
Mar 10, 2023
the wonder jam

Wonder Jam Wonder Jam is "a brand family of brands that helps small, creative businesses to develop" Words are immortalized by Daft Punk"harder, faster, more effective and more powerful. The name of the brand, Wonderly, builds websites along with Visual branding tools as well as Membership software to help its clients "set their own different". I talked to the company's director of operations Allie Lehman and developer Matt Hart to find out more.

Fine art and creative work is freelance for the fullest extent

"My roots are in the fine arts. I grew up performing lots of drawing and painting with oil," starts Allie Lehman. "At high school I received a wonderful teacher in art who, in a funny way she advised me that I was able to become an graphic designer or illustrator I had no clue the meaning of those words! I decided to go with graphic design, and attended university to learn about the field."

Allie quit during the downturn in 2009, and she was hired as web hosting support. "It was quite stressful but I learned a lot about hosting servers, the process of the process of how WordPress was put up and every aspect of a website's appearance," she remembers. "In 2013, I launched The Wonder Jam, now The Wonder Jam is the business we manage. I quit my position as a designer , and started doing full-time work to run the company."

She worked with Matt Hart for a couple months prior to the time of this. Matt Hart would create websites and she'd create the websites. Following that, they began working together much more often: "We've been working together since the past 10 years since they started as freelancers. This was an organic partnership. The focus now is on companies with a focus on service that create WordPress websites." Allie adds.

Matt begins: "I do primarily WordPress development. The method was introduced to myself in the early 2010s. There were many users browsing the WordPress web and thought"We need to incorporate CSS to make your site adheres to the appropriate color scheme'. It was very dull very quickly!" he smiles. With the introduction of web page builders, like Beaver Builder and Elementor came into play and they could gain some versatility: "We could do things with a custom approach that specifically addressed the needs of our customers, and we were able to please us by our innovative thinking."

Since the beginning of their partnership, Allie and Matt have focused on "going personalized in a way that's affordable" according to Matt states: "We do only what customers want, and we don't do what our clients do not want to. Our customers care about. They do not want to be treated as if it's a mystery. They would like to feel confident. Through these tools, let's accomplish this."

Check out this post on Instagram

     A blog entry which is shared on The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

Allie says: "In 2013, I started The Wonder Jam with my husband, after having started doing a freelancer on my own. We were blessed to find Matt as our developer contractor. We were driven to create. We wanted to create our own thing, we sought this freedom." That's how Wonder Jam was born.

Systems, soils and support

"We originate originally from Columbus, Ohio and it's a really welcoming open location for businesses of all sizes," she continues. "Matt was in the area in the process of transferring to Seattle and that's when we started cooperating with local clients. we'd walk through the main streets, and look around at the companies we've worked with." The year was 2020. following seven years with The Wonder Jam in addition to after The Wonder Jam started expanding across the country, they were the company's parent and also had three brands that were other brands.

Wonderly is focused on companies that provide services like chefs, non-profits, writers and fitness instructors. The brand also includes Basis that focuses on the retail industry and those selling goods. They also have an extra brand, Studio Wonder, an events location and photography studio in Columbus.

Take a look at this article on Instagram

     A blog post that was shared via The Wonder Jam (@thewonderjam)

The three brands offer lots of creative flexibility "It lets our team be focused on what they want to achieve and also the ability to create their own processes," Allie says. "Because Matt and I started working together from the start around the year 2000, we've built up over a decade of processes in our repertoire. We have photos from 2017 that show us using whiteboards to document each step of our process in order to make sure that our clients receive the most effective advice.

"The Wonder Jam operates as the "soil" which provides everything an enterprise of any size needs behind. In turn, each of the sister brands is able to "sprout" with their unique manner, and then do their work with any possibilities that come up. It allows all options be unambiguous and free from any hiccups caused by things that can make it difficult to operate as a solo or one-person enterprise," Matt continues. "We have a collective of businesses which work together."

Basis is a Basis brand focuses on Shopify as well as eCommerce. However, sometimes there's one customer who wants to start blogging and wants to make something more than what Shopify can offer. So, Wonderly will come in and give assistance for the Basis customer on the procedures that are related to WordPress. "We can support and collaborate on a regular basis and act like an entire team. However everybody is able concentrate on one area which is satisfying for the individual," he smiles.

"The Wonder Jam sits as an uniting platform. There is no one responsible in providing us advice on whom to collaborate with, or the amount of income we'll earn - that's completely dependent on the partner managing it," continues Allie. They share instruments such as software, a method to manage projects, and a client concierge. Management partners can to secure the project. Team members are able to onboard the project and handle everything back-end administration, including contracting and invoicing.

