Understanding CSAT: The Ultimate Guide to Scores for Customer Satisfaction

Jan 21, 2024

Your customers rarely inform you about a negative service. Instead, they'll continue to churn customers or even block people in their circles from recommending your company.

To prevent this it is essential to constantly analyze the customer's feelings after each core contact. The best way to accomplish this is to calculate the level of your clients' satisfaction.

In this piece, we'll show you how to collect customer satisfaction information and then analyze the information to determine the average CSAT score. We'll also provide some suggestions for improving the low CSAT and delivering better services for your customers.

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What do you mean by customer satisfaction?

CSAT is a shorthand for CSAT is a shorthand for Customer Satisfaction Score. (CSAT) is an CX measure of the satisfaction of your clients in a particular experiencefor example using your services or putting orders for your items via the web.

What is the best way to determine the level of customer satisfaction

In order to determine how pleased your customers are with their experience, it is necessary to conduct a survey about the satisfaction of your customers. survey. The survey will appear as follows:

What are your thoughts about the impression you received?

  1. We are very happy
  2. A bit satisfied
  3. Unsatisfied or unsatisfied
  4. Dissatisfied
  5. Extremely unsatisfied

Also, you can create a survey using a rating scale where customers use figures or emojis in order to measure their level of satisfaction.

What matters is that you only ask one question, and offer open-ended answers. In the case of a survey, questions shouldn't look anything like this: Explain the level of satisfaction you are with your satisfaction in only 100 words.

When you've got all the information, the next step is classifying them into positive and negative categories.

Responses that are very satisfied are positive. The ones that are not positive. Responses that are neutral, i.e"neither unhappy nor dissatisfied are in the category of negative because customers aren't satisfied with their experience. However, it is crucial to amaze your customers.

Once you've categorized the results of your survey into an categorization, the next step is to determine the satisfaction of your clients.

In addition you can download our satisfaction survey template to help in the speed of collecting the data.

How do you calculate CSAT

The CSAT formula is:

CSAT= (Number of positive replies / Total number of replies) 100

We'll see how it pans out in real time.

If you gather 150 CSAT surveys and you find that 75 of them are positive. If that is the case, your customer satisfaction score would be: (75 / 150) 100 times 50 equals percent. It means that just 50 percent of your customers enjoy a pleasant experience your company.

How can you interpret the results of your customers regarding satisfaction

How much of your rating on satisfaction with your customers is low or high will depend on the CSAT standards you've established for your company.

If the industry benchmark is 60, and your CSAT scores 65 or higher, that's a good score. But, if you're scoring 70 as the CSAT benchmark, and your scores are 65 or higher, then you're not in the top quarter and must work to improve your score.

CSAT industrial benchmark

This is a brief look at the average score of customer satisfaction for various sectors, according to Freshwork's customer Satisfaction Report.


Average CSAT

Telecommunications 42%
Retail 43%
Real Estate 45%
Transportation 46%
Pharma Biotech Biotech 50%
Educational 53%
Consumer Products 64%
Banks 71%
Consumer Services Consumer Services 73%
Recreation, Sports and Recreation 74%
Electronics 74%
Media 77%
Financial Services 77%
Food and Beverage 79%
Computer Software Computer Software 80%
Insurance 81%
Healthcare 83%
Civic, Non-Profit 86%
Federal 87%
Industrial Manufacturing and Services 89%
Computer Hardware 89%

What makes the score of satisfaction for customers vary depending on the industry?

Product complexity, industry and technology integration are the most important elements that influence CSAT for each industry.

We'll talk more about them.

Complexity of products and industries

The less complicated the product and industry, the more simple it is to provide the highest quality customer service.

Industries with high stakes such as Pharma and Biotech are subject to strict rules. They have complex procedures that can impact the user experience to meet these requirements. Take this example A client requires specific information, but the company needs to get approval from a regulatory body in order for the data to be provided -- which means the customer has to wait for an extended time.

This is different in low-risk industries such as recreation and leisure. As an example, a consumer can send an email via Instagram and immediately receive feedback from the restaurant or resort. It creates a more pleasant customer experience that positively impacts the degree of satisfaction.

Technology integration

The sectors that are tech-centric, those that rely almost entirely on technology to ensure efficient customer service, and are more likely to receive high satisfaction scores.

Technology can reduce or eliminate obstructions to customers' satisfaction. Particularly, the introduction of chatbots to your website could speed up the process of communicating with your customers. In addition, tools to collect customer feedback like Custify and AskNicely will help you understand customer sentiments in real-time.

However, the industries that are highly-touch, such as real estate might suffer from lower CSATs since they heavily rely on humans to deliver top-quality customer service. Humans are unpredictably unpredictable. Our mood and behavior change often, and influence the way we interact with other people.

Imagine a real estate agent had a heated argument with their boss prior to attending an open house. A realtor could be unruly during the time and deliver a negative impression to the customer.

