Production professionals' guide to the creation and recording of an instructional video

Feb 5, 2024

The creation of online education classes requires some hours and energy, which can turn into an exhaustingly lengthy procedure, especially if you create a lot of educational video. How can you make this process easier for creating and delivering courses? Stories.
    Elise London, the expert resident in video who has recorded all our marketing and in-house courses She explains how to create engaging online classes includes using stories to structure and communicate the content.
    Finding an interesting story within the subject matter your course is covering as well as structuring your course material with the method of storytelling that follows a hero's journey can be game changers. All you have to do is be able to arrange the course, make plans and create an online course that is engaging and has all the tools that you require to design an enjoyable course.

Jump ahead:

This is the perfect topic to teaching online

There is no need for to think of a new idea immediately from the scratch in order to develop your online class.
    Select a subject area that is popular. A clear understanding of the goal and the people the topic is aimed at will help. Here's how:

Find out what's currently resonated

Utilize data measurement tools, for instance Google Analytics to find high-performing ebooks. You can find an ebook that is specialized in one topic that was extremely successful? Consider expanding it into a detailed video course.
    It's also possible to look through your emails to find the subjects that you'd like your customers to participate in a virtual classroom on. Then, you can post the test on your social media accounts (if you have an active audience on those platforms) in addition to your groups that you're a part of.
    Remember that the aim is to pick a subject that people have a passion for.

Deepen your dive, don't widen it.

    How do we address this problem? Consider the challenges faced by viewers when they discuss this issue.
    Ask yourself:

  • What is the source of the confusion the reason we are unable to solve the problem?
  • Do you have feelings that appear too to handle? Are we able to help people that are suffering?

If you're considering live streaming or live streaming, your answer might be anxiety if you try to begin your live stream first time. This course could include "How you can easily setup live streams to ensure you're not overwhelmed."

An excellent tip that you include the course's name.

If you're contemplating the names you'll be using for your classes, take into consideration the way your intended student group thinks about the issue you're tackling, and incorporate that in your name.

It is the process of preparing the outline of your online class

Elise suggests that you use The Hero's Journey to outline the courses that you'll be taking. This could include:

  • Answers to problems that students have to answer. Find these by asking the right questions concerning the topic of your class.
  • Helping students face obstacles and discovering solutions. This is where you can divide the topic into videos and module in each lesson. Each lesson will be a way of taking questions.
  • which leaves them with the promised changes. Offer them other tools such as checklists, templates and documents to help them learn how to implement what they have learned.

Find out how to determine the needs of your attendees and their questions for you to organize and organize the event.

Learn about the types of questions your target group of customers might be asking.

Instead of contemplating the issue Instead of thinking about it, you can try these strategies:

  • Search Reddit as well as Quora for the creation of the frequently asked questions.
  • Survey and engage in a personal dialogue with students to answer queries.
  • Answer calls from clients who are part of sales or support teams searching for the answers to the most commonly asked queries.
  • Explore bestsellers' index pages of books that are bestsellers on Amazon to better understand the problems they answer with regard to the field of research.

If you've hosted webcasts related to the topic It is possible to review the queries that viewers have been asked in the webcast. This will assist you in conducting your research.

The subject of the lesson can be divided into several categories.

Woman recording herself with smartphone. Image reads, "Concept > modules > video lessons"

The next step is to take note of the concerns and issues of your audience so that you can split your subject into narrative parts that can be built on each other during the following stage of your learning journey.

"Instead instead of saying 'We're going to train you how to use an interactive program' (which is a broad difficult-to-understand thing) Instead, state "We'll teach the beginner, intermediate and advanced capabilities.' This will help you understand how your content of your online course] will fit into the three distinct classes." Elise London, Senior content production manager

Simply put, break down "disparate concepts" and place them in buckets to ensure that, when viewed from a route from afar, it appears more manageable."

Tips to organize your learning

It is important to define the course's structure to accommodate your students in any moment on their path. The students are usually overwhelmed by too much information and are confused as a result of confusion caused by the lack of knowledge (a psychological bias that believes that your students do the same things as you do). Review the design of your class to make sure that the learning experience will be simple.

