What Social Media Networks Are Right for Your Brand?

Nov 10, 2022

If you're new to the realm of eCommerce, chances are pretty good that you've at least considered creating one or more social media profiles for your company. Social media is like the wind, and if you believe that a Facebook page is all you need for reaching your potential customers... you're wrong, you could be in for an unexpected surprise.

There are ever increasing possibilities. Each network offers advantages and disadvantages as well as the rules to be followed.

Today, we're going to discuss what you need to consider when deciding which social media platforms are the right fit for marketing your eCommerce company. This article will explain why it's important to choose carefully, as well as a close examination of major platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest along with other platforms so you can evaluate whether or not they're an appropriate fit for your needs.

It is crucial to select the best network

As a store owner, your time is precious. There are plenty of activities you must attend to and not include social media in the mix. However, since it's now a crucial part of any well-rounded marketing plan, and your presence is expected from your clients and prospects, it's an essential part of your company.

There's no rule that says you have to be on every and every social media network, however. In fact, certain stores is considered to be unimportant to have a Pinterest profile or LinkedIn profile because the customers do not utilize the apps or social websites. It's a waste of time you absolutely need to avoid, because it keeps your attention from the activities that earn you the greatest sum of money.

It's important to select the best social media networks for your business. Choosing the networks where there is the highest possibility of connecting with your ideal audience and even with your current customers which means that you'll spend much less time and earn greater profits. It won't be necessary to work so hard to get results, either. Think of it as picking the "path that has the most resistance" -- which path can you take a route that requires you to perform most work to see the most benefit?

If you carefully evaluate every network, and choosing the right ones to suit you-- where your customers already are, and where your business will be in a position to maximize your time , and make sure that the results of your efforts will be a return on investment. In this regard, here are some things to take into consideration for each major social media platform, from who uses each one to what kinds of content can be made successful.

Facebook: ideal for targeted advertising of your products

Facebook demographics. (Image credit: Pew Research Center)
Facebook demographics. (Image source: Pew Research Center)

Since the beginning of the year, Facebook has slowly reduced the organic reach of pages. The result is a drastic reduction in their content's exposure receive on the News Feed the change is such that it caused a lot of anger the network required an FAQ on the subject. There are reports that suggest that the vast majority of organic brands posts are now able to be seen by only about 2% of their fans. It means that there are fewer views, less clicks and far less revenue from your products or the content that you share in your Page.

It doesn't mean you have to give up Facebook but. If you've built up an Page full of Likes, or you're seeing that your current page continuing to gain new followers at a steady clip it is possible to profit from this fan base. The best method to do it is through .

Since Facebook has become unreliable for delivering even your most interesting products and news content to customers, the best usage of this platform is to deliver your most crucial news using the use of paid methods. This could be the promotion of a post on your page which is pushing it into News Feeds. Or it might mean specifically targeted at visitors to your site with an ad urging visitors to come back to your page so that they don't miss out on the best deal.

An example of a Facebook ad.
Example of a Facebook advertisement.

The good thing about this kind of Facebook use is that any brand can do it with a roughly equal chance of success. Additionally, posts that are boosted and remarketing adverts are shown to fans who are already fans or who have visited your website, respectively, so they're highly relevant, targeted material -- and much more effective than an advertisement shown to someone who has not heard of your company previously.

The downside, of course the downside is having to cover the cost of advertisements. If you have the proper material, ads that are well-written can be very effective and potentially make you plenty of cash.

Twitter is the best choice for creative posts, discussions, or social support

19 percent of the adult people currently uses Twitter According to Pew research, and most of them under age 50. The network is limited in your posts to 140 characters is widely used by businesses, not just because the majority of their clients are on the platform. But does every brand need to have a presence on Twitter? Do certain brands have more success here more than others?

Instead of specific kinds of companies that have been successful on Twitter It appears that the type of content determine how successful you will be on the social network. A study showed that videos outperformed images hyperlinks to instructional and blog entries outperformed all others by the quantity of retweets, and the users who posted quotes gained 43percent more followers than people who did not.

You'll get more RTs if your links lead to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)
You'll get more RTs when your links point to interesting content. (Image source: Quick Sprout)

Therefore, if your eCommerce business isn't based on what it is that you are actually selling Tweets about interesting content, posts photos, and even provides inspiring quotes (provided they're related that is related to your company that is) It appears that you stand a greater chance of attracting clicks, retweets, and people to follow than companies that do none of this.

