What exactly is live streaming? (Definition & Examples) |
Live streaming (or livestreaming) has become so well-known, almost a third of web users stream live every week. You can stream live and watch it on a variety of platforms and devices, and it's much easier to start.
In this post in this blog, we'll give you all the important details is required to be aware of regarding live streams.
- This article will cover live streaming more in depth (including the technical explanations for aspects).
- Live streaming statistics as well as other noteworthys.
- The conversation will concentrate on the advantages and real-world examples to show the advantages of live streaming as an alternative.
- In this article this article, we'll show you the steps needed to stream your own personal video on the internet.
What is the definition of live streaming?
Quick live streaming definition
Live streaming refers to the act of broadcasting to the live streaming of viewers in real time. Prior to this, broadcasting was restricted to only companies in the media industry with the ability of broadcasting streaming live to the viewers. Live streaming video is exploding online, with more people enjoying the live experience from their homes, without the cost of television studios.

What exactly is live streaming... technical
Technically speaking, your camera can output photographs in digital format. However, these are too large to stream correctly. So, using an encoder (software or hardware) minimizes the size of the live video to codescs (ie. h.264). This is why the size of the file shrinks down to that of streams and also makes the standard format to guarantee that each device has the capacity to open it.
The video can be divided into I-frames, P-frames, and B-frames. I-frames are like the typical JPEG image. They are a complete image frame, which contains every detail.
P-frames and B frames operate in a slightly different way. They only capture the parts of the video which changes in motion vectors and then track the motion vectors. This results in the file being smaller, and is also smaller in addition to being better to playback. As an example, in the case of the YouTube video that has an audio track playing in the background, which isn't moving, the background pixels will remain the same.
- P-frames (Predictive frames) can only encode the motion and any changes made to the body, the body, and speaker movements through the lookback of frames before them.
- B-frames may also be utilized as they are able to reference previous frames and any subsequent ones which allows to create a full photo.
Internet speed
Live streaming refers to the continuous flow of data. It's also referred to in the field of bit rates. This is the quantity of information that your device can transmit in one second.
- HD (720 (HD) video is required to run at speeds of between four and 4.5 speeds
- 1080p should be at a minimum of four speeds.
- The 4k standard calls for between 15 to 25 Mbps
If you're streaming live, the upload speed must be sufficient to handle the quantity of data transmitted by the streaming.
The viewers do not require the same speeds. The quality of video players is diminished due to poor connectivity or buffer (downloading between 2 and 30 minutes in advance of the beginning of each session) to guarantee smooth streaming. We also use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)--this copies the files immediately to servers near to the player as they need data to be sent over larger distances.
It's possible that the video doesn't actually live. There's a chance there's an interruption that is only a couple of minutes. This is known as latency.
Statisticians streaming live Statisticians streaming live
- 30 10 10 A majority from Internet users can stream live streaming every week.
- The bulk often live streaming content are live breaking news reports (34 percent) and sports games (29 percentage).
- 91.7 A majority of Internet users around the world watch live streams all during the month.
- 52 % of TikTok users like live video.
- Smart TVs are the best equipment to stream live (35.3 percent of streamed content).
- 28 The vast majority of live streaming videos which are live streamed online are streamed live.
- The most long live streaming ever recorded was 624 hours. The stream was offered by Zhejiang Luyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. located in China.
- The world record of live streaming that has the largest number of viewers was established by Spanish Ibai streamer who boasts 3.44 million viewers on the Twitch channel through Channel La Velada del Ano (3).

