Video Presence And Presentation

Nov 17, 2022

Do you recall what it was like to shoot and upload the first time you uploaded a video on YouTube?

It's likely that it wasn't your best.

In addition, you need to come across as interesting in the videos you post on your YouTube channel, but you must also have a strong image for your online course.

to help you improve your camera skills, we have invited Zain Meghji to share some of his top strategies for increasing your exposure on camera and create engaging video content for online courses.

Zain is the head of Video Content at Daily Hive. Over the last 20 years, he has worked in the industry of entertainment both sides of the camera - ranging from being an entertainment reporter for television shows such as STG E Talk, Extra, Showbiz Tonight and hosting the Canadian version of How To Look Good Naked and aired on Oprah Winfrey Network.

  This video Zain shows you the best way to impress your audience by your appearance on video:  

  The Difference Between Presence and Presentation  

It's no surprise that the most important elements that determine how effective your videos will be is your appearance and your style of presentation.

But what is the difference between those two?

As Zain summarizes it so succinctly:

Your presence is the way in which you're presenting yourself. Presentation, is what you're doing.     Zain Meghji

Presence comes from inside.

This isn't something is easy to do. For example, you can't 'do' excited. You can however be.

Presentation on contrary, can be a thing you make.

The body language is what you use that you use, your attire and move, the way you make eye contact with people within the room.

It's all about the most obvious aspects of how you display yourself in the process, and consequently, it impacts the way you come across to others.

  How To Transform Your Presentation and Look Great on Camera  

Your presentation is most simple to enhance.

First, you must focus on the basics of what you do on the your camera. Below is a list of tips Zain would like you to consider:

  • Fix your hair, collar, makeup, etc. to look your best
  • Wear clothes you feel good in and compliment you
  • Choose the appropriate colours for your needs
  • Be aware of the person you're representing, who you stand for and what you're wearing is supporting the person you're representing (i.e. Dress to be the character)

Furthermore, Zain recommends his advice from the show "How to Look Beautiful Naked" The idea involves looking at yourself in the mirror , and then ask yourself " What do I like in myself? "

In the next step He suggests identifying those aspects of yourself you like, and finding the appropriate color as well as accessories that draw attention to the best aspects of you.

Zain also gives some basic guidelines on using lighting, how to smile and figure out your personal brand in his YouTube video. Check it out above to find out more!

  How To Amplify Your Presence and Connect with Your Target Audience  

Your camera's presence on the internet is something that cannot be duplicated.

However, it's something that can be cultivated.

There are a variety of ways Zain amplifies his presence:

  1) Big Energy  

Zain ensures to boost his energy by presenting a heightened version of himself every moment he's on camera.

There are various methods for his method of doing this - one is to jump around and back while speaking"out the words loudly "I'm thrilled! I'm excited! I'm excited!"

  2.) Create Examples  

The second method that Zain advises to increase your presentation is to identify those you wish to emulate, and bring your own personal qualities about them back into your presentation.

This is especially useful for quiet-spoken people, who want to break out of their shells.

In his video Zain speaks with one of his team members Laurenne, at Daily Hive Video, and shows you how she emulates others in capturing their soul through the camera. See how she does it over here!

  3) Use The Camera Like Your Friendship  

A major mistake most video presenters make on camera is when they begin speaking in the voice that Zain refers to as Host voice .

In essence, host voice is how television hosts used to speak in the past 10-20 years.

It's an extremely well-structured way to speak that involves ending every part of your sentences with the same note, which was designed to ensure every word was articulated perfectly so it can be understood.

The issue of this is that it creates a disconnect from the audience.

The way that Zain and Andrew suggest instead is to imagine you're having a normal, everyday chat with your friend, and keep in mind that behind you of the camera is a real human being that will be watching.

That way, you show up as if you're present even when you're not there physically.

And by doing so it allows you to communicate your message significantly more effectively.

This is the Art Of The Interview

If you're planning to create online courses as well as content to your YouTube channel using interviews with guests, this category is the right place for you.

Whether the content lives, a fundamental part of doing interesting interviews is to lead your audience through the story you want to share.

Here are a few ideas from Zain for this task:

  1) Create a Plan of Your Goals  

What would you like to accomplish in the interview?

For Zain his interviews, the aim for each interview is threefold: to find something interesting, something humorous, and something people haven't heard anywhere other than Zain.

For this reason to do this, he must research his guests properly, and thinks of questions, in advance.

Once you have your set questions, you know where you'd like to go. Keep your eyes on that direction instead of focusing on your answers.     Zain Meghji

  2) Don't Research Too Much  

Although it may seem oddly contradictory to the previous article, it's essential not to overly study your guest at the time of your visit.

The reason for this is it can remove the element of being interested in the interview and allow the conversation to naturally develop throughout your interview.

  3) Do Not Jump In the Deep End Too Quickly  

As Zain points out, sometimes it's easy to get real quick and talk to your guests too fast even if you've conducted as thorough a study of your guests as you could.

More typically it's not a good fit particularly in the first inquiry.

What Zain suggests in this instance, is to remember to ease your guest into the interview, so that they feel they're secure enough to reveal more information about them.

  4) The Public Doesn't Understand Everything You Know  

Although it's very engrossing to be caught in the interview with the guest, it's vital to remember that the viewership is there to receive satisfaction from your material.

Your target audience may not have the same knowledge of research or background information that you have, so keep that in your head. even if that means asking questions that you know the answer to.

Zain continues to use his video to clarify when to let a conversation go on and the best time to perform a hard reset to where you want it to go. Learn how to maintain this delicate balance.

How To Tell A Story

The most effective way to convey your message is to use stories.

And as Zain says how to create an engaging story is to create the following:

Beginning - where you paint the image of how things are right now
 Middle-ground - the place where you can show your audience what could be different
 End - finally where you get the public to engage in an active part

Like self-help author Stephen Covey says, you need to begin with your goal in mind .

You should think about what your message is and what the purpose of the video is and what action is that you wish your viewers to take as a result after watching your video.

You can then link a specific, personal story with the message that you're trying to communicate.

In this way, you'll ensure that the people who relate to it, are aware of what you're trying educate them about and also like you better.

To connect with Zain Meghji, visit, follow him @zainmeghji, or work with him at

Not sure where to start in creating your course? Download the free guide below for a roadmap on the first five steps needed to make money from your YouTube channel through courses!