
Mar 11, 2023
the wonder jam

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam can be described as "a brand family of brands that support firms that are spirited, scrappy expand" As which were famously immortalized by the band Daft Punk"harder stronger, more effective, speedier and more powerful. Another of Wonder Jam's brand names Wonderly develops websites, visual branding tools , and membership software that helps its clients "set their own mark". I talked with the company's managing partner Allie Lehman and developer Matt Hart to get more information.

Fine art to freelance to the freedom of

"My roots lie in the arts of fine art. My family was involved in lots of drawings and oil painting" is the beginning of Allie Lehman. "At high school I had the privilege of having an amazing art teacher , who funny enough, advised me to be an illustrator as well as graphic designer, yet I had nothing about the difference between these two things! I chose to pursue graphic design  and I took the course in the university."

Allie completed her degree during the economic downturn in 2009 and joined the support section of webhosting. "It was quite uncomfortable, however I was able to gain a lot of knowledge about hosting servers and the procedure of how WordPress was put up. All that is required to run websites," she recalls. "In 2013, I founded The Wonder Jam, now The Wonder Jam is our parent company. I quit my design job and began working full-time for The Wonder Jam."

She had been collaborating together alongside Matt Hart for a couple years prior to that; Matt Hart would program websites and she'd design and build websites for the websites. After that, they started having regular meetings "We've worked together for more than 10 years starting as freelancers. The collaboration was a natural result. Now, we focus on firms that provide services as well as creating WordPress websites," Allie adds.

Matt begins: "I do primarily WordPress development. This was a skill I learned during the first decade of 2010. Most of the people who got the chance to join the WordPress world, first thought"We'll have to create CSS to ensure that the theme is in the right color scheme'. It became boring quick!" He laughs. The moment page builders such as Beaver Builder and Elementor came into use, they were able to be more flexible: "We could do things with a unique approach which really suited the unique requirements of our customers and was a huge hit with our team in terms of innovation."

Since their first partnership, Allie and Matt have been focusing on "going customized in a manner that's affordable" as Matt says: "We do only what the customers would like, and not those that they do not. That's what our customers want to understand that they don't wish to look odd. They'd like to feel more secure. And using these tools lets us accomplish that."

The post can be now available on Instagram

     A blog post that is shared by The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

Allie declares: "In 2013, I started The Wonder Jam with my husband. The first step was to freelance for myself. We then hired Matt as an developer contractor. We were looking for a way to finish the work, but we also wanted to be able to do our own thing, we wanted the liberty to pursue our own ideas." The Wonder Jam was born.

Support, soil, and systems

"We live within Columbus, Ohio and it's an extremely friendly and open neighborhood for small business," she continues. "Matt was a guest in our city shortly after returning to the city from Seattle and we started meeting with customers in the region. We would walk along the main street and look around at the numerous businesses we've worked with." It was the year the year 2020. after seven seasons from The Wonder Jam and as the company began expanding nationwide, they became the parent company of The Wonder Jam and have three sister brands.

Wonderly is a business focused on service with an emphasis on chefs authors, as well as non-profit fitness instructors. They also have a second brand, called Basis that is focused on the retail industry and also those who sell products as well as a brand called Studio Wonder, an events location and photography studio located in Columbus.

Check out this post on Instagram

     A shared post in conjunction in conjunction with The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

These three brands allow the greatest flexibility in creativity: "It allows our team to be focused on what they'd like to achieve and to have their own processes," Allie says. "Because Matt and I started working together from the start and we've been in business for over a decade, we have a lot of experience that we've developed. I have photos from 2017 , of us whiteboarding every step of our process, to ensure that our customers are well-informed.

"The Wonder Jam operates as the "soil" which provides everything needed by small businesses under the surface, and every sister brand has the ability to "produce each one of them in their individual method" and take advantage of the opportunities presented. It allows each of these pathways be easy and unhindered by factors that hinder the running of as only a single or two-person business," Matt continues. "We are a group of companies which can work in tandem."

For instance, for instance, the Basis brand is primarily Shopify as well as online shopping but sometimes, customers want to create a blog and create something other than the products Shopify offers. This is why Wonderly is able to help the Basis customer on the processes that are related to WordPress. "We have the ability to collaborate and help each other, as a team even though every person on the team is focused on one particular aspect that will satisfy their individual needs," Wonderly smiles.

"The Wonder Jam sits as an enabling foundation. No one has the responsibility of providing recommendations on who to work with or what amount of revenues to make. It's the executive partners to make the final decision," adds Allie. The brands share resources like projects management software, as well as a concierge service for customers. Every managing partner has the ability to reserve a project. All members of the group then take part in the project, and take care of everything related to back-end administrative tasks like the invoicing of contracts and invoices.

