Vs. Thinkingific: Which Is the Better Option in 2022? |

Sep 22, 2022

So you're ready to go for it. You've got something to impart, maybe even some interested students. You're planning to create an online course. Yay!

Creating a course is such amazing, life-changing experience when it's done right. With online learning increasing - with the potential to surpass one hundred million dollars by 2030 - Trillion by 2030 , there's room for all sorts of instructors.

If you're thinking about becoming an online instructor there's probably an issue which has you confused. How do you create and host the website? There are a lot of options, and it can seem overwhelming especially for someone who is a beginner instructor.

We're here to talk about two popular courses: and Thinkific. is an all-in-one course and community builder . It's a one-stop shop for everything you require for running your own online business. Thinkific is an excellent web-based website and course platform which gives you a wide range of good tools to work with.

Both are seasoned players in the online course space Both have amazing things to share. So which is right for you? Let's look it up!

If you're looking for more help to build your online course as well as a community, sign up to OUR Mighty Community for free and get to know other newly well-established community leaders! We'd love to meet you. Register for membership for no cost!

In this article...

    1. vs. Thinkific: Things to take into consideration

    2. vs. Thinkific the Course Platform

    3. Vs. The Thinkific: Community and the concept of membership

    4. Vs. Thinkific: Marketing & the monetization

    5. and. Considerific: Apps and access

    6. Are you ready to get started?

1. Vs. Thinkific: Factors to take into consideration


  •         Course Platform            
  •         Community and Memberships            
  •         Marketing & Monetization            
  •         Access and Apps            

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2. 2. Thinkific: Course Platform

It typically starts on the course platform. You're probably thinking about the platform We're guessing. Although there are a few additional things to think about (we'll discuss them in the next section) You definitely need a top Learning Management System (LMS) that will do EVERYTHING it is required to do when it comes to building a course.

It gives you an entire LMS, letting you build and customize your course every stage of the process. From lessons to modules, and everything including PDFs to video, Mighty gives you the technology you require to build a an effective course. It's also DYNAMIC! Edit and refine your course by getting the feedback of students in the course of your learning.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

The most appealing features of the platform for courses is the fact that it provides many more options to present courses than the conventional course platform.


  • Are you looking to create a pre-recorded video to upload it like a traditional course builder e.g. Thinkific? You can do that      
  • Are you looking to instruct a class in live, as a co-teaching course? Yup, you can easily accomplish this using the live stream tool.    
  • Want to add bonus live streams or other events to enhance your course? You can do that too.    

Desktop MC course- Expanded

And, of course all we do in our classes is encapsulated in a community - more on this in a moment.

The end result is a great LMS which could function as an individual product but, it is actually integrated in the other fantastic attributes of the Mighty Network.

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Thinkific lets you use the ability to design courses with a drag-and-drop builder that works effectively. It also comes with an assessment engine that lets you handle evaluating the lessons your students have taken. You can add assessments, tests or quizzes as well as surveys that test the students' progress. Building course modules is pretty easy. You can add audio, video, and PDF files to your course - it has an uploader that can handle all of the above.

Thinkific- Course Builder

Thinkific can also integrate with other applications to give features like a booking calendar, chat boxes and live streaming. It is worth noting that not all features that require integrations in Thinkific is built into the software itself . ( It has native chat, events, as well as live streaming. However, it is necessary to integrate with another software in order to access these capabilities within Thinkific. )

Thinkific - styles

What is the most effective foundation for your course?

It has more tools for providing the actual course - including extensive tabs for events and live streaming capabilities as well as built-in 1:1 and chat with all-members, and the community (we'll go there in the next section). Thinkific is missing most of the features, however it has various types of assessment (exams, etc ).

3. The difference between. Thinkific: Community and membership

In the field of courses, the world is changing. The platforms for courses are a significant improvement from the previous WordPress plugins that did not work right. There are a lot of methods to help you learn.

Traditional course platforms help you create asynchronous (prerecorded) courses.

However, recording a course and placing it on a shelf for it to collect dust isn't the most effective method of teaching. As the number of courses are recorded, more and more creators are examining the poor number of students who are engaged in pre-recorded classes and deciding to create higher engagement.

That's where a community can come in.

