The Link Between Creativity and Well-being (And Three steps to increase your creativity Today) Blog

Jul 28, 2022

People tend to consider creativity to be something that you either have or do not have. The most common phrases are "Wow You're fortunate to be so inventive. I'd love to be creative as you are!" The notion of the creative process is inborn permanent, and unchangeable. However, behavioral science on creativity, which was developed by specialists, like Robert Epstein, has actually shown the contrary. The ability to be creative doesn't come from a trait that one is born with or lacks however it's a skill that is acquired through the exercise and reaps lots of health benefits when you practice the art of creative thinking.

In 2012, Tina Seelig, the executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, wrote a book, InGENIUS: A Crash Course in Creativity in 2012. The book illustrates precisely this concept. "We are all naturally inventive," Seelig told Business News Daily, "and just like any other talent, some people have more natural talent over others. Everyone can improve the level of their creativity just like everyone has the ability to enhance the capabilities of music or athletes through proper instruction and consistent training." It's not something you can do, but something you can do, and for good reason. "The common misconception about creative thinking is that it's not essential and isn't something that can be taught. Actually, it's one of the most important skills we can acquire to acquire," Seelig explained.

There's plenty of proof to support the advantages of intentionally cultivating creativity, and then exercising those capabilities as time passes. This is the primary benefit of doing this (hint that it's healthier overall, and you'll feel more satisfied) and what you can use the talents you've acquired throughout your day.

Photo from Top Teacher Mimi Chao’s class    Mark Your Memories: Make an Illustrated Milestone Map, A Creative Exercise for Any Level   .

     Creativity Enhances the Strength of the Brain    

The brain can be divided into two distinct halves. The left hemisphere of the brain handles tasks that require logic, for example, math and sciences, while the right is focused on the arts and creative. The research conducted in 2014 found that some actions considered to be creative such as the ability to play the piano actually strengthens connections between two regions of the brain. "Collectively all research seems towards expanding the idea that learning with music may cause changes in the cross-hemispheric connections and that there are major differences that are observed in the various areas within the corpus callosum (the nerve fibers connecting to create both hemispheres of our brain) in the case of musicians as compared to people who are not musicians," the authors write.

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Creativity leads to optimism and the ability to think about solutions.

Creativity produces strategies that focus on possibilities instead of what is. "With greater imagination" According to Seelig "instead of problems we can see possibilities, instead of obstacleswe can see opportunities rather than problems there are opportunities to come up with solutions." According to the author, the same type of thought that you can find in all aspects including the design of business models and products and forming alliances with countries. When we are creative "we build our future every day and every single day," Says Seelig. Additionally, the enthusiasm generated through creativity has been proven to result in better physical and mental health because it promotes an optimistic lifestyle, by decreasing the negative thought process as well as encouraging flexible behavior, and the capacity to solve problems.

Photo from  Original    Creative Transformation: 9 Exercises to Draw, Write, and Discover Your Future with Mari Andrew.

Creativity is a way of life that we can apply to everyday daily

The most basic journaling could be an effective method of working out which can increase the efficiency of your creativity. Some other activities traditionally considered creative exercises like painting and drawing, knitting and painting can aid in stimulating your creativity. There are also actions you can adopt to alter your mindset in order to foster creativity according to Prof. Dr. Art Markman, a Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and co-founder of the Program for the Human Dimensions of Organizations, says:

  1. Be open to discovering innovative ideas at the right time. "The most creative people in every field are the ones with extensive knowledge. The most creative people include Einstein, Edison, Coltrane as well as O'Keefe who are masters in their respective fields," Markman wrote, noting that the necessity of disrupting the routine of your job to conduct research on something is a major deterrent to the ability of you to "follow thoughts to different places." Make time to research ideas that are new in the first location and, afterward, as according to the guidelines Markman advises, develop the habit of sharing what you've learned for yourself so that you can build an arsenal of information which you can draw upon to develop your thinking more effectively in the future.
  2. open to learning anything and everything. The value of being open to fresh ideas, new concepts, and new experiences is a huge advantage for creativity. "The most creative individuals are usually highly open to new ideas," Markman said. Markman advises to get enough to think about and playing on concepts and concepts instead of dismissing them in the beginning due to them being unfamiliar. "When you encounter a new idea, you should be sure to take time to listen or research it in depth, but don't think about the topic too fast. You can put it away to think about it later and return when you are ready."
  3. There is the option to ask questions. Noting that a vital aspect of creativity an ability to develop ideas. is the capacity to recall any thought. This includes the abstract ideas in the form of memories. "The most inventive people don't settle for the one approach to deal with an issue. They constantly come up with different ways to describe their problem and use their minds to discover more information to help in solving the problem." Markman noted.

The research is supporting what makers, artists and imaginative minds have believed over the years: by pursuing creativity you'll gain a myriad of mental, physical and emotional benefits. Take a look at these courses to gain inventive thoughts through classes that are focused on the peace inside as well as the discovery of oneself.

Innovative Classes You Can Test Today:

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