
May 23, 2024

Acquisition is frequently referred to as a key element of every business plan. But Michael Gillespie, who leads Customer Success here at , is aware of an overlooked element of membership business that happens immediately following the process of acquisition upon boarding.

"A lot of folks concentrate on selling the membership. Once the sale has occurred it is time to make sure it's done right!" says Michael. First interactions with new member are vital to the club since it is interactions with a human that you may not experience in other areas.

What exactly does it mean having the ability to successfully board someone? "Onboarding could be specific to your membership. This could be something that drives a particular step for example, such as sending an invitation, however certain members can be able to decide to withdraw at any point in time," Michael explains. However, he is of the opinion that the process of onboarding is intended to set expectations. It will lets people know the advantages they'll gain by joining your group - not only immediately, but also in the years to come.

"Onboarding is usually provided as a non-involved process which doesn't create a plan for members" Michael adds. The most effective way to tackle the issue is to presume that when you initiate your first contact with your members that your members do not know exactly how to go about it. Insufficient information can create barriers that prevent the new member from connecting with your members in the way you want.

Common Onboarding Sequences

"In the instance of a typical member the process of signing someone in and sending them an email welcoming the person, which can comprise of three to five links to my content that I'd like them engage in, and then I'm done" Michael says. "Members find themselves overwhelmed or feeling unfulfilled."

The members who do not have an onboarding strategy are not likely to participate in the onboarding process, and are often left to churn. The ones who are informed of the actions they should take are committed. "It's important to create the mindset of commitment in the new members" Michael says. "Tell them where you are going to lead them towards joining."

"If you're a blogger, are you seeking a person to take part in a particular podcast? Do you hope to convince the listener to participate in a variety of media? If you're not able to explain to them the direction you're taking them and the reason you're going in that direction, they'll be navigating their way through the membership without a clear direction," he explains.

onboarding for a podcast

If you're podcaster, your onboarding could motivate people to tune in to certain episodes

It is this reason that is the primary reason for the biggest proportion of churn that occurs in the initial phase when you join. "You've had a window of time of only an hour. What is the one thing you'd like the customer to complete? Decide what you'd like from starting the process, and after that decide what you'll do to ensure you offer an enjoyable experience for every customer," he adds.

Removal of barriers for the most unforgettable experience

When you are deciding on your procedure for onboarding, the key consideration is the goal you're trying to achieve. "Do you need a customer who is looking to upgrade to a higher level of service that offers more advantages? You may have signed up as an annual member and are now looking for a way to upgrade your membership?" Michael asks.

This could be utilized to complete a course or read a book. "Most individuals aren't certain of what they're looking to accomplish when onboarding, have not put the desired outputs in place," he adds. "Make an outline that includes 3 and 1 outputs you want to achieve. Think about 'What might be these obstacles that hinder the achievement of these outcomes? There's always a barrier to people engaging with your membership."

Obstacles may be caused by the length of time or cost and competition or a mixture of these three. "Folks are limited in the length of time. There's plenty to be doing and there are lots of things to do" Michael explains. "Is there any limitation to prices when it comes to changing the membership? If an alternative product is on the market Why did this particular member decide to select this particular membership over the other?"

The issue of knowledge isn't the only one. "Members don't always receive education on 'where they need to go' in an organisation. What is the goal? What's their objective? to achieve in the next calendar year?" Michael asks. "The faster members understand what benefits they can reap, the more quickly they'll feel comfortable with this program, and then drive the output that you'd prefer to observe." Early engagement can help. One example of an Onboarding result could be to ask members to respond to the welcome email, which contains information about any challenges they're facing.

It is important to communicate to your employees what you'll be expecting in the onboarding process and what benefits they will receive should they decide to join. "Don't worry over not letting all members of your organisation to be aware of the intentions. The people who are on high alertness to your intentions are the ones who will do what they are required to. They'll be there throughout the duration of time." Michael smiles.

Welcome videos

Welcome emails are simple and efficient tools for onboarding. many new members are expecting an email from us shortly upon signing up. The good news is that you have the option to go one better: "You have a small chance of impressing that prospective client," says Michael. "Memberships that include a video introduction when they are introduced are 50 percent less likely to have a chance of churn in the initial two months following being a member."

A welcome video could make you feel more human while you are a member. "One of the biggest benefits of joining is the human element," says Michael. "Automation as well as AI-generated content are fantastic, but membership has an individual experience that's distinctive to. There's a gap between what people feel is not getting today, in the realm of membership. It's people who make up the core."

Jay Klaus from Creator Science offers a great tutorial video on how to get started "In the welcoming email, you will find an introductory video to welcome you. Jay Klaus explains why it's what he's been doing and then goes through the kinds of things you're expected to experience during the next six months," Michael explains.

onboarding for a podcast

Jay Klaus from Creator Science is an amazing video that demonstrates how to board.

