Synchronize Up for Level Up to Boost Member Communications Member + Campaign Refinery - WordPress Membership plugin - Membership Sites

Dec 21, 2023

The Sync Up process allows you to level up your communications Refresh Member Communication Member + Campaign Refinery

Title image showing blue and purple soundwaves merging together representing the  Member Campaign Refinery Integration

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                 Amp up your member communications with Member as well as Campaign Refinery! Make every click-through connect with your users and see engagement increase. Find out how to do it with these practical suggestions and the best practices.        

Contents                                       Toggle

Every interaction is counted. This is as valid when you're on your membership website the same way it is in the grocery shop.

Your interactions with customers (and whether you interact with them at all) will determine their loyalty, engagement as well as the chance that they'll invest in more of your offerings and services.

When a user sign-ups with an email address, you have an straight line of communication and a huge possibility of growing that relationship and ensure an greater lifetime value for your customer.

By integrating the Membership, Campaign Refinery integration it is possible to realize this potential by using ersonalized, targeted messaging.

Learn how segmented email marketing made a brand experience an 300% increase of sales in their Black Friday campaign.

Additionally, I'll provide additional scenarios that you can utilize an integration of your email with Member to ensure accurate and efficient member communications.

After reading this article it will be possible make use of email segments to increase sales, upgrade, and engagement among your customers.

From the first click to a lasting impact, orchestrate an experience of participation and growth with every member. We're ready to begin!

We are introducing the Member Campaign Refinery Integration

 Member Campaign Refinery integration

The Mechanism of Seamless Synchronization

The basic idea behind this integration lets you make decisions make decisions based on different member actions in Member.

This is the complete list of actions that can cause an addition or removal tag automation in Campaign Refinery:

  • Addition: When a member becomes a member or is added to a membership level.
  • Refused:When a member stops or does not pay the level of their membership and does not longer has access to their protected web content.
  • Uncancelled:When a member rejoins an account after cancelling, or after a successful Rebilling after being annulled.
  • Expired: When a member's membership is expired following a trial or one-time payment.
  • Unexpired:When an individual joins the level through renewal of membership prior to the expiration date.

All of these actions could result in specific automated actions. This isn't just about tracking movement of the members; it's about reacting to these with the best way possible.

Benefits: Precision, and Personalization

Target with dart in center

        What do these mean to your communications with members? Precision. Personalization. Impact.

When you segment your audience based on these automated tags, your messages are more closely to the heart of your audience. Instead of just broadcasting data it's an exchange that is tailored to the member's specific journey and needs.

Let's Setup (It's Easy!)

Active The Integration

The activation of this integration is just a piece of pie. From your WordPress dashboard, click Member > Setup > Integrations Mail Providers to Campaign Refinery.

Activae Campaign Refinery Integration

When the dialog box appears Click the slider and enable Campaign Refinery.

Copy the Campaign Refinery API Key from your Campaign Refinery account and you're set! Two powerful tools now connected and ready to go!

Leveraging Keywords Automatic Engagement

It's here that it gets interesting. From the account you have created in your Campaign Refinery account, you create tags that classify members according to their behavior within the the Member.

Campaign Refinery Tags

When they're joining a different stage, cancelling their account or returning after a hiatus, each action will be assigned tags. This setup allows for incredibly targeted and efficient methods of communication.

Imagine you have three membership levels set up in Member: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. You then create 3 corresponding tags in Campaign Refinery so that you could send out emails only to people who have been tagged "Gold" such as.

In this scenario it is possible to create automated processes that add the Bronze tag into Campaign Refinery when a member is accepted to your Bronze level. You can also include the Silver tag once they join your Silver level, and the list goes on.

Additionally, you may automatically eliminatethese tags whenever a subscriber is unable to paytheir subscription and terminates their membership.

In this instance it is possible to createa the new "Cancelled" tag to Campaign Refinery to target these former members in a re-engagement campaign.

These scenarios will be discussed further in the future.

The end result: targeted communication

When these tags are set with these tags, communication options are limitless. It is possible to reach out to those who just cancelled by sending messages specifically designed to get members back or push low-level members to convince them to upgrade.

It's all about forming a dialogue that is personal and pertinent to the individual's personal experience.

"The big Picture: Beyond the Click

The integration goes beyond an operational setup. It's a strategy for cultivating relations with your clients.

Be sure to check back as we go further into the ways you can utilize these features to do more than simply communicate, but also be able to connect with your customers in a a way that truly matters.

3 ways to boost Member Communication Using Member and Campaign Refinery

Now that we've set the stage for our Member as well as Campaign Refinery integration, let's examine ways to leverage this powerful combination to boost your communications with members.