"It helps people like Matt as well as me focus on their work," Allie smiles. "I believe we've built a great working environment; it's all about ensuring that our customers are completely satisfied. If they email us, they feel like they'll get prompt response and be guided through the process."

Matt is in agreement: "We say we don't do things just for us, we create alongside you. We're not about to wander in the middle of nowhere for two months, and develop something on our own. We meet regularly and let our guests observe how we do our work from the beginning to end. We'd rather not return to our creative caves and creating things on our own!"

Contexts and clients

Matt along with Allie They have collaborated with many organisations that require the website to be to be accessible in various ways. "Some of our clients are not-for-profit organizations. They're extremely secure sites. They're probably too complicated or have been in operation for quite a while. It's common to trim or merge them to ensure that they can be simpler," Matt explains.

"We're in contact with those who would like to join an online membership platform to help promote their businesses, like individuals working involved in the food industry." Allie continues. Wonderly's clients tend to be people who do human-service-oriented work: "They're fighting for equality, they're looking to talk to their audience a little differently. It's common for us to work with those who've put a great deal of their passions, their time, and capital into their ventures," she adds.

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam brands are in partnership with all sorts of organisations, from national organizations as well as entrepreneurs who are on their own who have made the transition to full-time work after a few years of side work. "We've tried to create systems that meet both. We're learning which scales work well and how best to approach the different ways of looking at it, regardless of the size distinct. It's fun to discover!" Matt is laughing.

The writer continues "With non-profit organizations, they typically already have a base and are able to determine all the legal hurdles to cross. This is often the way we make it happenbecause we're not trying to make this process different." The team will redefine what they've learned in order to identify the things that can motivate people to do something, then ease the process.

The beginning of the collaboration and each and every customer, regardless of their type of company or purpose of their site and the nature of the website The Wonder Jam team talks about the methodology of customer service. "A website is a tool that's good at getting an initial purchase. It can also prove effective in getting returning customers, or as an asset. Many people ask if this can be considered an asset? Or could it help to create VIPs who are VIPs?' Which are the most vital people to a small business," Allie explains.

Matt And Allie Both are of the opinion that websites aren't required to be catering to everyone and they are important to think about it. "Whenever we're doing a membership site , the most important thing to think about is the desire for customers to come back to it each day and feel that this is the best user experience ever." Matt adds.

Case research: Simi and Molly

Allie says: "One of our clients, Simi Botic, has an exercise community as well as participation in Unmeasured that is about movement, and is also named"the Barre Method. Simi is a unique way of "Just be Moving" with no intention for "punish" the body. There are a variety of options depending on the flexibility of your body."

When Simi began her journey on Wonderly there was a small amount of content to pick from. The content was also updated weekly. "It provides the impression of being organized and allows her to select the most practical option for her schedule,"" Allie confirms. "After around two to three years of existence, The number of members, giving her the opportunity to provide the best service possible for the clients she helps. It's awe inspiring. We're proud to change our approach whenever the goals of our clients shift; it's as simple as revising the design, then making few tiny changes and implement them in the development."

Another client, Molly Baz, wanted to switch her platform to one that is distinct and more engaging. "Her brand's style and appeal are unique and fluid to her. She wanted followers to be capable of interacting with her like this; they got recipes and updates, and all the kind of information they are used to but in a manner that was on-brand and very particular to her personality," Allie explains.

It's not a secret that her following has been growing to be extremely important for her. "To be able to design the website with a style that is similar to her previous design style, ranging from "Oh there's an image of Molly Purchase her cookbook', to something very important, both inside and outside of the membership, brings immense significance" Allie muses.

"Something we've tried to achieve with our clients is think about elements that are like with them, even if we're not talking to them every day. We make sure they have the right systems that allow them to access the programs that we've developed to assist them. Molly's tale is a great illustration to illustrate this." Matt agrees.

Projects in the future and additional information

Matt and Allie are working on companies and websites that require "a substantial amount of accessibility" for those with disabilities. "We're co-working with incredible organisations that work towards having such sites, and even prototypes that are approved by this set of people."

Overall, they've enjoyed lots of successes regarding the customers they serve "It's wonderful to work with these wonderful individuals. They're extremely thoughtful and feel valued," Allie concludes. "We are fortunate to collaborate with fascinating people whose principles guide the work they do. It's an honor to make things that are just to their enjoyment." Matt smiles.

Discover more information about Allie Lehman and Matt Hart and their team and consider working with them, at thewonderjam.com along withwonderly.com.

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