Press the follow button for the 14 top experts of today's digital marketing.

Nov 3, 2022

Today's marketer is busy making the content they want to create and improving their algorithms is an everyday job. If you're a designer, content marketing, or even a marketing generalist, your schedule is probably packed to the point that it's hard to find time to remain stimulated and remain current.

Since the wisdom of others is typically condensed into tweet with 280 characters or a minute-long Instagram Reel, or a short LinkedIn blog can keep you motivated throughout your whole day. (No work hours required.)

14 powerful marketing figures you should be following

In this article

  1.     Video experts from the field of marketing that we're awestruck at
  2.     The experts in content marketing to take lessons from
  3.     Experts in social media who inspire us
  4.     Web design and SEO experts to watch out for
  5.     Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

We love the video marketing experts.

Danielle Diamond

Danielle Diamond is co-founder of Epiq Media, a video agency that develops videos for clients such as Adidas, Lyft, Calm, Bumble, TikTok, and Exit Five.

When it comes to LinkedIn, Danielle's mantra is "Don't just be an ad. Be the TV star" and she'll show the people she follows how to achieve this. She will share captivating commercials, (short) video marketing guides, and also the final results the innovative strategies garner.

Here's a look at some of her artistic work. Exit Five:

Kim Gehrig

To give you a sample, here's an advertising campaign she created for Apple:

Kevin Anson

Kevin Anson is an expert in video marketing working for companies like ClickFunnels, IBM, and Mercedes Benz. According to Kevin, he's created over 10,000 videos and ads in the last sixteen years. He's also instructing others on his well-known YouTube channel.

The majority of his videos clock in at under 10 minutes. And they focus on actionable and practical tips like how to make an app-related video that can be added to the App Store and the best way to smoothen the audio as well as how to apply subtitles in YouTube videos.

You can catch Kevin's videos on YouTube or Instagram..

Content marketing experts learn from

Ross Simmonds

The president of Foundation Foundation, a content marketing agency, Ross Simmonds is the go-to person to follow on everything related to content marketing and growth. Simmonds is well-known in the realm of content, for engaging with other marketers and making Twitter threads that provide actionable advice.

It's a mistake to assume that everyone who would be interested in checking out your blog happened to be online at the same time when you published it on Twitter.

Reshare. Retweet. Repost.

Start with one idea. It can be spread out for years.

Watch this:

-- Ross Simmonds (@TheCoolestCool) 1. October, 2022

Ross his personal successes on social media platforms serves as a Masterclass in that is reused. Ross doesn't just Tweet to his 60,000 followers however, he shares condensible tips for marketing on YouTube, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn..

Amanda Natividad

Amanda Natividad is the vice president of marketing at SparkToro that is a business that conducts research on audiences. Through Twitter she often offers advice on content marketing to the 16,000 followers she follows, and her newsletter, The Menu is a deep dive into her ideas on marketing. The founders are also interviewed as marketers, and content creators on her YouTube Channel, The Menu Show..

An old-fashioned method of advertising The trick is to sublimate value and get people to click on the link , and then make a purchase.

Innovative way to promote Give value in exchange forinsight and tools. It is a guarantee that the customers you sell to will ultimately make a decision to purchase.

It is also known as creating Zero-Click Content.

And if you don't take action, you'll be lost.

-- Amanda Natividad (@amandanat) September 19 , 2022

Kaleigh Moore

Kaleigh Moore is a freelance writer freelance as well as an expert in marketing, as well as the founder of Content Remix, an audio-based repurposing agency. Both on Twitter and LinkedIn, as and LinkedIn, she offers useful tips for improving the writing skills of your employees and reuse any type of content, including written audio and other written materialto maximize the impact.

Keep in mind that the internet is still in its beginnings and what we're doing to the web in terms of content today is going to determine what's to come in the coming years.

Internet writers, creators and creators are shaping the web in ways we're not even aware.

Media is the word used to define the message.

-" Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) 12 September 2022

Social Marketing Experts in Media who are a source of inspiration for us.

Lauren Thomas

Lauren Thomas has an excellent profile on LinkedIn As of the past, she worked for AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company along with Macy's and now is the head of social for Intuit. What are the best advice for those who create content?

"Do things you're proud of and get an enjoyable time working at it." Lauren Thomas, social media guru

Through Through LinkedIn, Lauren shares her tactics for hitting 100,000 followers via TikTok, getting buy-in from the top management of social strategy as well as coming up with creative social concepts.

