The three best lead magnets for launching your email list with bang

Aug 1, 2023

Lead magnets may be the secret component that your list-building approach is missing. Here's why and how to start using them now.

After a few minutes the listening experience of those marketers and small business executives discuss the benefits of their email list begins to look like that particular scene, as well as its music from The Lion King.

It's almost like it's too good to be true. Average ROI of 3800% ? There is no way. 99% of professional believe that they prefer email to generate leads? That's a bit much.

There's a good reason behind it. Email marketing is not a one-sided affair between businesses and their customers. Much like The Lion King, email is beloved by all across the world of commerce.

In actual fact, 73% of customers consider email to be the preferred method to get marketing messages and interactions.

This isn't the issue you're having trouble with.

No, your problem is a lot simpler in the sense that you understand that you need an email address, but how on earth are you supposed to build it from scratch?

Furthermore, how can create a quick list without compromising on quality?

The answer, friend, is as simple as:

You need an effective lead magnet.

That's what we'll tackle in the coming days. We'll first explain the reasons and then demonstrate how, and finally top the whole thing off with a done-for-you lead magnet solution to energize your list building within ten minutes.

Let's get started.

What exactly is a lead magnet?

The key differentiator in a lead magnet from any other form of content marketing - we'll get into this in a second -- is that lead magnets are paired with a particular reward contingent on the users' taking the desired action (e.g. signing up to your email list).

This box for subscriptions on the homepage of Backlinko is not an ad-hoc lead generator. The tips and tricks may indeed be exclusive only to Brian Dean, they are not provided in as a specific resource as a reward for sign-up.

In contrast, this case study at the bottom of the page is an effective lead-generator because the resource is gated through an email address block. It's only after users' decide to take the action they want and convert to subscribers that they are able to access the study.

Both buttons lead users to the same location -- Brian's email list -- but it's only the second one that rewards potential subscribers with an event-based reward.

As a rule of thumb, the easiest way to remember what classifies as an lead magnet and what does not is to apply the "if it is true, then" formula.

If the user completes the desired action, the user will receive an xyz reward in exchange.
If a user fails to do the right thing in the time frame specified, the user won't get xyz as a gift.

However, that's enough to get you started on the right path. Beyond the above definition, how (and how and why) do lead magnets work?

Lead magnets' process usually looks as follows:

The steps can vary -the user may begin on the page that leads to lead magnets -- but the relationship between the action and reward is otherwise constant.

That brings us back to the "why" behind the lead magnets.

They give your visitors a reason, right then and there, to hand over their details to convert them into leads right away. (The are really excellent lead magnets in the end, however. Further details on this will be discussed in a second, too.)

This means that lead magnets solve the top problem in marketing faced by more than 61% of professional across the globe by driving traffic as well as leads all in one fell swoop.

Another way to look at it as the distinction in messaging someone via an app for dating and warming them up with witty one-liners or asking that similar person to dine together when you're in the same restaurant.

If you do it correctly, you'll be able to have an email subscription within a less time than it takes to execute your formal content plan. Don't do it right and your the users will immediately flinch, just that is, and will not return.

That isn't hyperbole It's true, in fact.

A minimum of 70% of visitors who abandon your website immediately after their first visit will never make their way back again.

Therefore, getting your lead magnet perfect isn't about just generating more leads -- it's about making the strongest impression that visitors can make when they are able to convert into leads.

The short answer: by using the appropriate touch points at the appropriate time to those who are in the right place at the right time.

For more information for the long answer, continue reading.

The best lead magnets are targeted to address the problems

If you're about to fall into an endless hole of despair, trying to figure out when the best time, place, and method you'll create an attractive lead magnet to attract customers, keep your eyes on the prize.

The thing that lead magnets with high-quality performance share isn't the amount of time required to make them, or their budgets or the expertise of their creators that's the issue: their target.

Simply put The more focused and useful the content of your lead magnet to your target audience that you're trying to reach, the better your lead magnet will perform for both your company and the customers you serve.

Be aware that your aim with all types of contentregardless of whether it's an ad, blog post, or a webinar -- should never be to appeal to the large majority of the population.

Your golden rule should always be appealing to your particular audience.

It is true that 71.7 percent of those who cited the content as insignificant identified it as too general in nature.

In comparison, just 2.9% of the same users believed that the content was irrelevant because it was not sufficiently sophisticated or specific.

