Top Edtech Trends for 2022 -

Mar 23, 2022

What is the trajectory of education technology? transform by 2022 and beyond and what trends in the field of edtech have to be aware of? Find out here.

We've witnessed an increase in enrollments of nearly 250% in the last year, and that number continues to increase. The market for educational technology is expected to reach $377.8 billion by 2028, there's no doubt that educational technology (edtech) hasn't stopped growing.

So what's coming up in Edtech? How is it going to develop and change in 2022, and what edtech trends do have to be conscious of?

  1.      Virtual real and augmented
  2.      Gamification
  3.      Big data
  4.      Flexibility
  5.      Artificial intelligence
  6.      E-learning

What exactly is Edtech?

Edtech is a digital form of technology, like computer hardware or software developed to aid or enhance teaching and learning.

It could be referring to tangible objects like laptops with interactive whiteboards, interactive whiteboards or tablets, or translation devices. Also, it can be referring to software such as virtual reality software and online educational platforms. Edtech is designed to encourage education and make it easier for teachers to facilitate learning.

Why is Edtech crucial?

Edtech aids teachers and instructors convey their knowledge better, as well as aids students in learning. The benefits don't just apply to classrooms, edtech can help with corporate onboarding and training, self-directed online learning or extracurricular group learning like classes in art or language.

Edtech can help students learn by using methods that are beneficial to their needs. In the case of some students, they may learn the best when hearing someone speak about a concept, while others might learn best using their hands. However, both styles of learning can be accommodated while learning something such as how to construct the birdhouse (one student may watch an instructor demonstrate how to build a birdhouse, while the other can start trying to build one) It's not always simple. Through edtech tools like virtual reality in the picture the students have the opportunity to test almost everything from potentially dangerous experimentation in science to exploring Mount Everest or space.

Edtech is also a way to provide access for students with disabilities. Technology can help students who have disabilities with cognitive or sensory impairments comprehend materials better. Simple things like having access to online course materials give students the option to listen to textbooks for those who struggle to read, or read captions on lectures.

Technology has the potential to change the way students learn and teachers - it could make learning accessible, immersive as well as enjoyable.

1. Virtual reality and augmented reality

VR (VR) and Augmented reality (AR) give students exciting options to learn. Instead of simply studying or watching videos regarding a particular subject learners can make use of VR and AR to experience the concepts in 3D.

The applications are almost endless, from students virtually traveling to landmarks and museums, to medical students learning the fundamentals of how to communicate with patients in an emergency department and provide precise diagnoses. While the pandemic led to the development of VR for education into the spotlight due to the necessity of it, we'll still observe VR and AR to learning expand in 2022.

  VR for hands-on learning  

There are a number of firms that specialize in VR to aid the educational purposes. An excellent example of this is The ENGAGE platform. Its ENGAGE team has designed the metaverse for professional use by both universities and businesses for learning and training purposes. Customers are able to create their own unique virtual universe that they can use to train, on-boarding, demonstrations, lectures and other professional gatherings.

Stanford University used ENGAGE for their first VR class in 2021, dubbed "virtual individuals." VR headsets were given to the students as well as more than 50% of classes were conducted in VR. Students were able in order to learn how to communicate and learn virtually.

Another great example one is Expeditions Pro, a company which is taking over the defunct VR part of Google Expeditions. Expeditions Pro offers the ability to build VR tours, as well as access to a large existing collection of VR tours. They could range from the Louvre as well as the Great Wall of China, and even exploring the depths of the sea. Students can learn both from designing their own tours as well as from experiencing tours that have already been created.

Teachers can also use Google Earth VR for taking students for virtual field trips all over the globe, without ever having to leave their classrooms. Who wouldn't like to find out about the history of the ancient Romans through a virtual version of Rome?

image of Google Earth VR travel options to demonstrate VR edtech trends

  VR in special education  

VR helps children with special needs improve communication skills and practice social interactions in a secure environment. The research has proven that VR can be effective to reduce social anxiety ADHD and cognitive issues, dyslexia, down syndrome, and other.

VR headsets and devices remain expensive, and therefore are not accessible to many educators. We've witnessed the pricing of VR headsets vary from $1000 USD to $400-$300 in recent years. Since more players enter the market, we will be seeing prices go down and become more accessible. VR is an extremely powerful method of learning and will only continue to expand as a tool for education into 2022 and beyond.

2. Gamification

Edtech introduces gamification on a new level, with numerous online games for learning, as well as online courses with awards and certificate of achievement. This can be particularly useful to keep children interested in studying. According to BlueWeave Consulting the global education game industry is projected to expand by at minimum 29% by 2027 and was already worth $697.26 million in 2020. The gamification industry won't be going anywhere.

