Seventeen years into her coach journey, Becky Mollenkamp is honing in on the work she is most passionate about.

Dec 2, 2022

Learn how the brain coach and her seasoned CEO Becky Mollenkamp is evolving her company to concentrate more on the things she is obsessed with.

What happens when you let go"shoulds "shoulds" and started to trust your gut?

For the mindset trainer Becky Mollenkamp who decided to stop to live a "shoulds-based" lifestyle" changed everything, including her career.

Becky assists people in making the transition from "small owner" to CEO, and to build sustainable businesses which don't go out of business. By leveraging the power of her Gutsy Boss brand, she has assisted thousands of customers decide on their individual "shoulds to accomplish" and define the results they'll achieve according to the goals they have set for themselves.

More than 20 years of experience in the area of business entrepreneurship. Her expertise includes owning an agency for content marketing that was six figures before starting her own coaching company in 2015.

Recently, we spoke with Becky to discuss the expansion of her company over the last few years. We also reflected on the road she took to create. The company is in the midst of a change, which is the time when she's focused on specific work with midsize business owners and their consultants and employees.

Continue reading to discover what Becky created her company using her gut instincts and getting rid of 'shoulds' -- and is helping fellow entrepreneurs make the same decision.

Her passion is as a coach of the mind

Although Becky worked as an entrepreneur over 20 years, she didn't have a part in her plans.

"What brought me onto the coaching path was the death of my brother in the year 2010 due to an accidental overdose, caused by heroin. This loss truly brought me out of my sleep," Becky explains.

"I was living an existence that seemed to be an endless series of "shoulds," going through the motions, and doing what is required. I realized the length of life isn't as long as it should be to have a lifestyle that isn't exactly the way you'd like it to be."

"I was unsure of what I wanted. But I knew I didn't want to do that," Becky remembers. The writer paused his job and went back to her home with her mother. After that came the inner procedure of finding out the things she was going to do with their lives.want the rest of her life to be exactly like that.

Becky has been able to establish her own writing company. "It was something I knew and believed I could be successful in. However, I began to realize that what I really wanted to accomplish was to help other people get rid of the "shoulds"."

The next step was to coach.

"I decided that I was able to aid others who go through the same things that I've gone through. This is why I realized it's my destiny to aid others. It's my love."

Her experience as an owner of an agency as well as her desire to assist people gave Becky's perspective an ideal match to coach on the attitude.

"I'm an expert in strategic planning, but I'm not an advisorbut an instructor. Therefore, I assist people come to their own conclusions as well as their personal knowledge of what they want from their life or their business. I then help people move forward with that," Becky explains.

In order to help the clients lead their lives in in a better way, she incorporates her personal values whenever she is working. "I'm an empathic coach who works with women. This means that I respect the personal experiences of my clients. I'm knowledgeable about trauma and coaching me involves compassion, no blaming and self-shaming."

Inspiring by her own experiences and knowledge, Becky began building her online coaching company However, this was accompanied by lots of "shoulds," too.

Distinguishing the noise of what the internet-connected business ought to

In response to questions about the obstacles in establishing her own coaching business, Becky laughs. "There were no challenges I didn't have. I believe I faced any obstacle."

The war of the "shoulds came to a head in this moment, as well. "I think the biggest difficulty was the amount of content in the online space about how the company should operate and the ideal way to manage it as well as the things that you have to accomplish to be successful," she says.

When looking back, Becky finds this common assumption that business owners who don't start with a regular basis don't feel confident in their abilities this is a problem and the right to be privileged. "I did not realize that at first, but I was afflicted with anxiety and felt like I wasn't doing my job well due to the fact that I needed to write [to earn an income] in order to live."

She was able to recall the thought "Why didn't I succeed in making the coaching thing more successful quicker? What was the issue?"

The majority of people won't be financially capable of launching the whole new thing full-time -- and that's ideal! It's a long procedure. This isn't a reason to not work hard or be an efficient businessperson.

"I required to accomplish the task of releasing myself from all of these feelings of shame or shame, and accept that the advice of being totally committed" was not a great choice for most individuals."

"The most difficult thing I had to face initially was to realize that I was able to shift from a writing firm into a different venture." The goal was to change her work duties at an average that was 25% per year. At first, the schedule comprised 75percent writing and 25% coaching. "Honestly that's my first year in which there's been no writing whatsoever," Becky tells us.

"That was a long and slow process. The acceptance of it and having the confidence to release the shame and acknowledge that it's okay is probably the best and most effective method to start a new business instead of feeling you have to be 100% in the enterprise or have no faith in themselves."

Becky was also hesitant to see herself as the CEO , to appreciate the significance of her work and see the bigger.

"You are self-employedand an entrepreneur on your own or the proprietor of a small-sized company and a few advisors . You're still the CEO, the chief executive officer in addition to the chief executive officer, as well as the one who has an eye for." The woman explains.

"It's about confidence when you're present. It's about declaring "I'm certain in my skills. I'm capable of doing this.'"

The CEO's mindset is at the center of her interaction with clients.

An individual client in her mind (while providing her services to a larger population)

Becky's work is at an ebb she is now concentrating her efforts on coaching small-sized entrepreneurs and Team members .

