The new course content is dripping as a built-in feature in courses
The past few weeks, we've launched some exciting new features to aid in making online courses more effective and easy to handle.
What's inside? Toggle
- What exactly is Course Content Dripping?
- What Impact Will Content Dripping have on your course?
- The new built-in course content Dripping Simplifying the Rules for Courses
- How to Set Up the Course Content Dripping feature in Courses
- What's next for courses? What should we say? What's New...
From engaging assignments to a highly organized gradebook, we've spent in the past several months building everything you require to create an unforgettable experience.
After the initial jitters of your first day are past and your students are beginning to get used to their new surroundings, now is the perfect time to focus on the main assignments for your course. And we've got just the opportunity to ensure that your class is at the right time and in a timely manner.
The most up-to-date update for Courses: built-in content dripping!
If you have a plan for your program with our new Dripping of feature will ensure that your students get their education exactly at the time they need the most, when they're in the need of these features.
Don't overwhelm your students by forcing the entire curriculum on them at once, or having students race to get ready for the next lesson. Dripping lets you present your lesson content in smaller chunks to keep your students interested and eager to see what's coming up the next time.
The latest features are set to evolve in line with your needs and make it simpler than ever before to organize and control the contents of your online courses.
What exactly is Course Content Dripping?
There's been instances when there were these kinds of moments... watching all the TV shows over the course of a weekend, and going through over the page of a book, and then realizing you've finished off a full box of chocolate chips... totally alone ().
When we engage in activities we like, it may feel satisfying initially but, you'll often feel unsatisfied afterwards.
Learning could be the exact method. If students absorb excessive amounts of knowledge in a short quantity of time, this could cause:
- Belief: Worrying they missed an important aspect or committed a mistake.
- regretted: Wishing they had been patient enough to understand the subject.
- Doubts: Questioning if they actually comprehended the facts.
- Insanity Inundated by the amount of details you require simultaneously.
This isn't the kind of emotions you would like students to have after finishing your class.
This is the place where content drips come in!
Instead of handing your students everything at all at once, teaching drips lets you distribute content on a regular, timed period. This allows students to be patient with every lesson, remain engaged as well as learn more quickly.
What Differences Will Content Dripping bring to your Course?
1. Build Knowledge A Step at a time
Instead of giving students access to all content in one go, dripping makes sure that each lesson is taught in a specific sequence, allowing students to gain knowledge in a gradual manner.
Step-by-step instruction will help students be confident in their success and progress when they move through the curriculum.
Also, think about your lesson as an actual staircase, with each step is completely unique. It is vital to make sure your pupils grasp the basics before going on onto the following. It is vital that they understand the basic principles before they tackle more advanced ideas.
2. Get students involved and make sure they are engaged
If students are aware the new materials are coming often they are enticed and awe. Students are kept interested and they're waiting for the next lesson or class.
They have a habit of preparing time in advance for each new lesson which improves the likelihood of them being throughout the entire lesson, from beginning to the end.
3. Produce Content Right at the Right Time
The drip feature in the course allows you to have complete liberty to choose the date and manner in that you publish your lesson plans. It also allows you to align them with your course's schedule.
If you're planning to showcase an idea that demands an extra amount of attention or are preparing for a major project that will take longer, using content drips lets you adjust the delivery of your content to meet the needs of your pupils as well as the purpose of your class.
4. Let everyone Learn while having fun
Dripping course materials are an effective method of helping students move at a steady rate, so that nobody progresses too quickly or gets left in the dust.
By releasing information regularly it creates an environment for learning in which all students are progressing by working.

