The story of how the Farmer's Dog became the main of the story thanks to its Emmy-nominated commercial

Nov 5, 2023

Staff at the farm's Dog The aim of their debut Super Bowl ad was simple to cause people to cry. "There was one sentence within the ad brief that was essentially like, if you do not get your viewers to feel moved, then you've not succeeded." said filmmaker Goh Iromoto who adapted The Farmer's Dog iconic (and Emmy nominated!) advertisement "Forever" to life. "I'll not forget the phrase. It was an important motivational factor, both creatively and for me personally."
  We were interested in learning more about Staff-Picked which was the highest-rated commercial of the 2023 Super Bowl and has been nominated for an Emmy nod (!) We sat down with Goh as well as the creatives of The Farmer's Dog to find out more about their amazing collaboration, their precise outline and the dogs which helped inspire the spot. Discover more information about the episode's most important lessons or view the whole discussion here.

Name of the project "Forever" The Farmer's Dog
Stakeholders Teressa Iezzi, Director of Creative and Content
Sophie Forman, Director of Brand Design
The goals of the Campaign Teressa and Sophie wanted to create ads that reflect their company's slogan, "Long Live Dogs."

The brand has been focusing upon its advertising on specifics about its products. But, Teressa and Sophie realized that the Q1 campaign had to clearly bring its mission which is helping pets live longer, more joyful and healthier lives into focus in a unique way.
Goals * Create The Farmer's dog's purpose and rallying cry with an artistic and powerful style
• Tell a story that is emotional which goes well beyond the details about the products.
Timeline Timeline The entire campaign took four months from beginning to run, with the structure of the campaign resembling like this:

Short stage
October with the team
December | Shoot
January | Post-production
February Live!
Resource The Farmer's Dog team worked incredibly along with Goh in order to create the final product. Goh was the creative genius as well as the project's manager, and Teressa and Sophie had a major role on the development of the concept. They co-created the project from start to finish.
Key lessons * Put money into your short
The story is the focus rather than the things
* Great work deserves great promotion

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