This is a great opportunity to encourage engagement in the beginning stages of onboarding. In the case of video content, the amount of users who view video content is more than 17 times more than hyperlinks. "Put your message right in the middle, no matter the content you're trying convey as well as humanize the message to appeal to those you're trying to reach. Create it once and then deliver repeatedly," he adds.


The onboarding emails must include the following information. Be sure to know how the participants can access benefits? Are they able to access a schedule for these benefits, maybe weekly? Which is the best location to find these benefits? Are they required to have access to your email address? Do they have to login?

"This is often an overlooked part of membership, yet educating your members on what they'll receive can help with reducing churn during the first two months," Michael explains. "Members should not be asked to provide an answer on their own."

There have been a lot of these recently. "The welcome emails contain links to an abundance of details, but the users are lost. When this happens the problem is either those who do not have an account or a member who's confused and does not want to put in an effort to check out your site and find out more about the topic," the author continues.

There's no method of sharing the information in your outline to the person who is submitting to an outline. It's easy to assume that your members are able to access your information However, it's much more secure to think a member knows the basics of your product. "Explicitly outline everything in order for members to view in order to reduce the number of customers churning," Michael adds.


Many people aren't thinking of selling immediately upon signing as a client. But, if executed correctly, it can have a huge impact on the onboarding process. It will result in a substantial increase in revenue.

Michael knows that brand the new members are likely to take advantage of offers in the initial day up to a week after they've purchased a membership. "It's much easier to convert members within the initial few days as they've already received an overview of the membership. It's already "one foot on the ground"," the author explains.

Onboarding upsells are distinct from those found on your site. These are typically not available on your website - they are only offered for the purpose of onboarding. "Once an individual is enrolled in your program it is believed that they belong part of a larger group. It is a good idea to offer upsells to give them a more positive experience by offering additional benefits" The expert says.

"Let's suppose you have an online newsletter paid for monthly costing $6. It gives users the option of purchasing an annual subscription, which is more valuable, however at a increasing amount each month. Members who are educated when they are first presented to the program are more likely to consider purchasing an additional upgrade on a yearly membership. There are typically conversion rates between 30 and 40% on these deals," Michael reports.

Additionally, they get all year-long time to use the information that you offer. If members take advantage of such offers, the lifetime worth of members could vary from four to five times higher than an individual who wasn't attracted by the offer.

"Think about ways to make your membership more enjoyable. There is a possibility to provide additional benefits so that make it a distinctive member program" Michael adds. "Every membership includes an element of clients who have a connection to the membership program. They tend to make use of an offer within the first hour of the morning. It is crucial to get your message in the eyes of customers."

Your welcome email may read"This week only, we're giving the opportunity to all new members to buy the VIP membership. The membership includes three monthly personalized individual coaching sessions throughout through the year. There are two aspects of this deal: it's a limited offer and also has the exact date at which it's due to run out, and it offers a significant saving.

Increased sales reduce the chance of short-term churn. "Members who take advantage of the 60 percent savings on the cost of annual membership within the initial week after joining are 80% more likely to be a member active two years later," Michael reports. "The upsell only has to increase incrementally in value. Most of the members who upgrade will be long-term clients, and that will mean more income to your business."

The upsell conversion rates for the onboarding program range from 7-10 times more than first-time purchases. "If you're able to get an average of three percent conversion on your regular membership after you've signed up those members in the membership, you can get a 30-percent conversion," Michael explains. If you offer upsells at the time of onboarding, your members can earn five times more money for membership than one which doesn't get the benefit of the upsell.


In the case of pricing from a financial perspective, it is advised that you not exceed 50% relative to the incremental difference.

"For instance, I'm currently a year-round participant. I've signed up to pay 50 dollars per year. I'm offered the chance to increase my subscription, giving me access to five or four different services for $75 per year. This is a jump of 50%. However, it's a 50% increase in the amount that you've received from your customer in the first year." Michael explains. As time passes in membership, this member will generate up to seven times more income.

"Think about how you can integrate these benefits into your existing offerings to provide a more enjoyable user experience. Upsells that are successful can bring in a significant sum of money which would otherwise be on the side of a table. There will always be people within your organization who desire to know more about the subject," Michael concludes.

One of the advantages of upsells is that they allow you to quickly find clients that are at the right place at the appropriate moment to benefit from that. You can keep your profits for the coming many years or months, if the customer decides to make the change.

This should help you in your plans for taking onboarding. It is possible to contact us on social media if you have any questions. All the best to you!

The article was published on here

Article was first seen on here