media platform is appropriate for promoting your eCommerce business. We'll discuss why it's important to select carefully along with a detailed review of the most important platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest as well as other platforms to ensure you'll be able to determine whether they're appropriate fit for your business.

Important to choose the right company

As a business owner, your time is precious. There are plenty of other things you have to do in relation to social media, but not adding it to the mix. But, as it's an integral part of a well-planned marketing strategy and it's required to participate by clients, it's an absolute requirement for your company.

There isn't a standard that requires you to maintain an account on every social media site However. In fact, certain stores is considered to be an unnecessary effort having a Pinterest account or LinkedIn profile because people who visit their sites do not use the apps or sites. It's a waste of time is something you should stay clear of as it diverts attention from activities that can bring in the largest amounts of cash.

It's important to select the best social media platforms to promote your business. Selecting the ones where you stand the greatest chance of connecting to the people you wish to connect with or maybe your customers already, means you'll waste less time , and also make more money. You don't have to fight as hard to see your desired results. Consider it like choosing the "path with the lowest resistance" which is where you choose a path that will require the least amount of effort to see the most benefits?

If you take the time to evaluate every network so that you can select which one is the best fit to youwhich is the one where you have your current customersand also where your business fits best -- you'll be in a position to make the most of your time , while making certain that the result from your efforts will yield the best return on your investment. To help you decide there are some things to take into consideration for each important social media platform starting with the people who use the platform and what types of content could be effective.

Facebook is the best place to advertise your products

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image from Pew Research Center)

Since the beginning of the year Facebook has been slowly reducing its reach for its pages that are organic. This has led to a dramatic decrease in the amount of visibility their content receives via their News Feed and has brought so much adversity that Facebook needed to issue to provide a FAQ regarding the issue. A few reports suggest that the majority of posts from brands that are organic will now be read by just 2 percent of their followers. It means that less views are seen as well as fewer clicks and far less revenue from the items or posts you post on your Facebook Page.

It doesn't mean you must quit Facebook but. If you've developed your Page with lots of likes or you're noticing the page's growth in a constant manner, you will definitely benefit from this number of fans. The most effective method for achieving this is to use .

Now that Facebook has become less reliable in offering your most engaging items and news for your clients, the best usage of the platform is to deliver your most important news through paid-per-click. It could mean boosting a post on your website or, or, in the case of a post, of paying to be posted onto News Feeds. It could also mean targeted at visitors to your website by showing an advertisement that encourages users to revisit your site so that they won't miss an opportunity to earn money.

An example of a Facebook ad.
A sample of a Facebook advertising.

The best thing about this kind of Facebook usage is that each brand can to take advantage of it with the same possibility of achievement. In addition, posts that have been enhanced or remarketing adverts show to users that are currently fans of your site or who have been to your page, or visited it which means they're targeted and relevant content -- much more relevant than an ad displayed to a person who's never known about your business before now.

One of the drawbacks, is that you have to cover the cost of advertising. However, with the correct data, ads may succeed and bring in a significant amount of money.

Twitter is the ideal option for creating content as well as conversations, social interactions and more.

19 percent of the adult populace uses Twitter according to Pew research, and most users are under 50. Twitter is a platform that limits the length of your tweets to 140 characters, is frequently used by companies, if they are not using it because the most of their customers use Twitter. However, does every company need to be present on Twitter? Can certain firms achieve better results here more than others?

As opposed to certain types of businesses that are thriving on Twitter there is evidence that certain types of media affect how successful you will be in the world of social media. The study found that videos outperformed images as well as hyperlinks to tutorials, and list blog posts outperformed all others with regards to the amount of retweets, and those who posted quotes gained an increase of 43% in followers over those that did not.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
It is possible to get more RTs for links that point to content that is interesting. (Image Source: Quick Sprout)

If you run an eCommerce business does not matter what it is you actually sell Tweets about interesting content, posts pictures as well as motivational quotes (provided they are related that is related to your company and that's) You'll have a higher chance of receiving clicks, retweets and followers as opposed to brands that don't engage in any of these.

