The marketer's guide to Interactive video quizzes

Nov 16, 2022

An interactive video quiz can be probably the best tool in a video marketer's arsenal to engage viewers.

In the end, it allows viewers engaged with video content-- improving their recall of the experience while increasing your worth.

Unsure how to use the power of video games to educate your employees , and also sell more? We've got your back with this guide. We'll explain what a video quiz is it, how to use it and also how you can build one from scratch using .

What you'll be learning

  1.    What's a video quiz?
  2.    4 ways you can use interactive video quizzes
  3.    How can you make an interactive quiz using
  4.    Pop (video) quiz

What is a video quiz?

Viewers can easily choose between answers to your questions -and even skip any ones they're not willing to take on. Based on the kind of quiz that you design, the video can:

  • Continue reading the article when a user has answered your query or
  • branch out into a new section according to the choice the viewer selects

Either way, creating a video quiz (psst! It's easy to create an interactive quiz- we'll show you how in a bit) offers a variety of advantages, including:

  • Better viewer engagement. Instead of interacting only with your videos to press the pause button and then exit, video quizzes allow your viewers to engage with your content through sharing the answers to your well-placed questions.
  • Collecting feedback from viewers. Alongside making use of video quizzes to instruct your audience, make use of for sourcing their feedback. Simply add a 'yes or no' or 'multiple-choice form' survey at the end of the video and ask the viewers how useful the content was.
  • Improved audience segmentation. Based on the choices that people make in your video quizzes, segment them into different groups sharing traits. Use the data you gather to better target your audience by delivering relevant marketing material.

Four ways to use interactive video tests

1. Provide relevant, specific material

Utilize video-based quizzes to assist viewers understand what educational material is appropriate for their needs and what products are best for them.

2. Get customer feedback

From asking viewers for their views on the new range to asking how pleased they feel with your services or educational content, video quizzes are great for gathering feedback.

What's the best thing? It is possible to collect feedback on products too. Just create and then share small videos about the concept (based on customer requests such as suggestions for new features for your SaaS tool , or for a different pricing arrangement) and ask viewers how they like it.

3. Check your viewers' knowledge

It is a great video quiz use case for course creators and marketers sharing educational material. Companies can also use video quizzes to test their employees' understanding when they send out annually scheduled training (think DEI, IT, or cyber security courses that most companies are required to provide employees with).

This interactive quiz video example of the Radisson Hotel Group shows how they use quizzes to train hotel staff on providing superior customer service.

4. Make education simpler

Sharing complex information is never straightforward. But cutting it down to create an immersive experience using videos is an excellent way to make things easy to understand.

Additionally, by adding a reward method to your quiz to keep your viewers engaged and more successfully. As an example, this EMS Interactive Training Video gives the quiz-taker points based on their answers:

How to create an interactive quiz using video?

For starting, you'll need:

  • An account that has the Interactive Add-on activated
  • An existing video or newly uploaded footage that's ready to be interactive
  • An inventory of the questions and possible solutions which you would like to question your viewer on

 How do you create a video-based quiz in just 7 steps

  1. You can add a hotspot or an overlay to your video. You can create Quiz questions within your video, by having the hotspots show up during a specific time of the video, or by the overlay appearing at a particular time within the video. Below is an example
  1. To create, edit or manage your questions, open to the " Question manager"by adding any hotspot or overlay element. Once you've created a question in the Question Manager, you can add additional hotspots or elements to provide answers to your questions.
  1. The Question manager is where it is possible to add, edit, or delete questions to link back to your hotspot or overlay elements. There is a drop-down menu to select your question to create the answer.
  1. Complete the details of answers, score, and check if it is accurate. After you've filled all of the information, click the button to add the button to save your data in the hotspot.
  1. Repeat these steps for other hotspots or overlays that relate to the same question. Make sure you ensure that at least one is the correct answer so that you can track quiz performance.
  2. When you have finished your video, you can use the resultselement in the Overlay Editor to display results back to your viewers in real time.
  1. Download and view your quiz on video!

Pop (video) quiz

Just kidding!

In the end, videos can help engage and educate your audience better whether it's internal employees or target customers. Make use of the data from quizzes to gain an understanding of what people want, distill complex info into an exciting, engaging style, and delight prospective buyers in unexpected ways.