At a basic level, websites like offer children in school with online games that help them learn about fundamental concepts such as reading, math, strategies and other abilities. Although the basic website is totally free, the majority of websites that offer games also have premium options.

In the world of video games The game that is so popular Minecraft has released an Education Edition specifically meant for teaching. The game's sandbox provides teachers and learners with an immersive environment to create and explore in. The example on Minecraft's site outlines an investigative mission to explore the effect of agriculture on climate changes. Students can interact with NPC's (non-player characters) and walk through the farm in game as well as design their individual urban farms using the information they've gathered.

screenshot of minecraft education edition to demonstrate gamification edtech trends

Undoubtedly we'll witness more video games appearing in the market with learning being the primary objective. In addition, we're likely to be seeing more gamification in the classroom with computers and tablets as more and more tech is introduced into the classroom.

3. Big data

The world is filled with big data nowadays. In the year 2019, 90 percent of the world's digital information was created over the previous two years. The quantity of information available is growing at an exponential rate, but how will edtech leverage the data available in 2022 and in the years to come?

  Student engagement  


When instructors have data from the past regarding their students' learning habits via online learning, they may make inferences about how every student learns most effectively. This allows students to take personalized learning routes that progress at their own pace. We're already seeing this happening with self-paced online courses, but it will continue to increase in popularity as more learning happens digitally. With 73% of college education students choosing to enroll in certain online classes post-infection teachers will continue to offer an online option. With online learning comes access to data of students and much more personalized instruction.

4. Flexibility

The COVID-19 virus forced educational institutions as well as course creators to get flexible in how they deliver knowledge to students. Flexible online learning is here to stay and improve in 2022.

  Asynchronous Learning  

  Student autonomy  

John Drea outlined his experiment of in-person learning vs. Zoom on Harvard Business Publishing for Education. Two of his courses, he gave students the option of joining by Zoom or in person. He also surveyed what the students chose to do and received comments from students. John observed that the students appreciated the flexibility and autonomy to choose how they attended the class. John didn't find it difficult to implement the option of zooming because he had to have the webcam to record his lectures.

This is a great example of how allowing students to choose different choices for attending classes can benefit students. When students have the autonomy to choose how they go to class, they're more likely to attend classes due to other obligations.

In addition to university environments Students are increasingly choosing online classes due to the flexibility they give. Online courses can be done anywhere in the world, when it is convenient for them. It makes learning easier and easily integrated in students' lives. Students will continue to demand autonomy in 2022.

  Online communities  

5. Artificial intelligence

We have already discussed how huge data can be used to assist in personalizing the learning experience for students. Artificial Intelligence takes things to the higher level when it comes to personalization in edtech. While educators can find insights by themselves, and then apply these insights using analytics of data, AI systems can take over this time-consuming work. If provided with enough data, AI creates machine learning models which provide insight and patterns in output.

Microsoft reported it has 92 percent of US educators have started to experiment with AI technology. The report also noted that 15% calling it"a "game-changer."

Companies such as CENTURY Technology provide educational platforms that are personalized to teachers. They employ AI as well as behavioral science to fill gaps in student knowledge and present learning material for students at the appropriate time.

screenshot of AI company website to demonstrate AI and machine learning edtech trend

ELSA is an AI-powered app for learning languages that can help English learners to speak confidently. The app boasts an AI-powered voice assistant which provides the analysis of speech and pronunciation in order to find areas that need improvements for the student.

screenshot of ELS AI language learning company to demonstrate AI edtech trend

AI continues to improve learning as more companies jump into the field of education technology. The possibilities with AI for innovation and individualized learning are stunning and have clear advantages for instructors and students.

6. E-learning

Learning that is e-learning takes place with electronics - usually on the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies as well as education to move to move online and the trend is likely for the long haul. Course creators, educators, trainers, and students are all required to become familiar with the online learning environment and have to adapt, which is why some educators are taking things up a notch.


The top online course creators aren't any anymore just creating a collection of video lessons and calling it an entire day. They're offering complementary learning content like ebooks, personal training sessions, memberships as well as digital downloads. This is a benefit for students who get additional learning resources, as well as an advantage for course designers who can use materials to generate leads or make additional charges for content.

  Mobile learning  

The mobile learning industry may grow to over 280 billion by 2027. The students are searching for educational online courses that work seamlessly across their smartphones and tablets and tablets, which means they are able to study while on the move. E-learning platforms will be focusing on mobile-friendly content as educators are looking to make their educational content available for mobile users.

If you're a course creator or educator trying to make your course better, an interested learner, or perhaps someone who is completely unfamiliar with the world of edtech, these trends will help prepare you for the future of learning in the 2022's and even beyond. Edtech can help make learning more enjoyable, complex, and effective for both students and teachers. It's in everyone's best interest to leverage edtech to enhance the overall learning experience.