In all honesty, Twitter is the perfect platform for businesses to begin dialogue with their clients. As the platform is a hit and easy to access, as well as it is much quicker for tweets to be created than email, you're likely to receive feedback, questions, or criticisms from here. If you're able to reply quickly promptly, research shows that this type of experience is likely to increase sales. Prepare yourself to monitor the comments and then respond in a timely manner!

Pinterest is perfect for beauty, food and fashion brand

Pinterest Pinterest, a social media platform that lets you browse for images, discover, and save "creative concepts" by way of pinterest, grows each year. The latest statistics show that around 28% of adult Internet users have access to this site.

These numbers might not seem impressive in its own right however, what's most important about Pinterest is the type of user who uses it. According to eMarketer, 85% of Pinterest's total audience is composed of women.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest has a predominantly female-focused user base. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Then, take a look at this Millward Brown study and see it is true that Pinterest users -- which is 87 percent of whom have bought the products they saw on the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest is believed to drive more of the research-focused pins along with purchases later within those categories. (Image Source: Millward Brown)

What does this mean for your business? It's simple, if your online shop sells products from one of the categories listed above, you'll be likely to discover that Pinterest is a perfect fit to your business. People are more likely to browse and share images of these categories with intent to purchase, therefore when the images you're sharing are unique and appealing, it's possible to sell more products on Pinterest in comparison to other platforms.

Instagram: the best platform for brands with appealing physical items

About 50% of Instagram's's 300 million active monthly users use Instagram every single each day as per the most recent research on this growing image-centric social media site. Its widespread use by users and its simple method of publishing pictures, and its feature that makes it an ideal platform for business and companies -- no photos are never edited, hidden, or shown without order in your feed -- make it an ideal pick for most eCommerce businesses.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram is best for users with a wide range of interests that can be suited to photography.

LinkedIn is a great platform for business news, culture as well as for making your way in your career

LinkedIn is being used by around 28% of adults. It's the only social network that has users who are more likely to be aged between 30 and 64 in the age group in the 18-29 range It's most commonly used by people who are college students.

The LinkedIn platform can pose a challenge for businesses. As the vast majority of people utilize LinkedIn to conduct activities related to their careers like meeting colleagues, and locating work, or even reading articles or articles everything that isn't specifically related to your company could be a failure. LinkedIn's Company Pages can be designed to draw job-seekers as well as those who are interested in your personal brand therefore it's the only time when it's beneficial to speak about your personal brand frequently.

Our LinkedIn page.
The following is our LinkedIn Page on LinkedIn.

This is why LinkedIn is best used for its goal of drawing people towards your business from a business perspective. There is a good chance that users will be following your profile on LinkedIn for the purpose of purchasing from your company. These people are following you because they wish to join your company or conduct transactions with you a unique way. Sharing company news, details regarding your work environment and even posting open positions can help create the right image for your company here.

Niche networks like Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat Take care when using these networks

It's not difficult to be involved in social media trends. With each new and exciting technology, you'll be intrigued and eager to explore each new app for your own use. But before you start sending photos to customers, or broadcast live videos to your website for your users, think carefully about the long-term benefits of each of these emerging or tiny-scale platforms.

One thing you must pay attention to is that the most recent social media sites often don't have any branding guidelines, standards or choices. As they're built with the user in mind rather than business brands, features that are brand-related typically come out further down the line, which can limit what your options, or even put the end of the chance to generate the new revenues you've been relying on for years.

As we've said before, your time is valuable. Do not make a decision to invest in a social media network simply because it sounds cool or has a lot of followers. Invest in one which you are confident your target audience will love, which has established expectations for brands, and has clear long-term benefits for your company, like increased revenue or easier communication with clients.

What are the best ways to choose the best networks

Choosing the right social media platforms for promoting your eCommerce business can be difficult. As you begin, you might be fearful of investing a significant amount of effort with any return or dollars on advertisements that don't produce sales. But by conducting your research prior to the start and understanding what every social platform can offer, You stand a much higher chance of being successful on social than a brand which is signed up to any option.

This post should hopefully help you make the right choices. In this post, we have offered you the ideal base to choose the ideal way to launch your social media profile.

If you have any additional concerns about choosing the best network for your company Contact us using the comment section.

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