What is the average amount you can earn? selling online courses in 2022? What is the average price for online courses in 2022?

Aug 18, 2022

 Updated: 12 August 2022

It's been a long time since you've developed your knowledge in the field and now you're ready to help others. You may have considered the idea of launching your own online school that teaches everything you'll need to know about your industry.

Perhaps you are wondering whether the creation of online courses is worthwhile or what could you earn from through selling online courses or just the amount of work required to establish an online course business. It's good to know that starting an online course is profitable (and we've got a wonderful tool that makes it easier and more hassle-free for you too).

In this post we'll discuss the benefits of creating online courses really is.

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Does Creating Online Courses Profitable?

Considerations to Determine The Profits from Your Online Course

There are numerous factors involved when calculating the revenue and profit from your online class. Below are some of the aspects to take into consideration:

1. Cost of course

The price tag of an online course could range anywhere from $10 to well over $1,000. If you're going to sell a course for over $1,000 The value of your course has to be substantial. As an example, your online course could consist of a series of weeks that provides in-depth information about a skillset that helps people find jobs within their field. Or if your online course falls on the low side of the spectrum, maybe you've created an online class of just one hour which focuses on the essentials of your field. The greater value you bring to your class, the more your course's price. A certificate at the end of your course could also boost your earnings from your online courses.

2. Your marketing plan

A few course authors have spent many years developing an audience through social media , or through their blogs. Selling online courses is easier for people like these as they're earning money off their already existing community. But course creators who aren't able to reach an audience either need to find someone with one or identify their own audience. However, both alternatives are very easy to implement. On the one hand, you could offer your course through the marketplace for courses (however, this only works for low-cost courses). On the other hand it is possible to locate your audience through advertising on social media. If you follow this strategy it will allow you to manage your audience by establishing an email database to market to them with future courses. Additionally, you'll have greater control over the cost of your course and won't be subjected to the promotional activities of a third party platform.

3. You are worth it

What are the reasons someone should purchase your course? Online learning is a great way to learn but people are still looking to learn from somebody who has more knowledge of an area than they do. You need to make it evident in your online course's promo video the reason why you're an expert on this area. If you have your own site, you can share what makes you an expert in your area, how much profits you've earned within your industry, or customer reviews from people who've completed the course and gained knowledge from it. The addition of social proof on your site is a great way to help show off your expertise to other people.

4. Who pays the bill?

If you are thinking of business models for your course think about who your intended people are. Do you want to target a market with only a little bit of money , or are you being charged by the student's workplace? If, for instance, you're giving a class about learning code in a certain language, a company might provide their employees with the funds to study that specific skill. This can be common for higher value courses which cost more than 1,000 dollars. Or is your course targeting people who are looking to earn cash by gaining skills? They might have a smaller budget. Therefore, in addition to demographic details about the type of person to buy your online course, think about the cost a business would be willing to take on this course since this could enable your to make more money because businesses make more than average people.

5. Market demand

You can make selling online classes profitable by understanding the market size and demand is for your area that you are an expert in. There are many ways. You can look up the worth of an area for a better idea of if this is something people invest in. You can view course marketplaces to find out how many positive reviewers and students a class on that topic gets. Also, look through Facebook groups for your niche and find out what kind of questions come up, these might help guide you to know the biggest problem areas. Develop online courses to solve a problem within your field, so you can ensure your course is beneficial to other users. It is also worth looking over critiques of a course to know the type of crucial info people want to know that competitors' courses had.

6. Your content quality

The final factor to help to calculate your revenue making online classes is the quality of the content. It's not just about content although that's certainly important also. Also, it's the way in which course creators, were you engaging or dull? Do you manage to keep the interest of your students through the entire class or was it a drag? Did you record a screen the entire time or do you have an excellent camera? What was the length of time you stayed in a slide (which could lead to boredom). Did your lessons seem to be excessively long and was a drag? Did you get many shorter lessons that provided a lot of value?

The Online Courses that are the most lucrative

It is possible to browse online course platforms to see what courses they recommend are most popular, which courses have the most students, as well as reviews. Here are a few of the most profitable online courses you can sell this year.

1. Development

On Udemy there are online courses in development with prices of over $100. Many of the popular courses have over 1,000 students and some have over 40,000 even. However, marketplaces typically undercharge for online courses due to competitiveness. Brainstation, an online course provider, can charge as much as nearly $4000 for its development courses. Courses are offered on a once-a-week schedule and with an instructor who is live. Having a live vs an continuing course may affect the course's profitability.

2. Business

From accounting to marketing you can earn money from making money selling online courses on various subjects related to business. A lot of people use online learning for learning how to start a business, manage it, and grow it. Therefore, starting an online company selling courses in this niche is a possibility. Udemy courses in marketing tend to run around 100 dollars for students, and the most popular courses attract over 1000 students. Brainstation charges $3,250 for the flat cost of their digital marketing online course. The classes are limited, but they still earn a good income from online courses.

3. Office

Offering online classes on office products and software can be a viable option. It is possible to sell classes on Microsoft Office products like Excel spreadsheets as well as how to use Google products like SAP, SQL, or Python. The more sought-after or complex the product is, the greater chance it is that you can sell an online course on the product. Online businesses can cost around $35 or so for an Excel course and you can create tens of thousands of students or you can develop an online course for your website and make more money. Also, make sure to upsell your course with pre-built spreadsheets which you sell on your website.

The Free Online Course Earnings Calculator

There is a way to make money from selling online courses, but how much money you earn will depend on various variables. You can try our free calculator for course income below to help you see the potential income you can earn, contingent on various factors.

Landing Page Visitors/Month:                   10      
          100 000

Conversion Rate:                   1%      

Course Cost:                   $1      

Monthly Revenue Potential


Yearly Revenue Potential


How to Sell Your Online Course

In an earlier article, hosting an online course on your website allows you to determine how much you earn, own your audience, and remarket to them with additional products as well.

The most lucrative way to create your online courses on is . Why? It's because it's a Free Forever plan, with just a 5% transaction fee, making it the most affordable platform for selling courses. As your course sales grow then you will be able to remove the cost for transactions by changing your plan.

specializes in helping course creators create digital courses such as online courses. You can actually modify lessons in a matter of minutes. You'll be able to add lessons that include videos, text and quizzes, as well as assignments, surveys, embeds and other downloads such as ebooks.

It is also possible to drip course content, in case you wish to have students finish it in a few weeks rather than in one go. Plus, most experts want to market more than the courses. This means that you can offer coaching services, subscriptions to a monthly basis and digital downloads or physical items on the same website. And creating a landing page for your service or course is pretty easy too.

Choose from the best business models for your course to. Because you are able to set your own prices on  your own, you have the option of single-time charges, subscriptions, or payment plans for your students. You can choose to create your site on the internet or incorporate  the course creator's page on your website. But if you'd rather go without a website, you could promote your course on social media instead using your course listing.


Which course online is the most effective for earningmoney?

Courses online on topics that are popular or those that address a significant problem are the best way to making. The topics could cover Web development, business and office software such as Excel and Python.

Which online course is best for getting a job?

Online courses that focus on a growing field are best for obtaining an employment. Online courses about cybersecurity and business, web development, marketing, or other popular and expanding industries are excellent alternatives. However, there's other options to pick from than just this simple list.

How do you market online classes profitably?

Online courses can be sold profitably by hosting them on , with an Free Forever plan. It is possible to promote your course through your website, via social media or through advertising that you pay for. It's the most appealing part that you control your target audience unlike course marketplaces, so you're able to market to them whenever you launch a new product or course.