Communities can add value to any course. They can bring life to a prerecorded course since you can offer your students connections and conversations LIVE with the local community after. OR you could decide to create a co-curricular coursethat brings students together, letting them meet each them and one another, while getting support in real time!

has a powerful, community engine which gives you a ton of great features right out of the box. Mighty helps make community not an afterthought but truly embedded into your classes.


This starts with the option of adding a forum of community members to every course. It also includes options like sending messages to all members, tagging people in comments and profiles of members. The community is integrated into every stage.

profile images, events, chat

A great illustration of this is that every course has a discussion with the community that takes place beneath it. It is an enormous benefit for any course since you will be able to view the discussions, comments, and feedback of others who have completed the course.

The course could serve as the primary aspect in your Mighty Network, or it may be part of a larger community. The course can be sold as the course itself, make access available to your community as well, OR bundle and sell access to both.

Feature Item 1 - Courses

Also, as we said above, your community comes loaded with features like live streaming, one-click Zoom scheduling and events, polls, chats, and chats, a built-in new member experience, and much more.

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Thinkific has an extremely simple community system that could be integrated as a separate item on your Thinkific website. It gives you the ability to run forums for conversations in your community. You could choose to give the forum to your entire class or integrate it into specific courses.

Members of the community can upload pictures, videos, or file links. This is how it looks...

Thinkific Course

The community feature gives you some branding options, basically letting you add your own cover image, colors, and fonts. It's a pretty minimal.

If you're looking to take courses that have community elements, including a cohort course, gives you way more options to create with.

4. vs. Thinkific: Marketing & monetization

An excellent course platform does not just give you an LMS for you to create a course on. It provides you with all the tools you require to create a business and monetize your course. Therefore, when we look at the comparison between. Thinkific, we have to talk about what each platform can offer you to help you make profit from the course.

allows you to build a landing pages for your community or course, that offers a range of designs to pick from. You are able to include your own branding and personalize the community and course landing pages. Additionally, you can create a custom domain name for your community or course as well. We also have a super easy process to locate and register your domain.

easily integrates with tools like ConvertKit for marketing via email, and you can customize packages and plans and sell them across different currencies throughout the world. Additionally, you can access an extensive set of premium analysis tools to determine which elements are performing and what's not.


If you are looking to build your business, Thinkific gives you the option to monetize with training courses. You can also monetize with subscriptions to memberships, digital downloads or products. The flexibility allows you to decide to bundle your services and products in unique ways. You can sell more than 100 currencies, add sales with coupons or discounts as well as recruit participants to market the course using the help of an affiliate programme.

Thinkific includes marketing tools built-in, and it begins with its website. You have the choice of creating landing pages to present your course and promote it on. You can customize them in a variety of ways. Through customized domain names, various themes available, as well as the possibility of building an entire website with multiple pages, Thinkific has a good website builder to accompany the course.

5. and. Considerific: Apps and access

Last, let's talk about apps and access. It's not enough to just create an online class. It is essential to ensure that your students can get access to it whenever and in the way they prefer.

It has a fantastic native app that gives your students access from anywhere. It has the same features as the web platform, and it also includes mobile notifications, so your members can see any new information you post, upcoming events, etc. The app currently holds received a 4.7-star score on the Google Play Store.

When you build a profitable class or community-based business, it also grows with you, offering a completely branded app on the App Store and Google Play Store. Your students see your name and logo rather than ours. Additionally, you get a beautiful and responsive application for your company.

Mighty Pro - Phone1

They are built by using Mighty Pro. If you believe that you're ready for an entirely white-label application, reach out and schedule an appointment with us, and we can talk it through and even show you a demonstration!


Thinkific does not have a mobile app. If you create your course in the Thinkific platform, clients will be able to access it via the website - not with a native mobile app. This is a huge miss at a time where more people access the web through their mobiles than through any other means.

6. Are you ready to begin?

The comparison we have made between Thinkific and Thinkific has you super looking forward to building your amazing course. The next step is to make your choice and begin building a business that creates positive change in the lives of everyone!

If you're in the market for an amazing course or community system that combines an excellent LMS, Live streaming and events and a myriad of community features, and a great app, then give Mighty the app a go! It will continue to grow along with you If you're ready, you can also take the leap into Mighty Pro and get a totally branded app! It's always a pleasure that our hosts see so much growth they make that transition.

Ready to launch your online course and community?

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