1. Encouraging Upgrades for Lower-Level Members


        Direct Method for upgrades:        

Utilize the tag system to distinguish members with the lower tiers, for example "Bronze". Make and personalize messages that highlight benefits of the higher levels.

The benefits can be showcased in the form of exclusive photos and testimonials or even previews of what "Silver" or "Gold" levels offer. It's all about creating a visual of the things they're not and thereby making it irresistible.

Result-Driven Communication:
       Focus on the results as well as the experience of upgrading. Share success stories or case studies of members who've moved up and seen tangible benefits. This approach turns abstract perks into tangible results, which makes the upgrade more appealing.

2. Reengaging Members Who Cancel


        Targeted Reengagement Campaigns:        

In the event that a customer cancels the account, it will automatically mark them as "Cancelled" and launch personalized reengagement campaigns.

This campaign can address their possible reasons for leaving, offer special incentives to re-join or inform them of the latest features or information that could spark their interest.

        Personalized Follow-Ups:        

Make sure to follow up with a personal message that shows understanding and value to their members. Sometimes, a simple note asking for feedback or offering help can open the door to engage them again.

3. Cross-Selling to Product Purchasers

Cross sell

        Identifying Purchasing Patterns:        

Building a Community, Not Just a Customer Base

Group of people engaging with one another in conversation.

Each one of these approaches go beyond the traditional communication with members. These are all about forming a community, where each member can feel valued and respected.

Make sure you are providing information that actually benefits your customers, improves their trust in your product and improves their experience.

The Power Of Email Segmentation: Black Friday Case Study

People sending and receiving emails on different devices

Let's take a look at the way one company hit the ball out of the park by launching the Black Friday campaign, boosting sales by an incredible 300% through smart email segmentation. This article is a fantastic illustration of what can happen when you get member communications just right.

Strategy Overview

The company was able to think of a new approach and divided its audience into four distinct groups which included past customers, non-customers or customers with lower-tiered status, as well as top-tier customers. Every group was sent emails that were tailored especially for them, based on their unique relationship with the company.

1. Non-Customers"Show and Tell"

If you're a person who hasn't purchased anything yet, the brand offered a red carpet. They presented the top features about their offerings, along by glowing reviews. It was the idea to convert the curiosity of customers into clicks, and then clicks to sales.

They also ran a competition via Raffle Press to boost engagement and incentivize social spreading of the Black Friday offer.

2. Former Customers: Check for the latest news

Past customers got a nudge on the new cool improvements and new features. The goal was to reignite their interest and bring people back.

3. Existing Lower-Tiered Customers: Sweet Upgrade Deal

The company made an appealing deal to customers in lower tiers upgrading to a higher plan at a fraction of the cost of renewing the current plan. It was a clever move to highlight the benefits of higher levels to customers.

4. Top-Tier Customers: More to Love

For the loyal top-tier customers It was all about cross-selling. Brands offered products to complement the existing products they had and made sure that these recommendations brought real value to the already existing investment.

Results and Reflections

The targeted, thoughtful strategy resulted in a significant increase in sales. Conversions, engagement, sales - everything went up. Everyone felt that the brand was directly speaking to them. This is an enormous win in the world of marketing.

This Black Friday success story is a testimony to the wonder of ensuring your email's segmentation right. Through a deep understanding of different customers' wants and needs, as well as speaking their language, this brand saw some amazing result.

Closing Up: Making the Most of Campaign and Member Refinement. Campaign Refinery for Awesome Member Communications

A hand reaching for a smiling face indicating a positive review.

In the course of this article, we've witnessed how the combination of Member and Campaign Refinery really steps up your communications with members, offering an innovative and efficient approach to connecting with your audience.

By blending the robust functionality of Member with the dynamic email capabilities of Campaign Refinery, you have the potential to revolutionize your strategies for engaging members.

Important Takeaways

  • Tailored Communications:With automated tagging and segmentation, you can be sure that each email you send is relevant and personalized that resonates with every person's individual journey.
  • Enhanced Engagement: from re-engaging former members and entice them to upgrade their membership or discover new products This integration lets you create significant connections that increase retention and increase.
  • Measureable Results:The successful stories, including that of the Black Friday campaign case study, demonstrate the tangible impact of well-executed and segmented marketing strategies.

If you've got thoughts or experience to share on communication with members, or if you're simply excited by these opportunities, please leave a comment here. We are always interested in hearing the opinions of our readers!

And don't forget, to get more helpful information and tips on membership sites and strategies for marketing be sure to sign up to our blog. Be sure to keep an eye out, be informed and grow with each other.

Let's celebrate your accomplishment in creating a thriving and engaged community!

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