The lessons in video format will be planned

  1. Bring your student's problems current on the problem which videos could solve.
  2. Provide the right answers, by giving an answer to the questions they're facing.
  3. Capture the video and offer others to help to adapt.

Video on demand with scripts

pro tip

Script generator gif

Shooting your course video content

This will require instruments

For a high-quality production equipment and set-up, here are the items that you'll require:

  • Cameras and microphones (two at a most) along with the option of a four or three-point lighting kit.
  • Learning management System (LMS). This software houses the video material, which is made accessible to learners. Examples include: Teachable, Podia, and Kajabi.
  • . Video hosting platform, which is ad-free for hosting, editing and recording. It also allows interactivity into educational videos that you can upload later to your LMS.
  • Teleprompter. Display device that displays text that is moving onto the screen, in order to make it simple for users of the screen to record videos.
  • music pedal. It is a low-cost keyboard which can be operated by an foot that permits users to alter the orientation of slides displayed on the screen.

A perfect collection of videos

Elise is adamant about:

1. Don't use overhead fluorescent light sources.

These shadows can appear unnatural on your face. The fluorescent light bulbs lamps may flicker, resulting in the appearance of green and can affect the quality of video as well as the quality.

2. Recording with no natural light

Natural light patterns alter throughout the day. If you film for a long time, the light quality on the video will not be consistent, Elise warns. It is also an issue should you plan to copy parts of a single video to completely different ones.

3. Set your cameras at different angles

The second camera won't "just help you edit (which could be helpful regardless of whether you're using the program, or complete the task in a single take) but it aids in eliminating boringly looking at your teacher."
    "More vitally, another camera can be used to hide cut-outs" Elise adds. "So should you be making a presentation that is not likely to be made public soon, one way you can disguise the cut-out can be done using B-roll or by cutting it using an alternative camera."

4. It is important to keep your property clean and clear of clutter background

Beware of bright colours such as magenta, yellow and orange, as they reflect color and can be disorientation for the viewers. Choose neutral shades to create your backdrop, such as gray, dark blue, and white. They will look amazing on your camera as well as being relaxing for your eyes.

Recording your online video course

Recording can, naturally, be a little bit of nerve. If you've put in the time and effort to develop your plan this shouldn't be a problem.

5. Always make use of the Teleprompter

The Teleprompter is a great tool to keep from getting stuck in an endless screen freeze while you work out what next step you need to take.
    It makes recording simple and helps with editing, however "it can also help users maintain eye contact to the camera even when looking at the display of the Teleprompter." says Elise.

6. Use the music pedal to change between slides

"Instead instead of having the keyboard or clicker that is reachable to your fingertips you can use the music pedal to change the slide playing. This basically is similar to having a USB Bluetooth keyboard with a left and right. This means that the user isn't required to pick up the keyboard or mouse in order to use it."

Edit the videos that you own to edit

Make an effort to reduce the time required to edit your content. Be sure that your viewers are engaged with your content by following these suggestions from experts:

7. Make your text as precise as you can

8. Incorporate B-roll video content in order to ensure maximum participation

A method to get rid of boring talk-head videos is to switch between cameras in an unplanned frequency.
    You can also add graphics, animations, slides, and clips to create recordings which are personalized to provide learners an immersive experience.

9. The interactivity layers

  • Enjoy a build-your-own-learning path
  • Hit the video hotspots below for more educational resources.
  • Jump between sections that are most relevant to the sections (useful for displaying onboarding videos to employees)

This results in interactive videos increase the involvement of viewers, which results in greater retention. Additionally, you are able to assess the abilities of your pupils through creating interactive video exams.

Do you want to create your own online training course?

Producing videos that viewers can enjoy is as easy as

  • It is essential to know the problem you wish to address
  • Making the data into a cohesive story
  • The content should be organized in a way that makes it easier to comprehend and understand

Remember that, with the proper tools will reduce your stress of making video of high quality. In addition, they offer an immersive experience for learning.

The article originally appeared on on this site.

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