Christopher Tompkins

Christopher Tompkins is the CEO and the head strategist at The Go! Agency, a digital marketing company. Alongside sharing his views regarding the future of the field of social media marketing through LinkedIn and Twitter In addition, he hosts the Bulletproof Marketer podcast. The Bulletproof Marketing, where he frequently interview experts in growth and marketing.

Christopher is particularly enthusiastic about the possibilities of video in marketing via social media. He told Forbes:

"If you look at the latest developments in digital (social and paid channels as well as email) take note of the level of movement you're experiencing across all channels. Then notice how much more widespread the trend is as contrasted to before...My advice is to step away from your normal routine and begin using video quickly."

Experts in SEO and Web Design to be followed

Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina is co-founder, the director of marketing at Orbit Media Studios that is a web design and development company. His team is determined to aid clients with the design of innovative, interactive websites that boost the conversion rate. Naturally Andy is the only one with this expertise. Andy has a significant element of developing stories-driven websites is strategically using video. According his research, TechSmith:


Join Andy as well as Andy Twitter and Twitter to get tactical as well as technical guidance about SEO as well as Analytics and web development.

Oli Gardner

Oli Gardner is the founder and CEO of Be The Keynote the business that helps people become better communicators. Oli is also the creator of Unbounce an online site that does not require coding landing page solution.

Oli's enthusiasm for tools of marketing and communicating are apparent in his tweets as well as LinkedIn blog postings. Oli frequently shares tips for being a good digital communicator whether through webinars, websites, or on social media.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the top-known name in SEO and internet marketing. It's true. Every day the expert shares his latest marketing tips via YouTube in short, under five-minute videos. He tackles the subject of digital marketing in general, offering tips about how to be listed on Google, how to find patterns before they become too well-known and also the ways you can automate the process of marketing.

Alongside Eric Siu, a founder of the firm, and an investor, advisor and investor, Neil also runs the podcast Marketing School..

In addition to Neil's podcast and YouTube channel Neil is also active through LinkedIn and Instagram. Neil via Instagram as well as LinkedIn.

Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

Amrita Mathur

Amrita Mathur is the vice president Marketing Manager at Superside known as a design agency. Through social media like LinkedIn or Twitter frequently she discusses her method to marketing as well as what's going on behind the scenes at Superside.

The posts of Amrita are authentic and truthful, and when readingthem, it's easy to think that you're working with the Superside team. In February, for instance, Amrita shared on LinkedIn her experiences with her team as well as her had put funds into "a lot of moonshots" in part due to the fact that, according to her explanation:

"I'm declaring this COMO. Much like FOMO, COMO is the cost of being left out which is why we'll put our funds in areas that we think are the areas it is believed that the COMO is exceptionally high."

The following months she revealed the outcomes of these investments, like taking a chance on video, and also how developing a dynamic, person-centered advertisement increased their click-through rates of 48%. It also reduced the cost per click to 62% and cut the price per 1,000 to 30.

Dylan Kohlstadt

Dylan Kohlstadt is the co-founder, CEO and co-founder of Shift One which is a B2B internet-based marketing company. A lot of his posts focus on ways marketers can move forward simply by providing the community with value. As Dylan tells Peer to Peer Marketing:

"I think that one of the biggest field in digital marketing moment to study is the field of marketing for communities. Determine how to develop a physical and a digital community where you add valueand will build loyal and loyal followers, who also happen to purchase from you as well."

You can find Dylan you can follow her on Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. You can also choose to follow her show The Dylan Kohlstadt Show available via Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is co-founder and CEO of SparkToro which provides an online platform for conducting studies on the audience that helps businesses improve their understanding of their customers. He's well-known in Twitter for helping people understand how to use data and analysis to enhance their marketing plans.

Q: How do you figure out the most popular social network(s) your community/audience uses?

This is an idea (e.g. B2B is usually LinkedIn, Twitter is where games crowd hangs, Insta & TikTok are for B2C in fitness/fashion/food, etc, FB for conservative news)?

Or do you do actual research?

-- Rand Fishkin (@randfish) September 19, 2022

While Rand advocates for the application of customer data and research in every kinds of marketing, he's experienced firsthand the possibilities of video marketing:

"Video can be incredibly powerful." capabilities. One of them I've observed is its ability to be remembered as well as its capacity to leave a mark that stays with one's own is unmatched." Rand Fishkin

There's also an option to connect with Rand through LinkedIn.

You will be (and stay) amazed

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