Nine ways to make use of screen-recorded videos to communicate better at work

Sep 6, 2023

The majority Of employees are either unengaged or disengaged in their jobs.

Fortunately, video communications can save the day

Let's take you through the nine different ways you can use video to better engage your teams and show you how to create these videos using the simplest screen recording device.

First, what is Screen Recorder?

This tool is great to quickly share your ideas with your colleagues or customers, without having to write (and modify) lengthy paragraphs to explain the details of something.

There's no need to worry about taking accurate images and marking them with a marker for specific items to display. Instead, you can simply guide viewers through the steps with an audio recording of the screen and audio that explains the steps.

9 ways to communicate better using recorded video

Screen-recorded videos add a layer of genuineness to your communications by capturing the tone of your voice, facial expressions and non-verbal signals and, in turn, creating a sense of connection with your employees and minimising any confusion that may arise through text only.

Use these videos for all types of internal communications -- sharing performance reports, presentations, training content plus much more:

1. Executive messages

77 percent of engaged employees believe they'd appreciate it if they received a steady frequency of communications from their leaders, including regular updates on their operations, and also from the C-suite explaining why the decisions are taken.

Yet, the leadership usually restricts their announcements to town halls every quarter, long emails, and official announcements. They're not enough to build trust among employees and even less engage them.

Thankfully, screen-recorded videos can serve as the intermediary between the C-suite and the other members of the company. It is quick and simple to capture, these video have a more natural and authentic feel, not scripted. They help leaders gain the trust of their employees quicker and create a more engaged staff.

"Being video-first and visually oriented in your workplace communication is an effective way to combat this. This forces you to take off the veil and protect yourself from written and edited comms."

2. Welcome messages to new employees

Half of new hires plan to walk away soondue to a inadequate onboarding that leaves the employees feeling disengaged.

Uninteresting presentations that highlight the company's mission and culture do little to entice new employees.

Again, screen-recorded welcome videos offer a great option. They capture the excitement you feel of having the new employee on board without you needing to block time for another Zoom conference. In addition, since these videos are shown to that you are a professional, they could:

  • Make sure that you make employees feel comfortable
  • Assist you and your colleagues to build rapport with the newcomer right from the beginning

Here's an example with Maddie Diaz, Senior Demand Generation Specialist at the firm, who designed a short welcome video to introduce herself to the marketing team.

3. Onboarding of employees

Here's an EMS interactive training video which awards quiz-takers points on their answers:

4. Product walkthroughs

Teams must have a clear knowledge of the product's worth before they are able to promote and sell it.

The creation of snackable feature videos is an effective solution to getting deeper into the explanation of a product than a demo by itself can.

  • Scale product education
  • All content should be accessible
Video Library  video enterprise product

5. Instructions for the Process and walkthroughs

Are you aware of those " Hey, so what's the next step here?" messages? These messages indicate that your employees do not understand your workflow.

Actually, just 4 percent of remote or hybrid employees are aware of what is expected of them at work.

Screen-recorded walkthroughs of process are useful sources for setting clearly defined working expectations. Then, encourage sales, marketing support, product, as well as other departments to create them available to their employees, breaking down the following areas:

  • Processes -- For example, how to use particular tools, send an employee's pay, and access within internal databases.
  • Workflows Which tasks are first, then and third? Who is responsible for what, and to whom they'll give the ball to next.
  • Team communication -- When is it appropriate to hold an event versus show screen-recorded video, including the steps to create the videos.

It is also possible to assist employees in solving simple tech problems through troubleshooting video tutorials, in addition to answering often asked questions.

The most appealing part? Screen-recorded video is effective for creating processes for external contractors, too. Like, for instance, Shopify uses payment process walkthroughs to reduce back-and-forth between managers and freelancers on getting paid.

6. Trainings that are just-in-time

Half of the participants of this TalentLMS study report being unsatisfied about their learning program, mainly because the content isn't very relevant to them. As it's unimportant, employees tend to lose 50-80% of the training over the course of two days.

How can we solve this problem?

Because of the instant application, the message is also far better retained than when employees are forced to sit through a helpful but irrelevant-in-the-moment training workshop.

"Having such a platform will house the only source of truth. Let's us push it as an embed code or link to be used in any learning, and still swap it out without the embed code or the links shifting it has saved us so many times over the past few years."

Additionally, due to the thorough video analytics, you can be able to easily monitor engagement with your videos to assess the effectiveness of your program for training.

7. Sales enablement training

Between prospecting, doing cold outreach, and closing deals there's a lot of opportunity for sales emails to get lost in hectic reps' inboxes. One-size-fits-all workshops squeezed between packed schedules don't see much retention either.

In contrast, sharing individual sales training videos using video formats is a good way to increase the number of participants and boost group performance. You can record different sales enablement videos sharing:

  • Market intelligence: Share market analysis as well as brand updates and briefs on incoming leads with bite-sized videos.
  • Perfect buyer profiles go deeper than a surface-level pdf of a buyer's persona. Educate reps by talking through precisely what is appealing to ideal buyers, the challenges they face through the sales cycle and more.
  • New sales playbooks and frameworks: Use screen recording to provide feedback and share information regarding playbooks you've created. When you are done, put the actions to be taken into brief videos that promote use.

8. Project management

"New project, more meetings Wow, how exciting!" said no one ever.

Still, project meetings are the most frequent form of meetings employees attend.

In contrast, reviving them using screen-recorded videos explaining the how, what is, and why of projects can be sure to save time for everyone involved. Consider it this way:

  • Project managers can share objectives and other details of the project, as well as feedback in their own time.
  • The team members are able to go through video projects at their own speed -- instead of yawning during meetings.
  • Project members can also record videos using their browsers to share progress updates.

Pro tip: Organize videos sharing outcomes and goals for your project by campaign name within your library of videos. This way, you'll have an easy-to-follow record of every project's 'why' and the outcomes they generated.

9. Team update and report

Updates for teams can fall between chat messages as well as email archives, while some users may miss the updates completely.

Videos recorded updates, on other hand, can be difficult to miss. If they are organized according to teams, project name or topic within your video library They can be easily searched also. A different idea is sharing your monitor to create performances reports.

Based on who's watching the video -- group members or other stakeholders grant the user permission to access, leave comments, or control specific folders of video. Also, you can disallow public comments, if you need to.

Record employee messages videos now

Remember, screen-recorded video messages convey your genuineness better than written comms can.

They're also effective in bridging the gap in communication between leaders and employees. For a user-friendly tool for making these videos, we'd recommend our no-cost Recorder. Simply enable the recorder in your browser and start recording right away.