Live stream is an first stage in making it practical (Timeline)
It's not a complete listing, but we've put together some brief descriptions of technological developments that permit live streaming.
In the 1990s, there was an technological advancement that allowed "packets" of data files to be rendered and viewed before downloading the complete document.
1993-93 1993-93 1993-93 - 1993-93 the MPEG-1 Standard of compression established to allow streaming of videos
1995, 1995 Starlight is a commercial company. Starlight created the first streaming technology that was built on satellites.
1995- First internet radio: Radio HK.
1995 In 1995 RealPlayer was released and became the first major streaming media player. In the following years, it is included in the alternatives for Windows 98 installation.
1996 - Real-time Transport Protocol was established in. It's an interface that allows the transmission of audio and video via networks.
1998-1998 Starlight introduced the very first conference software which was web-based.
1999 1999 - The Victoria's Secret fashion show, that was an enormous success it is the very first live streaming program with a potential audience of 1.5 million people watching.
2002 and 2002 Flash Player adds video capabilities for embedding videos.
2007 - The debut of Justin.tv (later changed to Twitch) with Justin Kan who was the cameraman who was on the show all day, every day. At the end of the day the company grew to multiple channels that allowed viewers to stream.
Two streams in 2009, Ustream along with the stream Live started
2011 2012 YouTube has introduced live streaming to their platforms. The first live streaming video was released in 2005 (fun information: the initial video was named "Me in the Zoo"). Facebook began live streaming in 2015. It also launched Periscope in 2015 along with Instagram in 2016.

Live streaming benefits
Live streaming is one method to provide vitality.
- Super-interactive Viewers aren't just in a position to see their contents in the real-time. However, they also can communicate regarding their experiences, or inquire about their experiences or give feedback using a variety of methods.
- The video is unfinished and has not been altered, aside from videos that have been edited, in which case the creator could feel pressured to fix however live streaming doesn't allow this (at at least in the present). Thus, live streams appear real and are much more enjoyable.
- In addition, it's not as than time-consuming. It does require some initial setup and preparations, but live streaming typically requires less work as opposed to the lengthy process of creating an edited video, which might require editing, scripting, motion-staging, and much more.
- Production costs are less expensive. It's usually less costly for starting and launching.
- Repurposing is that you can cut and alter live streams in a variety of formats. Then, you can make use of it later to create an audio version of the stream. or video.
- There's a feeling of the urgent need. Live streaming makes the feeling more extensive. When someone makes a recording after the event, watching live can make you feel like a celebrity and can increase the amount of viewers.
What is the best way to live stream
The video below provides an excellent overview of this video, particularly if you're starting your journey with live streaming!
However, we've also given the details of live streaming available to producers. .
To live stream, you need:
1. AV source
One of the most appealing aspects for live stream is that it has no requirement for high-priced technological advances. New smartphones are equipped with all the features needed to handle live streaming.
Below are a few possible videos you could consider:
- Smartphone video: A lot of smartphones have the ability to record HD video. Newer models allow for video recording in 4K. Make sure to check that your phone camera on the front and back may have different specifications. Both cameras should be able to work to stream live. This is the most efficient way to stream directly from your smartphone.
- Webcam: A few broadcasters who use computer systems opt to make use of an integrated camera built into computers as in addition to an external Webcam. It is a popular choice for live streaming that can be accomplished using laptops as well as computers.
- Professional cameras Some of the most seasoned streamers utilize professional cameras, like DSLRs, which stream live. They can be connected to your computer or smartphone and can send better quality videos as well as offering users the option to choose the lens most appropriate to your needs as well as your knowledge.
Also, you'll need the audio equipment! Here are some suggestions:
- The microphone built into your phone or laptop (not advised) The microphone of your computer or phone is too far away from your mouth when streaming. The audio recording tools aren't of top-quality recordings. You should pick among the alternatives below.
- The Bluetooth or wired headsets have the microphone located near your mouth. It improves audio quality and minimizing background noise. A headset with an audio component could be better than the microphone built into the device.
- Lapel microphone: It is a small clip that can be worn around the collar of your shirt or around your neck and can record sounds near your mouth. The result is a higher quality sound. Wireless or wired Some top microphones have features like noise cancelling.
- Mic for the shotgun The microphone of the shotgun sits within several feet away from your face (often it's connected to the top in the body of your camera) and is able to record the direction you talk.
- Condenser microphone to the desktop The majority of streamers use Condenser microphones for desktops, such as Blue Yeti. Blue Yeti is a microphone that is directly connected to your PC, will record sound directly through your voice.
Here are some additional suggestions to live stream your game for you to enhance the level of play.

