Speed up the workflow of your website's content by using The WordPress Editorial Calendar. WordPress Editorial Calendar
Improve the efficiency of your content with This WordPress Editorial Calendar

Welcoming you to the realm of Members, in which we are proud to have not just two nor even six thriving blogs! It's difficult to deal with the sheer amount of material.
Six blogs appear on different websites, and each has an individual product. Keeping up to date can be quite a challenge. Don't forget about our gifted writers who have contributed their talents for our blog. There are lots of people working in the kitchen, making a variety of meals.
It was the way it was until we found the extremely powerful WordPress editorial calendar. It's entirely changed our approach to managing information.
It's known as the Strive Content Calendar, and I'm excited to share the joy of it with fellow creators of content as well as blog administrators like you.
As I've been the time I've used Strive over the last few months, I've discovered how valuable it is for simplifying the management of information.
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That's why you may need to Strive
If you're part of the creation of blogs or creating content then you're well aware of the importance of blog calendars to the creation of content. These tools are an integral component of the company that lets you:
- Sort and categorize subjects, and arrange them.
- Strategies for structure
- Assign tasks
- Schedule posts
- ...and numerous additional things!
If you're organized similar fashion to how we do and you've realized that the calendar for blog posts is only one part of the puzzle. The main calendar for content. It lets you can manage not only blog posts, but also a variety of other kinds of content, such as infographics, guides, ads, and PDFs which are divided into groups.
Members rely on Asana to create and maintenance of our huge primary calendar of content that offers the whole image. However, we had to face a few challenges on the way to becoming a member:
- The massive dimensions of our calendar's first edition suggested that it was a bit too big enough to be used to create a blog's content in real-time calendar.
- The writers we hire don't reside within our offices. We provide them with access to Asana. The result was a long sequence of emails that went to and from each other and Google Docs exchanges when assigning writing tasks to other writers.
Our salvation came through Strive's Content Calendar. Strive Content Calendar which swiftly eliminated obstacles and gave us a simple solution. Let's shed light on the ways Strive effectively solved our issues regarding content management.
This is the most exciting part on the calendar. It is it's the Strive Content Calendar

The new approach is directly addressed to my main concerns:
- The blog's content is stored within the calendar of the WordPress backend. Each blog has its own calendar distinct from the primary calendar. This method of streamlined administration simplifies managing and administration of blog posts, and makes sure that this process runs smoothly. (Curious to know how we can integrate our blog calendars and our Asana primary calendar? We'll share our secret!)
- The writers we hire have access to the WordPress backend. Thanks to Strive Our blog's content calendars have been integrated into WordPress the platform itself. It's easy to create reviews, assign and the blog entries to everyone participants! It's gone! No more back-and forth Google Doc sharing. (We'll go into more depth concerning this issue in the near future!)
Additionally, the drag-and-drop feature will only increase the user-friendliness

Do you plan to alter the day on which you publish? This isn't a problem! Strive makes it easy to manage your blog posts in accordance with your needs and quickly move them between slots scheduled for scheduling, in addition to the drafts unscheduled section on the sidebar. Each move triggers automatic scheduling in the WordPress editor so that you can ensure that blog posts can be organized seamlessly.
Personally, I love this program However, the Strive program has a range of choices that are truly impressive. The rest will be explored in the future. these.
The Strive's content is just improving.
Additionally, apart from its simple installation along with its seamless integration Strive offers incredible features that can help you save time. Like...
Edits and revisions to content are fast and simple
In order for your site to be highly ranked and remain you must go through a regular cycle of updating your content. This process could take a lot of effort. It is certainly not recommended to alter the SEO performance of a live video which is already high quality.

Enter Strive's Revisions feature. This is the best method of streamlining the revision process. Upon installing the plugin, you'll see it as a "revision" option that is linked to every post that has been published. It is accessible via the admin bar in front of WordPress as well as through the listings of posts in the backend.

This function is based on two easy steps:
- "Revision" button "revision" button creates the article in a totally new format. the text, different from the version that was originally posted.
- Once you've updated your version and hit "Publish," Strive seamlessly blends the new version with the old version. What do you see as the result? Content optimized without hassles of confusing redirects. SEO juice is preserved and it saves valuable time.
The Strive calendar display clearly labels with changes. It allows you to quickly monitor the percentage of content that is updated to new.
Alternative Pipeline view
The Calendar view serves as my primary space. Its Pipeline view provides a big-picture view. If you select the Pipeline option, you gain the current status of all your posts within one space that is organized.

Furthermore, it block posts that have not been reviewed, giving a comprehensive picture of the changes have been made. When they're in the midst of being created in development, in the process of being completed, prepared to be edited, or aren't yet being edited It's easy to determine the status of each post. It is also possible to toggle between column and row designs based on the kind of workflow you'd like it to follow.
Customized Checklists
The process of writing an organized blog is an intricate process that needs a variety of factors to consider including stylistic and syntax, to the metadata and setting for images. It is particularly evident in the case of bloggers with young children.
Strive Checklists function comes in very handy. Strive Checklists function comes to you in the end, removing all doubts, and making sure that everything is the same. Create an outline of the most crucial information in the Checklist tab then you'll be able to start.

