Recent news: Japan Enacts Regulatory Law to target Apple as well as Google Smartphone Market Dominance

Jul 4, 2024

Japan is the latest nation to adopt a regulatory law that targets companies such as Apple Inc. as well as Google LLC from limiting third-party companies that want to sell and profit from their own apps for Google and Apple devices.

According to Kyodo News, "The legislation prohibits developers of the Apple's iOS and Google's Android operating systems for smartphones, apps stores as well as payment systems from preventing the sale of applications and other services that compete directly with the native platforms' own." This is to stop the platforms from "gatekeeping" while also forcing more competition between their own apps and the applications of other platforms.

The current Japan antimonopoly law provides penalties of 6% for revenues gained via anticompetitive practices In the new, particular law are 20% of the national income derived from the services that violate the provisions of the law. The fines will increase by 30% if illegal methods continue to prevail.

The law is expected to become effective by 2025. The law will, according to Kyodo News points out is similar to one of the European Union's most recent rules (presumably it's the European Union's Digital Markets Act).

Kyodo News also reports that both Apple as well as Google made announcements concerning their ongoing collaboration together along with Japanese regulators.

A previous article in Kyodo News regarding the regulation which was passed first by Japan's Cabinet declared that they approved the regulation in "a attempt to challenge the duopoly exerted by industry bigwigs Apple Inc. as well as Google LLC," and added that the new regulation is a sign of the Japanese government's willingness to collaborate together with the EU in implementing further rules "of Big Tech firms such as Apple, Google and Inc. who have grown to have a huge influence on digital services across the world."

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Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist of . In addition to her vast experience in marketing and education, she also has an MFA in writing creative nonfiction and is a member of the local community as writing instructor at a local college.

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