If you can take anything else away from this article today, let it be that:

Whatever product you choose to sell including lead magnets that seeks to please everyone may be admired by a small number of people, but ignored by a lot of people.

Now, with that soapbox gone How do you make sure that the lead magnet you've chosen to use is appropriate to the people you target? After nailing your customer research down, it's beneficial to evaluate your users' pain points.

Pain points, even if you've never heard of the phrase previously, refer specifically to problems the users of your business are having that are relevant to your company. These are not the solutions to those issues.

This comic by Ceralytics nicely demonstrates the difference between problems and solutions .

Potential issues could include:

I'm trying to reduce the size of my files, without the quality being affected.

I'm in need of a compelling logo for my company.

I need to cut down on my time between pitch and deliverable.

They would not, however, be:

I'm looking to save documents in .PNG format.

I'm looking for a color scheme for my customer.

I require an automated process.

Why? because the first half is issues that aren't solved yet. solutions. The second half are the (possible) solution to these problems.

However, while they can be a useful method to focus the attention of your lead-generating content, not all pain points make an ideal content.

There's a myriad of pain points that customers encounter throughout their day. And if it's not something that users are enthusiastic about finding solutions to -- i.e. looking for solutions to, then even if they're relevant to your target market, it's unlikely that you will achieve the results you're looking for.

A great lead magnet should be both passion-fueled and profitable.

So if it's a pain area that people would love to address -it's a pain point that people are passionate about addressing - i.e. it's possible to see Reddit threads seeking assistance, or there's an industry for similar high-end products -- it fits into the top right quadrant and will produce an audience-relevant and targeted lead-generating magnet.

If, on the other hand, it's a pain point that people aren't eager to address or pay a fee to make go away, then it will fall on the left part of the matrix and probably shouldn't be your next lead magnet.

For instance, this is how I'd deal with my customers' issues with regard to Content strategy:

In other words, here's what comes down to:

Lead magnets that work are relevant to their intended users and target specific issues.

(Coincidence? No, probably (Probably not.)

If you'd rather take things easy, I recommend opening our download generator in a new tab and navigating. However, no matter how you build your lead magnet use these guidelines and tricks to help you make your lead magnet stand out from the pack.

Three lead magnets that are easy to create and how to get them to stand out

We're going to be focusing on three formats today -the three formats we consider our top choices for lead magnets as well as those that have worked best for us. However, should you be interested in investigating other formats, Blogging Wizard has an extensive guide to lead magnets that I'd strongly recommend.

Otherwise, these are the types we'll be tackling for the rest of the article:

Sound good? Then without further ado Let's get started.

#1. Include visual elements in your checklists to make a lasting impression

They're, hopefully, simple to comprehend and comprise items which users are able to interact with through the process of completing items whether on a laptop or by using the pen. They're generally less visually-intensive in comparison to other formats.

Be aware that I say less visual-heavy and not visual-free. On the whole, marketers employed in the field of content marketing favor material which incorporates visual appeal , and this includes checklists.

Why? There are several reasons why checklists need to contain visuals. However, the most striking is the impact the image has on awareness of brands. Three days after exposure, people are able to hold as much as 65% of the information they have seen when it is paired with a photo.

Or, put in some more pragmatic terms, including illustrations to your checklists can make them memorable and distinctive and keeps your business top-of-mind while users put your checklist to work.

However, you don't have to have a wildly creative design in order to create impression with an agenda. Small visual elements could make a big difference.

As an example, take a look at the (abbreviated) blog writing checklist by CoSchedule.

When viewed objectively, it's an extremely sophisticated design however, it does incorporate the use of colors, icons and visual hierarchy that create the information itself - such as the 21-item list -- stand out compared with other options and boost the perceived worth of the offer.

You see a similar approach in this Content Checklist for Editors by Vertical Measures.

Does the content in this checklist viable and useful to readers? Absolutely. But would someone remember that it came from Vertical Measures, or to look them up as a reliable source for blog post content if it did not feature branded colors and a logo?

Perhaps, but it's not likely or easily.

It's simple, regardless of the type of marketing that you're involved in, always your goal.

The bottom line is:

Checklists must incorporate color and your logo for branding to make them memorable and increase their appeal overall. The meat of the contents could be written in text, however an excellent steak can benefit by a properly-positioned accessory.