All this aside, Twitter is really the ideal platform for brands to engage in a conversation with its customers. Because it's well-known and easy to use, and it takes far much less time to create tweets than emails, you're likely to receive questions, comments, and complaints in this area. If you respond quickly and appropriately, research shows that this positive experience can encourage more sales. Prepare yourself to monitor these comments and be prepared to respond in a timely manner!

Pinterest is the perfect place to find beauty, food, and fashion brand

Pinterest The social network, which lets you search for, discover, and save "creative ideas" via pictures that you pin is growing every year. The latest statistics show that around 28% of all adult Internet users are using this website.

This may seem unimpressive in its own right, but what's really significant regarding Pinterest is who uses it. According to the eMarketer, 85% of the total users on Pinterest are made up of women.

Pinterest has a mostly female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)
Pinterest has a primarily female audience. (Image credit: eMarketer)

Also, take a look at this Millward Brown study and find the majority of Pinterest customers -- with 87 percent have actually purchased products they came across through the site! -- say they use the site to find products to buy from five main categories: food, home decor, clothing/accessories, hair/beauty, and health/fitness.

Caption. (Image credit: Millward Brown)
Pinterest appears to motivate the most research-related pins and purchase later in the categories mentioned above. (Image Credit: Millward Brown)

What is this implying to your business? The answer is, if your online shop sells products from any of the five categories mentioned above You're likely to discover that Pinterest is an ideal choice for your business. Users are mostly likely to browse and share content from these areas with an intention of buying, therefore If the content you're providing look appealing and distinctive, you have the potential to get more sales from Pinterest more than any other social network.

Instagram is a great platform for companies with attractive physical goods

Nearly half of Instagram's 300 million active monthly users are active on the platform each day, according to the latest research on this growing Instagram-like social media site that is based on photos. Its widespread use by users and its simple platform for posting pictures, and relative friendliness to businesses and brands -- all posts are ever filtered, hidden, or shown unintentionally in your feed -- make it an ideal pick for many eCommerce companies.

Instagram works best for those with a wide variety of products that lend themselves to photographs.
Instagram is best suited to those with a wide variety of things that are suited to photographs.

LinkedIn is suitable for culture, company news, and careers

LinkedIn is used currently by roughly 28% of internet users. It's the sole social network with users significantly more likely to be aged between 30 and 64 than in the 18-29 range, and it's mostly populated by college graduates.

This network is tricky for businesses. As the vast majority of people use LinkedIn for career-related items -- connecting with colleagues or locating jobs often reading news and other information that's not connected to your brand could be a failure. LinkedIn's Company Pages are intended to attract potential employers and those interested in the brand you represent, therefore it's the only time when it's beneficial to promote yourself a lot.

Our LinkedIn page.
This is our LinkedIn Page.

Due to this, LinkedIn is best used for the purpose of attracting customers to your business from a commercial perspective. The likelihood is that your users are following you in order to purchase from you -- they tend to join you because they would like to work at your company or work with you in some other way. Sharing company news, details on your organization's culture, or posting open positions will help build a positive image on this site.

These are the niche networks such as Vine, Snapchat, and Meerkat Take care when using these networks

It's easy to get involved on the latest social media trends. With each new and emerging platform, you're likely to be curious and eager to try each hot new app for yourself. However, before you send photos to your customers, or stream live videos on your website for visitors, think carefully about the benefits over time of each of these emerging or specific networks.

One important fact that you should especially be aware of is the fact that social media platforms are often created without any branding guidelines, standards or other options. Because they're created with users in mind, not companies brands, features that are brand-related tend to be introduced much later, and could restrict you're doing, or cause a sudden end to an opportunity to earn new revenue that you've grown accustomed to.

Again, as we said before that your time is valuable. Do not make a decision to invest in any social media platform simply because it's cool or is trending. Invest in one which your intended audience is interested in, that has set expectations for brands, and has clear long-term benefits to your business, such as increased revenue or easier communication with your customers.

It is the best method to select the best networks

Choosing the right social media platform to promote your eCommerce brand is a difficult task. Before you begin with a fear of investing a lot of time with little or no return, or spending marketing dollars that do not bring in sales. However, by researching beforehand and understanding what every platform offers You stand a much better likelihood of achieving success in social media than a company that signs up for all the options available.

We hope the tips in this article have provided you with an excellent starting point in choosing how to launch your social media presence.

If you have any additional questions about picking the right platforms for your company Contact us via the comments.