2. Software to stream (optional)
Streaming software is not required to purchase since it is capable of live streaming direct to the most popular platforms. But, streaming software might be the most suitable option in the case of those looking to:
- It lets you share images by posting images to the screen of a computer. This can be an element of a gaming or slideshow.
- to use multiple cameras (ie. different angles).
- for overlays, chat boxes or images.
- Mixing different audio sources (e.g. music).
- For streaming on several platforms simultaneously (e.g. YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn ).
We've talked about the best methods to benefit from the StreamYard platform, in the article about Zoom Alternatives. This is an excellent way to achieve this.
3. A platform for live streaming
It's easy to comprehend the reason. It's crucial to possess a web-based platform that can support streaming services like YouTube and Twitch.
Have a look ! Mighty allows you to stream live streams from your phone or through the Mighty application. The application also comes with a name which you can call and stream live from. It is also possible to earn cash from, charge per stream or set up accounts with streaming capabilities.
Live streaming offers benefits to businesses
If you're the director of a firm that's an integral part of your business it is important to know the advantages that live streaming can bring. Though live streaming might not be as polished and as polished as promotional videos that you upload to them, but live streaming provides something distinct. They can help create a feeling of a relationship between your clients and yourself that makes it feel a lot more authentic and genuine and adds an important factor in the image of your business. Live streaming also allows you to be spontaneous and shocking (in the best way ).

There are many more Live streaming benefits for companies:
- Event organizers can plan events without locating or even having an actual location. Live streaming allows companies to hold meetings and discussions online without the need to get all participants in one place.
- Offer educational possibilities Live streaming can be an effective way that can provide value by providing educational content! Live streaming is utilized by companies (especially ones that use webinars) to help customers with comprehending their offerings and to help make a positive impression about their brands.
- The audience you are able live stream from anywhere around the globe. You can stream live via the Internet or via a smartphone. You'll be more in touch with them and can help them get in touch with your company.
- Revenue from event and ticket sales: Organisations might design high-end digital services such as live streaming, which bring in revenue, while selling tickets and gated the event.
It's not advised using your live stream developed to earn money. Provide your customers with something worthwhile and meaningful that will encourage and inspire viewers to watch and give them a name and allow them to feel valued. Live stream is the sole way to make live streaming work to benefit your business.
We're big fans live streamers. That is why we've added live streaming capabilities to each single one of our packages.
Live streaming examples
There are numerous live streams that were shown in the recent past. They include:
- Michael Jackson's funeral was among the live stream streams that were watched by the highest number of viewers at the time (2009).
- In 2012, it was the first year that NASA streaming live its live stream of Mars Curiosity landing. It is possible to view NASA live streamed space exploration missions.
- It was 2014 when people on Twitch were playing Pokemon as well as receiving commands via chat. There is a belief that it was 1.16 million gamers and 55 million people watching.

They're awesome! Live streaming is a great option to meet with people. There's even an live stream People Magic Summit, with many of the most prominent community members and creators (this special event had guest speakers such as Marie Forleo, Nathan Barry and Amanda Goetz). Relive the sessions by visiting this website!
Below are a few more examples of what live streaming might appear like.
- The Mighty Network host announces a every week live stream that takes place on Mondays.
- Live streaming of performers on IGTV alongside TikTok and then perform an impersonation spectacle for the public.
- Gamer is is a player in Roblox and Fortnight and broadcasts to the public.
- The university provides the online course as well as live streaming.
- The thought-leader talks with one person via LinkedIn live over the web about the book's upcoming publication.
The technology is now available for look up: 11 of the most successful community engagement strategies
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