What Is Qigong And Is It Right for You? | Blog

May 19, 2022

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When you take care of your body, you also ensure that your mind is in good shape. And qigong (pronounced chee-gung) is a method that encourages you to tap into this connection, by performing simple, regular actions that help to clear your mind and help promote a more serene and relaxed state being.

Ultimately, the goal is in the name. the word qi being "life energy" in addition to goingngmeaning "a technique that has been developed by consistent training." As you deepen the practice you'll discover a range of physical and mental advantages, and you might even discover a new approach to improving the overall health of your body.

What Is Qigong?

While its roots go further back than 4,000 years It wasn't until mid-1900s that a concerted effort was undertaken to standardize the practice as well as explore the scientific merits of it. Prior to that, various areas and religious groups throughout China utilized distinct styles of qigong that had unique objectives. Chinese martial artists used it for self-defense. However, it was used strictly for meditative purposes in Buddhism and Daoism.

There are four distinct components:

  1. Breath is coordinated with the movement
  2. Static holds
  3. Meditative sounds
  4. Massage and other forms of bodywork

If you're just beginning to learn about the practice of qigong, or doing it at your own pace you can just be focused on the coordination of your breathing and movements at the beginning. As you become more adept in your practice of qigong, you can start adding other elements such as chants and herbs as well as stick to your current practice.

Qigong for Beginners: Quick Tips

A few tips to remember while you're getting started:

  • Keep a regular routine. You don't need to do at least an hour every day to see benefits However, the more often you participate in your workout, the more impactful the practice becomes. Make sure you set the time aside for at least 10 minutes daily for Qigong and work in more extended times when you can find the time.
  • Keep your body in tune. Qigong is meant to be gentle for your joints. Pay attention to any sensations the practice causes within your body, and if you're experiencing pain during your exercise, or have just recovered from an injury or injury, speak to your doctor prior to continuing.
  • Learn in an evening class. The most effective way to master is to learn with the assistance of a trained practitioner. Find out if there's qigong classes in your area which you could join or try out virtual classes.

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The benefits of Qigong

There are a variety of Qigong advantages, including benefits to your mental and physical wellbeing. Some of the major ones are:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety levels
  • Energy efficiency has increased
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased immunity
  • Reduced joint pain

It may also offer directly beneficial effects on some chronic ailments as well as lower hypertension as well as improve the functioning of the heart and lungs.

Because it's a gentle form that exercises, it may be particularly beneficial for reintroducing movements following an injury or ailment--though again it is recommended to consult with your physician prior to beginning any new form of exercise.

Difference Between Qigong as well Tai Chi

Qigong is an older practice that is focused on the overall mind and body health. Tai chi is relatively newer and is more concerned with functional form rather than fluid movement.

What Are the Five Elements of Qigong?

Five elements are that are at the core of Chinese energy work including wood, fire, earth, water, as well as metal.

In Qigong, every component corresponds to an individual organ of the body: fire to the heart and liver, wood for the liver as well as the spleen as well as water for the kidneys, and metal to the lungs. By focusing your focus on each organ, you can enjoy an energizing practice getting not only a complete body practice, but a complete embrace of these five fundamental aspects of energy and healing.

Qigong has specific exercises devoted to every organ or element. Aim for a balanced practice in incorporating all of them into your routine, or focus on one element in particular if you are seeking relief from issues within the specific organ.

How to Do Qigong

If you want to know how to do qigong exercises, it's recommended that you take a class and train under a professional. Beyond the precise movements, there are a number of things that you should bear in mind to maximize the benefits of your movements.

Practice Rhythmic Breathing

If you've ever practiced the practice of yoga or meditation in the past should have a good understanding of rhythmic breathing. This type of breathing is as essential in Qigong, and it is something that you can practice both inside the class and out in order to deepen your practices.

Concentrate on controlled inhale and exhales that flow seamlessly into one another, and observe each breath you take. Pay particular attention to the length of your breath and the way it feels when it travels around your body. Through practice, you'll learn how to link each inhale and exhale to a specific movement, plus how to use the rhythm of your breathing to help you achieve a peaceful state of mind.


Qigong can be a very meditative practice by itself, however the more capable of a person you can be as a meditator, the more you'll get from it. Start with a basic, non-movement meditation by yourself, which includes guided meditation in case you're not sure how to begin. There's a wealth of information to learn about how to calm your thoughts, and be able to more efficiently get into a state of meditation when you start your qigong flow.

Do Your Research

Qigong is much more than an exercise routine. Familiarize yourself with the Chinese theories of the practice as a method to pay tribute to this practice and comprehend its significance and the purpose that lies behind its components. While you're learning, you'll also come across information that will help you advance your own practice, such as guidance on how to optimize the way you breathe, posture, and focus.

Can You Learn Qigong by Youself?

It all depends on what you want to achieve out of it. If your intention is just to do qigong exercises as relaxing There are definitely things you can learn to do on your own in order to reach that objective. If you really want to master it the art of qigong, then you'll need to collaborate with a knowledgeable trainer who can help guide your practice and help you progress at a steady speed.

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