Additionally, when everybody is working together and you're able to identify and address any areas in which students could require additional assistance and ensure that nobody is not left in the cold.
5. Let Learning be Meaningful and be manageable
The process of learning must be one that the students like and not a stressful experience. When the entire class is taught concurrently the students might experience excessive anxiety and stress.
The dripping of content from the course helps students by delivering lessons in smaller, easier parts.
Instead of being pressured to absorb everything in just one class, learners can process information with a relaxed and slow manner, which makes learning experience more personalized and achievable.
Separating your content, and allow a few feelings of pride to your students after they finish each section. It helps to maintain the students' enthusiasm, and keep them motivated to continue their learning.
Shortly, course drips are an efficient method of helping keep students engaged in, engaged and focus. It's an easy and efficient method to change the way you present your course to make learning an enjoyable learning experience for everyone engaged.
NEW: The Dripping of Course Content: Simplifying The Rules of Courses
Dripping course content was not an easy task which required a number of steps and making. The technique employed was capable to finish the task, however, it's clear that this was not the most efficient method to do it.
We saw the need for a efficient solution that was efficient, so we've now integrated the Rules function into our Courses add-on. Making your calendars drip-based is simple and easy.
Thanks to the built-in drip option, you'll have the ability create drip-based plans without having to quit the builder of your program. It's not just a way to reduce time but also makes sure that the resources that you use for your classes are secure and distributed according to plan.
Furthermore, you are able to modify drip notifications in the settings. It's easy for your students to know when new versions of the material is due to become available. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the on the same page.
Our attention is paid to technical issues when focusing on the technical aspects and allowing you to concentrate on what is most crucial in making high-quality content for your course.
How do I Set-Up for the content of my Courses to flow into the Courses?
If your students are speeding ahead, it is important to plan your lessons to ensure that they remain focus and stay on the right path.
As we mentioned a while earlier, Courses makes use of guidelines to control the flow of information.
HTML0 But, any drip settings applied through Rules may hinder the Dripping feature that is built into the course settings.
- gives you a simple and easy experience to operate: If you want the courses to deliver information on a predetermined date (like the release of courses each week) making use of the built-in drip function is the most practical choice. It simplifies the process and ensures a consistent delivery without the requirement to set up an additional.
- to have greater control and flexibilities that are personalized If you want the ability to make material available frequently or at extremely personalized times by using Rules lets you control this. This method requires the time and energy to configure rules that are not included in the existing Rules.
Keep it Simple Let's ensure that our Drip Content flows smoothly!
For setting your course's Dripping of contents, you must start with switching on to the "Enable Dripping" option in the course's settings.
Next, you'll have to choose the method by which content should be disseminated either in segments or in each article. It is also possible to indicate the frequency (daily every day, weekly or even monthly) along with the date of commencement and the time zone of each new content publication.

Do you have the devices to build the drip of your course's content? Take a look at the following video to see a detailed outline of how you can start.
What's next in the program? What are we required to declare? What's New...
Course Dripping might be the latest and most exciting feature we've rolled out to Courses. However, it's far from the only one we've made.
Before you dive into dripping take a moment to go through several other fantastic adjustments you've seen within the plugin.
While we work to enhance the software available to students for online classes, we realized that the increasing amount of materials such as lessons or quizzes as well as assignments as well as the Gradebook demanded the use of their own space.
That's why we've given Courses its own menu item in the WordPress dashboard.

Everything related to your courses like creating a brand new course, or creating your course curriculum, or changing the course's settings can be controlled through the Courses menu on the Dashboard.
Separating courses from their own menu option allows you to manage your courses and manage membership-related tasks separated and much more effective, especially for businesses that rely on both.
If you're a regular user, you've likely noticed this minor alteration. We're hopeful that you'll appreciate the layout more clean and more organized!
If you're just beginning to explore the field of education, and you're eager to start your learning journey, then you may be thinking about how you can do to gain access to these fantastic possibilities.
Just open the plugin and open the Add-Ons tab and do a quick lookup of "course" for a narrowing of options, and there will be all the teaching tools available that are bigger than what the plugin can do:

Watch out for updates and new features in the coming months. In the meantime you'll be able make use of our newly added course content drip feature, and explore the additional enhancements we've made to simplify the design of your courses than before!
Katelyn Gillis Katelyn Gillis Katelyn who manages the membership websites or online classes can be a challenge however, this is exactly the place Katelyn is able to assist. Professional with experience in the field of education, as well as her position in the role of Content Manager. Katelyn has an ability to dissect the complexity of an issue and provide tips that are like talking to somebody who's able to understand the problem. If you're seeking fresh ideas or just some security, her blog entries will be of help.
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