
Sep 15, 2023

YoUPMyPPvZckfLSlzLOt The Spenser Wordpress theme (c) wordpress.org

WordPress has become the go-to platform to build websites: according to 2022 statistics from the W3Techs, WordPress powers 43.2 percent of all websites in existence! One reason for WordPress's popularity is its ability to be developed via plugins. There about 60,000 free plugins on the official WordPress directory of plugins, and many more paid-for plugins.

We are aware here at , one most popular feature for WordPress is membership. It provides an opportunity for digital publishers as well as creators to supply exclusive content, services, and other products to their clients (or members) for a fee which creates a brand new revenue stream.

What is the reason to join premium WordPress?

There was a boom of this in the time of the pandemic, as people were forced to stay at home and use the internet to consume content or even create it. Membership sites offer several benefits for both the site owners and their customers (or users). A few of the advantages associated with membership sites are:

  • Continuous stream of income: Membership sites offer a predictable recurring revenue stream for creators, as their customers pay an annual or monthly fee to access these exclusive content and services.
  • Community building: Membership sites can create a sense of community, which can lead to greater engagement and loyalty. Forums for members online provide a more formal meeting point for people who share a similar interest to talk in a quieter environment, without the clamor of, such as free Facebook groups.
  • Upselling opportunities: Membership sites can provide upselling opportunities as members might be interested in purchasing extra content, goods or access to live events or other services.

The use of WordPress to create membership websites

WordPress is an extremely robust content management system (CMS) which offers a lot of options and capabilities for the creation of membership websites. With its plethora of themes and plugins, WordPress allows you to build an entirely unique experience for your members.

Utilizing its intuitive interface and robust features, you are able to easily control memberships, access to content, and payments. Making a membership-based function within your WordPress website is not difficult due to the broad range of plugins available. The first step is to select a web hosting service and then install WordPress.

Next, choose a WordPress theme that is specifically created for membership sites. Select a theme which provides a sleek and professional design, seamless integration with membership plugins and a responsive layout for the best viewing experience on various gadgets.

Installation of Membership plugins

After you've completed that, you can choose the membership plugin you want to use and then integrate it into your site. Setting up a membership site could be an overwhelming task, especially if you prefer to work on your creativity output but don't have the expertise to build a technical site or do not want to spend the time developing a membership feature.

Fortunately there are many WordPress membership plugins to choose from, each with its own list of options and features. A few of the most popular choices are MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro. WooCommerce Memberships, as well as our own WP plugin.

It is still feasible to set up an online membership website without the use of an application, plugins can help make the process easier and efficient. In general, it's not recommended to use multiple membership plugins on your website, since they could conflict with one the other.

The membership plugins listed below are generally reputed to be secure and reliable, as they are kept current. For the sake of fairness we've highlighted the things we consider to be the significant pros and cons for every platform.

1. MemberPress

Advantages MemberPress was designed for easy content restriction, giving access to a range of Members. Integration with WordPress facilitates the management of sites and content creation. MemberPress has a wide range of payment options that allow for flexibility when it comes to monetizing.


Pros: Because MemberPress focuses on members, complete visual design requires more technical know-how, limiting design options for those who do not have technical expertise. It is possible that you will require other plugins in order to improve branding functionality.

2. Restrict Content Pro

Benefits Restrict Content Pro's user-friendly interface allows seamless content restriction, making it easy for owners of websites. It is compatible with a range of payment methods, which can help improve possibilities for monetization.

Restrict Content Pro

Cons: Restrict Content Pro was developed to aid in blocking content. However, advanced features for membership may need add-ons, potentially increasing the cost. While it's suitable for many types of membership, customizing it could require additional expertise in technical aspects.

3. LearnDash

Advantages The LearnDash learning management system (LMS) enables easy course creation, drip feeding, media and content integration. Gamification tools engage students as well. LearnDash supports various payment gateways for monetization.


Cons: Some users have complained that LearnDash offers a heavy and sluggish user experience, as well as a complex interface. The system for managing learning was designed to be a complete system and not easy to master.

4. Paying Memberships Pro

Pros: This plugin has robust content control and good membership tier flexibility, letting administrators control access to content based on membership levels, ensuring an individual user experience as well as the option of pricing.

Paid Memberships Pro

Cons: The plugin has a limited free version almost definitely requiring an upgrade to get an adequate level of customisation as well as payment functions. The total cost of high-end customer support and payments gateway charges could add up.

5. WooCommerce Memberships

Benefits WooCommerce Memberships is built especially to integrate seamlessly with WooCommerce the WordPress' own e-commerce system. It offers a range of functions, including the ability to drip content, access control, and payments integration with PayPal, Stripe and other payment gateways.