If someone is in the middle of their writing project it is possible to browse their list in the WordPress editor, and then check off every item as they move through. This isn't just the way to make work easier but can also be a crucial instrument in the process.
Clear Post Statuses
The status of your posts play an important part in the organization of the workflow of content. Do you know what article is working on and is in need of edits, or may be prepared for publication in the near future? Utilizing Strive's Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled access to this area.
Contrary to what is the standard WordPress configuration, which makes it difficult to distinguish between the posts that require editing and those published, Strive introduces a crystal-clear method of doing this.

The Strive plugin improves the WordPress experience with the easy-to-read post statuses:
- Not Started
- Writing
- Editing
- Complete
- Publication
Each status comes with the color of each status. This gives an indication of what's happening throughout the day of the Strive Calendar. When you modify the status of a post in the WordPress editor, it triggers a rapid review of Strive also, and this can be reversed. This allows for effective organization, which will ensure that you don't lose track of your post's progress.
A few unique characteristics that create Strive an indispensable tool for optimizing your content process. We'll now take a look at the various methods Strive could revolutionize your blog's workflow.
A process for streamlining the workflow of your blog is made much easier with Strive
In this article I'll demonstrate how the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to manage our workflow for blog posts. As there are several contributors to six blogs, keeping a smooth and organized workflow is vital.
It's great that Strive offers two powerful tools which can help aid in the process and help ensure a seamless procedure. Let's explore how we leverage these tools:
New Drafts
On the left side of the Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" could be the start point from which you can begin your blog.

Clicking on the button will take you to a webpage where you are able to effortlessly enter every important information needed to write your blog article.
The Title field to indicate who the author is through the addition of names to titles of post.

The process begins when you click on the Create New Draft button located in the upper right-hand part of the screen.
Strive immediately creates a fresh draft to be used with WordPress, populating all the inputs to the WordPress Editor. The combination of Strive with WordPress will eliminate the need for data transfers over a lengthy period of time which ensures the effectiveness and speed of your process.

When you create with an unfinished draft Strive creates a particular space in the drafts' scheduled column. It displays each scheduled task that is currently waiting for writers. This feature allows for simple and quick visibility as well as quick access to tasks being completed.
An efficient workflow that has been color-coded to display the progress

Strive's vibrant color scheme does more than simply create visual interest, but can also serve as an efficient instrument for posting blog entries.
Each color has a specific phase in the process which allows us to clearly define what's to come next, and also the roles of individuals. We will look at ways that we could utilize these colors.
- Not in progress (Red): When I start a new Draft the system will determine that the post is not being started and display it with a bright red. The designated writer will be informed that it is time to be written.
- Writing (Orange): Once the writer starts writing their draft, they modify post status from Writing posting to writing and are then accompanied with a vibrant orange shade. The color change indicates that it is in process.
- Editing (Yellow): When your draft is completed and being reviewed The writer changes the status of their post to Editing. It will appear with a vibrant yellow color. It is a sign that the post requires my attention for further analysis and changes.
- Complete (Green): After I've completed my edits I determine that the article is ready for publication and I change the title of the article to fully completed. The post box immediately changes to a soothing green.
Green has a significant role in our life. Strive has a function that automates posting every Complete (green) part on its planned date and time inside the WordPress Editor. It's a huge time saver. It requires continuous surveillance of dates and times each time you're ready to "go for green."
If a publication has been successful and is published, the webpage changes to black. It means that the whole process is successfully completed.
Utilizing this method of colored content, we're able to keep an orderly workflow that assures that the communication is easily understood and flows smoothly throughout the process of creating material. Let's explore more valuable advantages and features which Strive gives our clients.
It's easy to integrate with your main Calendar of Content Calendar
The individual calendars for blog posts on Strive aid us in blogging more efficiently. What about our primary Asana calendar? We are keeping track of all deliverables that are associated to our subjects?
Transcribing each WordPress post to Asana can be a challenging and time-consuming process. It is a blessing that our exceptional Dev Team devised an ingenious solution by using Zapier.
Making use of a customized Zap that is activated whenever an update draft is created inside WordPress It is simple to move the draft to it's place on the Asana Calendar of Contents, and specifically, into our "New Blogs" section I created.
The Zap can assign the proper task to me, and inform me of the draft's stored in the system. Then, I sign into Asana and transfer the draft into the proper section.

This is a major win in reducing the flow of work and eliminating the need for duplicate work.
The Takeaway
The Strive Content Calendar is an important tool for artists. It offers a range of advantages and functions that can transform the way you manage your content with a minimal cost.
For just $7 for a month, you get access to all the amazing tools mentioned and many even other features. In addition, the first two weeks of the trial are cost-free.
Think about the price of your time, which can range from as much as $100 per hour. If you choose to use Strive then you'll pay less than one cent per hour. This makes Strive an economical alternative. Think about the time-saving advantages offered by the program for users and you'll find an amazing value.
Are you prepared to experience the efficiency of Strive on your own? Just click the button and go for a spin that could change how you organize and manage your content.
Start optimizing your content production process by Strive today!
Get STIVE CONTENT CALENDAR free for 14 7 days
We'd love any feedback you have to offer and would love to hear from you about your experiences using Strive. If you choose to test this out, please share your comments and thoughts through the comment section below.
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