"It helps people like Matt and myself to be focused on what they're doing." Allie smiles. "I believe we've built an ideal working environment. It's all about ensuring that our clients enjoy excellent experiences. We want them to contact us via email and feel that they're getting prompt replies and feel comfortable throughout every step of the procedure."

Matt says: "We say we don't make designs just for you. We create designs in partnership with you. We're not going off for some time in order to create something that is specifically designed to their needs. We meet a lot and they can see how we work from start to finish, rather than leaving to our crafting caves to create things all by ourselves!"

Contexts and clients

Matt as well as Allie Have had the privilege of working with a variety of companies that require their websites to be accessible in a range of ways. "Some of our customers are non-profit organisations. They are extremely robust websites. The majority of them are complex or have existed for quite a while. So we are usually consolidating or condensing them so they could be more simple," Matt explains.

"We're engaged with individuals who are looking for sites that offer memberships like those from the food industries," Allie continues. Wonderly's clients tend to be people who do human-service-oriented work: "They're fighting for equality, they're looking to talk to their audience a little differently. The people we work with are people who have invested a lot of their own enthusiasm, their time and even funds into their venture," she adds.

It is important to note that the Wonder Jam brands are able to work with anyone, from large-scale nonprofits to solo entrepreneurs who wish to pursue full-time work while maintaining an additional business. "We've developed structures to accommodate the unique needs of each. We're figuring out which scale works optimally and how best to approach differently in cases where the scale of scales is drastically different. This is a lot of fun to look into!" Matt laughs.

The writer adds "With charities, they usually have an established structure and were successful in figuring out the legal hoops they had to go through. This is usually how we are able to make it happen as we don't have to to begin over." An organization could rethink this issue and come up with a circumstances that will allow someone to contribute to make it easier.

Our first meeting and every client no matter of their type of company and the size of the website, the Wonder Jam team talks about the idea of providing customer service. "A website could be a tool that's really efficient at bringing in sales, but it could be extremely effective in getting returning customers, or even an asset. The most common question we get is "Is it an asset, or capable to create VIPs? They are the ones who are considered to be the most important customers for smaller-scale businesses," Allie explains.

Matt and Allie each are of the opinion that websites shouldn't be expected to cater to all people, so it's important to think strategically. "Whenever we're building an online site for membership, the foremost thing to think about is that we want the customers who join us to for more repeatedly and feel confident that this is the best value they've ever had." Matt adds.

Research on the case: Simi and Molly

Allie says: "One of our clients, Simi Botic, has an exercise group and participates in Unmeasured which is about moving your body. It's called the Barre Method. She is so compassionate. View of "Just Start Moving" without searching at ways to "punish" your body. There are a variety of options that depend on the flexibility of your body."

When Simi first signed up to Wonderly there was only the smallest amount of videos uploaded to the site. The site could update weekly. "It helps to keep things more organized and helps her to control her job timetables" Allie confirms. "After about two or three years in operation We grew our members' list, which gives her the chance give more value those she assists which is a wonderful thing. We're thrilled to be capable of adjusting our methods as clients' needs change; it's an issue of reviewing our design and making small changes before implementing them when we are developing."

Another customer, Molly Baz, wanted to move from her current platform to one that could be more distinctive and engaging. "Her brand's identity and visual is distinctive and unique to her. She wanted the people who visited her website to be able to experience a sense of joy in this fashion. The brand sent out recipes, information, as well as all kinds of information that they're accustomed to, but with an authentic style and authentic to her personality," Allie explains.

Molly's networks have become very important for Molly's networks have become extremely important to. "To be able to structure it in a structure which is consistent with the style of her other websites changing the look of the site from "Oh yes this is an image from Molly Buy her cookbook' to something more significant in and outside of the membership. This has many advantages," Allie muses.

"Something we've tried to get our clients is consider what they'll see as that are similar to their life when we're not talking to them for hours on end. We're making sure that they're equipped with the proper systems and processes put in place that allow their usage of the tools that we've created to assist their clients. Molly's experiences are a good example of this." Matt agrees.

Additional information and also the future plan

Matt and Allie collaborate with businesses as well as websites that need "a large-scale accessibility lens" for people who have disabilities. "We're cooperating with amazing organizations who work in order to make these prototypes and sites accepted by these types of individuals."

The majority of them have had a great experience working with their customers "It's incredible to work with individuals who truly are excellent. Clients we deal with are extremely delicate and have always maintained the feeling of being respected," Allie concludes. "We are blessed to work with interesting people whose values guide their work. It's an honor being able to create stuff that is for them," Matt smiles.

Find out more information on Allie Lehman and Matt Hart as well as their group and think about joining forces with them on thewonderjam.com and withwonderly.com.

The article was published on here

This post was first seen on here