WooCommerce Memberships

Pros: While WooCommerce Memberships is versatile, it was built originally specifically for eCommerce, not as a membership. Therefore, it may not be able to cater to every intricate membership model which could limit the flexibility of your members.

6. WP-Members

The pros: WP-Members provides customizable registration forms with variable fields for gathering particular information about users during the signup process. The plugin gives you simple management of role-based user accounts, allowing you the ability to assign distinct privileges to different membership levels.


Pros: The payment gateways that WP-Members uses are limited, and if you're looking for integration beyond the basic PayPal, you'll rely on solutions from third parties. In the same way, if you're using intricate pricing structures or complex subscription models, the plugin's capabilities could be a bit restricted.

7. BuddyPress

Pros: BuddyPress can be described as a forums platform that lets you create online communities and social networks within WordPress websites. As such it enables users to effortlessly connect with each other, share information, and collaborate via profiles, streams of activity, and groups.


Con: Running a BuddyPress community can require significant server resources, particularly when the number of members grows. This could lead to slower speed or larger hosting infrastructures and may not be appropriate for small websites or firms.

It's negligent of us not to mention ! We provide a seamless integration to WordPress, enabling easy management of your members and their accessibility to content paid for plus customizable branding and pricing.

Perhaps most importantly, even though we are technically an extension of WordPress, we do not work like the majority of WordPress plugins. The backend of our membership management dashboard is stored on our servers. This means that it doesn't place any burden to your site. We provide all the necessary features ( and much more!) needed to run a successful member-based company.

Building the membership structure

To provide an enjoyable membership experience, it is crucial to define clear members' levels as well as the access privileges associated to each one. It allows you to provide unique content and services to different segments of your audience. Here's how you can accomplish this:

  • Planning membership tiers: Carefully plan your levels of membership according to the value you intend to provide and the pricing system that will meet your business goals. Consider offering different kinds of memberships like basic, premium, or VIP, each with distinct benefits and features. It's useful to call each of these levels something unique and memorable like gold, silver and bronze.
  • Sales funnel: It's necessary to develop a pricing page on which users are able to buy the membership level they want. This page should include information on the various levels of membership as well as their benefits and pricing.
  • Sign-up and login forms: You'll need to add login and sign-up forms on your website so users can sign up for accounts and log in to gain access to their member content.
  • Content restriction Choose your membership plugin to limit access to premium content. It ensures only those of the correct degree of membership can access and access exclusive content.

Creating engaging and valuable material

Content is the core and soul of any effective membership website. To stand out among your competition make sure you create quality and interesting material that is truly valuable for your customers.

Here are some strategies to accomplish this:

  • Understanding your audience: Take the time to know your group's requirements, issues and hopes. Perform market research. communicate with your members via questionnaires or feedback forms and then analyze their responses for valuable insight. This will help you tailor your content to their specific interests.
  • The site will offer exclusive resources. Provide exclusive content including video tutorials, ebooks, cases studies, templates or industry reports, which aren't readily available elsewhere. The idea is to entice new members to sign up on your website and keep existing members engaged.
  • Consistent and regular update: Regularly update your membership site with fresh useful content. This will not only keep your members engaged but also improves your site's visibility and rankings on search engines. Think about implementing a calendar for content for planning and organizing the content you publish.

Enhancing user experience

A seamless and user-friendly experience is crucial for the success of your site's membership. By optimizing the user experience, you can increase member satisfaction as well as retention. Here are some tips to enhance the user experience for your website

  • Intuitive navigation: Ensure that your site has a clear and easy to navigate structure that makes it simple for visitors to find what they're looking for. Make use of descriptive menu labels to organize your content in sensible categories.
  • Responsive Design: Optimize your membership site for different devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. The responsive design will ensure that your site looks and functions flawlessly, regardless of what device is used by your members.
  • Streamlined checkout process: Simplify the membership registration and payment procedure in order to decrease friction and boost conversions. Offer multiple payment options, like debit cards or credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Stripe and give explicit instructions for each stage of the checkout procedure.

Conclusion: How to create the most effective WordPress membership site

Making a top-quality Wordpress website has never been easier, due to the plethora of customizable options as well as the wide range of plugins that are available. In addition, creating a membership section on your website can assist build a successful and profitable online business.

The possibility of receiving an ongoing stream of revenue by submitting the content you create, an opportunity to build a wonderful community of like-minded and loyal members, and the chance to develop a deeper relationship by selling additional content and access to real-world activities.

Whether you're looking to offer exclusive material, sell online elearning courses, privately publish a podcast or build your own social media network, building a premium WordPress site can assist you to achieve your membership goals. Good luck!