There are several motives for this shift:

Her work is closer to her own experiences as a manager and professional experience as a manager.

The possibility of donating her time and talents to others earns Becky the most significant quantity of cash.

The work she loves the most.

Based on her personal experiences, Becky wants her clients to feel "the change that occurs within the inner world once you treat your business as a business and treating yourself like the CEO."

"I am a freelancer on a daily basis, and I continue to do so, however I'm currently working with females, typically the ones who manage mid-sized companies," she describes. "It's concerned with ensuring the work-life balance is healthy for them, and also engaging with their employees or consultants to provide them with guidelines to achieve a healthier life-style and balance."

The changes will affect Becky's bottom line, too.

"You charge more for coaching and coaching[which means that you need to get an individual to earn about the same amount as those guides at $7, or a course that costs $200 to $200. It is my responsibility to market many additional courses and guides and that's why I'm required to include more people in my database as there's a small percentage that turn into merchandise." Coaches' clients tend to be more inclined to recommend to others, which may increase the revenue of coaching down the line.

But, Becky plans to continue offering her services to an even larger number of people, even if they do not meet the standards for the new coaching sessions in one-on one with Becky.

"I'm making sure my company operates in the exactly the same manner as how I've conducted in the past. This is Gutsy Boss. I'm also working to help businesses and individuals," Becky explains. "I will not abandon those people. I've had the pleasure of working with many people throughout the years, and many of them have been featured on my podcast, or included on my mailing list."

To meet the requirements of people in, Becky has repurposed a significant portion of her older material to make Gutsy Guides that help tackle certain issues, such as setting limits and asking a lot and being able to overcome Imposter Syndrome.

"Generally those who are considered professionals are in mid-career. Instead of spending lots of one-on one time with me, I give them lots of knowledge that they can utilize to self-coach on these issues," she says.

If anyone finds Becky's work they can be classified in two distinct categories:

Coaching clients who want to be coaches

If you're interested to learn more about Becky's self-guided mini-course , self-study program and Gussy's guides which are hosted by Becky via

What can she do to find out what market segment that the prospective client could be in?

Automatization, segmentation, as well as the added dose of inspiration to get the inspiration of the Golden Girls.

Automating, segmenting, as well as a fun quiz to find possible customers with the top solutions

Becky offers a test on her site: "Which business owner is you? " The test, which is six-question in the nature of (built through Interact ) will let you know which Golden Girls-inspired business owners are they: Newbie (Rose), Flirt (Blanche), Pro (Dorothy) (or Sage (Sophia).

Each person is a unique part of the business process, beginning with the basics to a expert with years of experience.

"To to be more precise the product is better email opt-in method," Becky cautions fellow developers. "I would not recommend starting with something that is similar to this, particularly if aren't using an opt-in process... What I've experienced in my experiences was that I began with a simple download. It's probably the easiest alternative."

Once you've decided to segment your audience, and are looking to design an opt-in offering that is more advanced similar to Becky's will help with that. This can make it easy for users to receive offers which meet their specific preferences or expertise.

The process of sending emails is automatized by ConvertKit so she will not have to invest valuable time to send the correct products to the correct people.

"It occurs in the night," she describes. "They're getting the newsletters via email late at night. And should they decide to buy books, they're extremely cheap. This is a simple decision, and it's a really easy to use."

Becky is aware that her business will expand as she expands her company.

The business of Becky has evolved, and so has the way she approaches it when it comes to making use of .

Becky was able to include (and sometimes she removed) different products as her business grew which included digital downloads as well as additional classes and group coaching.

This morning, Becky is working on the launch of the 2023 Gutsy Accountability program, which will include the group coaching program, tools for download and coaching sessions one-on-one with Becky as well as live or recorded sessions, depending upon the kind of program customers choose.

"I am overwhelmed by the possibility of group coaching since everything I'd like my clients to have can be stored there. My clients can search their own resources. I can create the assets that I have previously created for them to use. It's a lot simpler. You can also pay an arrangement to pay to cover the item . It's not my responsibility to consider any aspect of it."

The purchase buttons, which can be embedded and the checkout feature makes the process easy for customers to purchase items such as Gutsy Accountability without leaving the site.

In the course of her skills, she's given Becky the liberty to research various kinds of goods and discover what is most beneficial both for her and her customers.

"Almost every week I get a phone call from someone wanting to contact me via message that says 'I'm sure of that the item you're using is working  and would like to know more about it' which I'm always willing to assist," she says.

"I believe it's beneficial to the general public to understand that it's feasible to build on the foundation of this... It's possible to find all the things you need at costs you can afford."

Be confident in your abilities and create a business that is committed to you.

Becky's final piece of advice for creatives is precisely the same as the advice she gives her clients"Take your time" and listen to your instincts.

"Listen with your body. The majority of people who come to me... are plagued with fears, and lack confidence. They feel stuck that makes them feel like they're not moving in the right direction for their business. It's disappointing. This was an experience I'll always remember," she says.

"In the beginning, having faith that you are a good person is the most crucial element to a positive experience."

Becky's coaching practice has seen improvement since her initial attempt to begin her program in the year 2018. But the heart and soul coach -- helping others to get rid of the "shoulds" is unwavering. We're looking forward to seeing where the coming four year (and further!) are likely to take Becky and her business.

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