Three reasons your customer satisfaction rating is not high.

Your CSAT may be smaller than the industry average for one or more of the factors listed below:

Poor user experience

It is possible that you have a great customer support team. However, if the product you offer is not easy to use, it can create a negative impression on customers and result in lower satisfaction.

The customer service department cannot solve any issues such as a slow site or a complex program online. Even if you're CS team is super responsive, your customers may eventually get bored of having to reach at them repeatedly for the same issue.

Inefficient communication

Two issues here:

Lang response time

The longer that a client has to wait to hear from a service, the less content they'll be.

Data collected by Dialpad suggests that when the customer's phone is put in hold for longer than 15 minutes, their satisfaction decreases to 45 percent. However, people who are on hold for three minutes or less of hold time have an average satisfaction of 80.


Picture this: You send an email with your complaint to a business, and no one replies. On the next day, you've already sent an email, and you get not a response. On the next day, you've sent an DM to X and also add them to your profiles on social media. Still, nothing.

It's already exhausting to witness it in person. Nobody likes to be unresponsive or even the customer. Unresponsiveness is not only an irritant and costing customers cost of time and money, it could be a sign that you don't appreciate your customer.

Personalization is not great.

Customers want businesses to be aware of their needs and preferences, and offer a personalized experience. If companies fail to do so, customers feel undervalued and inadequate, which ultimately impacts their satisfaction.

If a client receiving ineffective email marketing or product suggestions the customer may feel the business isn't aware of the customer's needs or interests. The same is true for customers. it could be frustrating and time-consuming when a client has to enter their private information or preferences every whenever they talk to the company.

How do you increase your customer satisfaction score

In the first place it is important to determine the exact reason your clients aren't happy with their experience. In order to do that you can contact them again, or send a questionnaire to those who've chosen either neutral or positive responses in order in order to know the reason they made the responses they did.

Based on customer feedback You can take any of the following to enhance customer satisfaction

Simplify user experience

Create a process that is as easy as possible for your customers to utilize your service or product. They should not require skills beyond their current skills or understanding of what your product does.

The specific user experience elements must be assessed in light of the product's design. However, you could start by examining the following aspects:

  • Cut down on the time for customers to sign up so that they can profit from your services rapidly. As an example, instead of asking clients to fill in user profiles prior to making use of your service, and let them complete the profiles at a later date.
  • Make your product design accessible. Accessibility helps people with disabilities comprehend and utilize your product. Particularly, it's crucial that you offer alternate text when it comes to non-textual content like pictures, charts and graphs. It helps visually impaired users to read the text with screen readers.
  • Create automated tutorials as well as guided tours that aid users in understanding key functions and features. Include tooltips and interactive components to assist users in navigating the app.

Personalize experiences

Personalization not only improves satisfaction, but it increases revenue and retains customers. Over 50% of the people who participated to Segment's State of Personalization survey said they'd prefer to purchase from brands with personalized experiences.

How do you provide personal experiences that are available to all? A few ideas for you to consider:

  • Ensure that customers have identical experiences no matter the method or place they interact with your company. Customers who reach your company through live chat should have similar experience regardless of whether they contact you via Instagram or on X.
  • Contact customers using their first names, and then use information-driven insight to suggest solutions and products that are compatible with their interests or prior purchase.
  • Offer personalized customer support. In this case, for example it is possible to assign a dedicated support person and account manager to attend the needs of your customers in an proactively manner.

Shorten customer response time

Automate redundant processes so that you can responses to customer questions and concerns more swiftly. A website chatbot is able to respond promptly to customer queries, resolve basic issues and refer more difficult questions to a person.

A different way to reduce the time to respond for customers is to create self-help tools such as tutorials for items and knowledge base articles. These tools can assist users in resolving simple issues independently instead of having to contact your support staff every time they face problems.

Customers love it and so do your customers. About 70% of the participants in a Nuance Enterprise survey said they'd prefer self-service alternatives over having to contact the support team.

Tools for collecting customer satisfaction data

Here is a listing of software that will aid you in gathering and reviewing customer satisfaction statistics rapidly.

Questionnaires and surveys

  • Google Forms is a Google Workspace application that allows users to make custom surveys of their customer satisfaction for no charge.
  • Typeform enables you to design surveys that is interactive and easy to use. Instead of examining all types of questions in one go, people respond to each question in a sequence -- exactly like the way you would conduct a conversation in person.

Software that provides customer feedback

  • Zendesk allows you to design and integrate the types of feedback received from your customers to your emails, websites, and mobile applications. In addition, it assists you to analyse and understand the feedback you receive. For example, you can look over feedback reports that reveal the most common complaints from your customers as well as feedback opinion including positive, negative or neutral.
  • Hubspot's software for feedback on customers gives real-time information about customers' experience. Once you've collected feedback information and are sharing it with your employees to increase informational transparency, or using the analytics features built-in to the app to make sense of the information.

