
Nov 24, 2022

"Vancouver is surrounded by some stunning landscapes, so every day I had off trying to escape in the mountains" Frauke says. "I initially just wanted to document the trip with my smartphone camera and uploaded my photos on the internet to share them with my friends. I purchased a camera a couple years later and well, here is where I'm at."

Now, she hikes and photographs her way across mountains throughout the world. She shares her travels through her social media followers. Find out more about her perspective Frauke is bringing to her photography. Find out how she helps her manage her work from any location, and how her website assists her in protecting her creative freedom.

Inviting viewers to experience nature

Though not everyone can take long treks into mountain ranges, Frauke's aim is to offer viewers the best thing. "I attempt to draw viewers into my images, so that they feel like they are there alongside me at that exact instant," she says.

Frauke also believes that by bringing viewers into the world of her travels, and showing the beauty and rawness of the natural world, her photos will have a more lasting influence. "If 10 people see my artwork and decide"Hey, I'd like to connect to the natural world and safeguard this planet more urgently this is a win," Frauke says. "It is my best work that is in alignment with the place where my heart is."