#2. Provide your numbered lists with wide margins and line spacing

Sequential lists, no matter if they're number-based or dotted with bullet points, have similar needs to checklists however there's one element they must have above all other things:

Blank area.

Sometimes referred to as white space or negative space. Adding ample margins and spacing between the items on your list enhances reading  as well as comprehension. It also clarifies the relationships between objects.

The distinction between a list that has spacing and one with no may seem subtle however the effect on user engagement -- as well as overall usability is not subtle.

Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about:

If the list is just four items long, as in the above example, the small margins and a tight structure might be acceptable, but imagine similar spacing on the case of a list with 20 items.

You could even take a look at it to see it yourself.

The main difference between the two lists is one 0.20 increase in line spacing, but the ability to scan and absorb the data will make all the distinction.

If your list of numbers is leading people through an action, it's not a difference that you should be able to ignore.

Actually, I mean "afford" as a literal sense I am referring to "afford" in the literal sense, as well.

The addition of white space between products can uplift conversions during the checkout process by as much as 33%  in the same way as it was for Xerox, while fostering more user-friendly experience and the overall level of engagement.

This improvement in conversion and comprehension has been demonstrated repeatedly by different research groups, and there isn't a single element in your digital presence -- or products -which won't benefit from well-applied white space , including numbers on lists.

Here's the essence of the matter:

Numbered lists need visually balanced components in order to keep their utility to users. If your user has to squint to read through the lead magnet, it's unlikely to deliver an enjoyable user experience and prove the importance of your business.

This makes it a lead magnet that attracts traffic and then it loses them all in one breath. Ouch.

#3. Limit lead magnet ebooks to the size of 2,000 words or less

If the header above seems strangely unique to you, there's a reason for that: this advice only applies when you're creating ebooks for an attention-grabbing lead magnet.

If you're creating an ebook that's formatted to be leadsetters -- whether it's a case study an essay, or an excerpt of a chapter from a larger book -- you want to keep your ebook to just 7 minutes reading time, or 2,000 characters.

The number is derived from a study done by the blogging platform Medium on the ideal length of long-form posts.

The vertical Axis (the bar that runs from the top to the bottom) is the duration of the article; while the horizontal axis (the bar from right to left) indicates how long the post would take to read in a normal speed.

You can observe that viewership peaks around the 7-minute mark, and it then starts to decrease with the length of the article. With the caveat that this data applies to content on blogs but not specifically lead magnets it is a simple connection to draw, and even more what you can learn from it is:

The majority of users don't wish to commit hours on a resource and even the best one.

For a business you run, it's not beneficial to the company if employees are able to spend all day on it regardless of whether your guide of 50,000 words is the top book for crocheting cute sea creatures, it's just not digestible, and users will not be able to read it in one sitting and then peruse your other products anytime soon.

After all, reading for pleasure is at the lowest level in the US .

This is likely to be due to the fact Americans most of all other population around the globe, spend their weekends working.

This leads us to the most important issue: we do not have much time to spare.

When the goal of an lead magnet is to entice users to join your email list in order that they can be nurtured for purchase, an ebook that takes them a time to go through (assuming they're able to get it that far) will not do your brand or lead anyone any favors.

Keep it brief and direct. It's a win-win for everyone.

How do lead magnets become big and sturdy

Think of leads as multivitamins. They're not going to fix your problems with email marketing in a matter of hours however, they can provide you with -- and the people who join your list -- the growth spurt you need to get where you want to be quicker.

And in that same spirit of brevity, here's the quick recap of what we've covered in the past:

Lead magnets are deals that are usually made as downloadable resources, that give users an incentive to sign up for your mailing subscriber list.

The top lead magnets are designed to their intended audiences. The more general your lead magnet's content is, the more lukewarm your reception.

Lead magnets may be in different formats, but the easiest to get started with are checklists, numbered checklists, or ebooks.

If you're creating your lists, be sure that you add a few visual components. Without these, your company's image regardless of whether you've got a great listwill be a bit stale.

The lists that are numbered benefit from images, as well, but they require space between items to be usable. A crowded list does not increase its value but it does make it less understandable.

Ebooks packaged as lead magnets should follow the same rule of thumb as long-form posts -- make it concise and to the point. Around 2,000 words or a seven-minute reading time is the optimal.

Maybe you're interested in line spacing as well as character count. I won't judge.