Social tools for monitoring media

  • Sprout Social lets you collect feedback from those who use your social accounts. You must set up the survey of comments from customers on your account that you created on your Sprout Social account, and the program will automatically send surveys to customers following the interaction with your company via social media has occurred.
  • Brandwatch lets you track brands' mentions as well as customer opinions across different social media sites. Although it's not able to offer a quantifiable feedback to consumers however it's a great method to monitor what people say about your company on the internet in real time.

In-app feedback tools

  • Instabug is an effective tool for collecting feedback from users as well as bug reports and feature requests straight from your mobile app. It has an app-based feedback system and bug reports that allow users to swiftly and conveniently report problems or offer suggestions without needing to exit the application.

Each feedback you receive is collated on a central dashboard this allows you to control and prioritize problems. Additionally, you can identify the problems to particular team members and track the performance of each.

  • UserVoice allows companies to design customized feedback forms that are designed to integrate to their website or mobile. These forms can be used to solicit feedback from customers and include feature requests, bug reports and general feedback on the user experience.

CSAT alternative options to HTML0

Customers' behavior is constantly changing. It is therefore logical that there are a variety of methods of determining whether or not your customers are happy about the experience they have with your company.

Here are five other factors which customers consider when evaluating your company's image. Keep track of them to gain an accurate and complete view of customer opinions about your company.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure which evaluates the degree of customer loyalty towards the business or brand. It helps you assess the potential of your customers to recommend your services or product to family, friends, or colleagues.

NPS surveys typically ask clients to rate the product or service you offer on a scale from between the 0 to 10. In response to the answers of their customers, customers are classified into three groups: Promoters (9-10) and Passives (7-8) as well as Detractors (0-6). The NPS score that is calculated by subtracting the proportion of detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

The Customer Efficiency Score (CES) determines how much effort each customer invests to complete work or correct the issue. It lets you know how simple or difficult it is for customers to communicate with your company.

In order to collect CES data, you'll need to administer a single-question survey that asks the participants to evaluate their effort level they put into accomplishing a task by using a scale from 1 to 5. The lower the score, greater the ease for the client to accomplish the job.

First Contact Resolution (FCR)

A First Contact Resolution (FCR) determines the amount of complaints with customers which were addressed at the beginning of the contact. This is a great way to track the effectiveness of your customer service team as well as how satisfied your customers are by the resolution.

A score of FCR that is more than average indicates that customers are able to resolve their issues quickly and efficiently leading to higher levels of satisfaction with your customers.

The Customer Retention Ratio (CRR)

Customer Retention Ratio (CRR) determines the proportion of clients who make use of your product or service during a specific time. This indicates how committed your customers are as well as their likelihood to keep using the product or service.

The Churn Ratio (CR)

The Churn Ratio (CR) can be described as the measure of the percent of customers who cease from using your service or product over a given period. This allows you to determine the number of clients you're losing, and the reason they're leaving for another company.

An increase in CR scores means that your customers are losing out at the rate of a large number. This can negatively impact your sales and increase.

Customer satisfaction is a continuous procedure

The customer experience isn't just a once-in-a-while occasion. Customers may have given an overall score of 10/10 in the beginning of the year. However, they may not have the same impressions after three or six months.

It is crucial to take CSAT surveys on a regular basis. Think about incorporating CSAT data gathering into your company's core processes such as in-app customer interactions and usage of the product. You can then look at the data at periodic intervals to see the things that are working and what could be upgraded.

This is the most effective method to deliver exceptional customer service in a large scale.


Find answers to common customer satisfaction score questions.

What exactly does CSAT what does it mean?

CSAT is a reference to CSAT refers to Customer Satisfaction Score. CSAT is a measurement of how satisfied clients are with the company's products or services.

What's your ideal company's rate of customer satisfaction?

The perfect CSAT is determined by the industry. Insurance, for example, has a 73 percent CSAT benchmark. On the other hand the most ideal rating for customer satisfaction in e-commerce firms is at least the 80% mark.

How often should companies track CSAT?

It is recommended to evaluate your company's CSAT each two times per year to see the extent to which your product or service can meet the demands of customers. You can send out regular CSAT questionnaires, and then review your results in the middle and end of the year.

How do CSAT differentiate the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score measures the level of customer loyalty. CSAT is a measure of satisfaction with the customer.

NPS measures how likely clients tend to purchase from you on a regular basis and recommends your company to those in their network. In the opposite direction, CSAT is the measure of how pleased buyers are with your product or services are.

These indicators can help you determine the level of service you offer to your clients.

How does CSAT be evaluated?

CSAT is calculated in percent. In order to calculate your score based on satisfaction, you need divide the total number of reviews that have been positive by the amount of reviews. Then, multiply the results by 100.

Say you have 40 positive reviews of your overall feedback. The CSAT for you is (40 + 50) x 100 = 80 Percentage.

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