
May 23, 2024

We're very proud of our 20 year tradition of being an avenue for entrepreneurs and small-scale businesses across the globe to make a mark and be profitable. Marcy Lab School Marcy Lab School is a non-profit organization and is located in Brooklyn, New York, which aims to offer an extraordinary postsecondary education experience for students in order to help them gain profitable and rewarding job possibilities in the technology sector.

We contributed $100,000 to Marcy Lab School as a part of our 2020 commitment to support organizations in eliminating the racial discrimination.

We spoke with The Marcy Lab School's executive director, Reuben Ogbonna II, about the ways The Marcy Lab School is offering Fellows opportunities to find their strengths and careers in the field of technology that require no having a bachelor's degree or a four-year diploma from an institution of higher learning.

: Marcy Lab is a relatively young company. So the reason you chose to establish the non-profit organization?

Reuben Ogbonna II: After spending 14 years serving students of color--along with my co-founder Maya Bhattacharjee-Marcantonio--in the charter and public school systems, we repeatedly watched as our former students with limitless potential slipped through the cracks of higher education. One of the most common stories that you don't hear often about college across the United States is that each year a ton of really capable, hardworking and talented students get accepted into the college that they've always wanted to attend however, they can't afford it or even make it to graduation. We were astonished at the very low rate of success for "college promises" that left our students and their families financially devastated as well as other unsolvable issues.

Marcy Lab School was founded by us and Marcy Lab School was founded by us and manage Marcy Lab out of the conviction that the children of our society who are of color, and actually all kids, should be given a better, more equitable access to the opportunities and opportunities that were previously only available to those who been at a 4-year institution of higher learning. Marcy Lab School Marcy Lab School is a viable alternative to postsecondary education that was designed and established upon our initial objective of making sure there are opportunities throughout the lifetime for economic mobility and choices students are interested in careers that change their lives of technological advancement.

SQSP can be described as a feasible alternative to a college degree that is four years long for fellow students. What is the primary reason it's important to know this Marcy Lab is the only location to visit Marcy Lab offers this path towards job?

ROThe issues I watched my children face directly were among the biggest obstacles faced by students of color. It was evident that the higher education systems of our nation were not up to par with the standards of college the majority of young students want to experience: the social aspect of a college, academic support and the capacity to be aligned with more than just a job but also with a career. It's the deliberate mixture of these aspects that make up the foundation of Marcy Lab and are some essential factors that help students the confidence to choose an alternative option.

To fulfill our new promise and fulfill our promise to you We will make sure that Fellows have the skills required to participate in our 12 month program. We will prepare them for integration in teams which are fast-paced and give an advantage on their first day. Fellows develop technical skills through completing a curriculum aligned to the industry, which is flexible and sensitive to the constantly changing demands in the technology industry. Apart from gaining an extensive technological foundation, our fellows take part in our Leadership & Development curriculum, which is focused on racial identification, gender equality, career preparedness, and financial literacy. This is complemented by famous authors like James Baldwin, Michelle Alexander, Safiya Umoja Noble, and Dr. Beverly Tatum.

We're extremely proud to announce our Marcy Lab School graduates are searching for high-paying jobs which are typically restricted to students of four-year institutions which are highly competitive. It has two advantages. The first is that the students we've taught and their families promoted to positions that offer safety and stability financially. Secondly, it also shows that companies are changing their hiring methods to accept people who don't fit into the traditional.

SQSP: Would you be able to tell us a little more about the impact you've witnessed the Marcy Lab School's effect Marcy Lab School have on the students that attend the school?

ROEven in the final five years of working in this area and observing the world around me, it has become clear my excitement is to watch our incredible young people get jobs offering an average of $188,000 per year in pay at the age of 19 and twenty at several of the most successful corporations across the world, with no loans. They are serving on teams at companies such as The New York Times, JPMorgan, Cockroach Labs, Spotify along with numerous others, boosting the average earnings by nearly $75,000 in the course of a year. They also allow their companies to support their local communities by buying houses, donating to the family businesses of their parents as well as helping their family members.

However, even before our Fellows enter the industry and enter in working life, we watch how they change, learn and gain confidence in their abilities as they perform better than they've before to accomplish their goals and gaining the belief that they can contribute value to the spaces they step into. Each day, they become increasingly interested and determined to make change beyond the confines of Marcy and eventually, their work environments. They work alongside their teachers as well as each other to keep their minds in the direction that their skills, talents and capabilities will allow individuals to break down old-fashioned systems of oppression and, eventually, use their expertise and knowledge to formulate strategies for society's benefit as well as to help in the transformation of society.

SQSP: What's the role that tech play in achieving the Marcy Lab program and its participants as subjects as well as managing the program?

ROOur technological program's efficacy is based on our symbiotic partnership with the organizations we partner with on the side of employers for the purpose of establishing constant feedback regarding our fellows' abilities to be technical and ready for work. Any areas of improvement that are relevant go directly to our instruction team to ensure that our program is able to evolve and alter in accordance with the requirements of job-seekers and on-the-job performance.

The relationship between curriculum and students' performance has led to more hiring agreements with employers that recognize that such relationships could result in greater or equal result in hiring. A few highlights are:

We work directly with well-established businesses to eliminate the requirement to hire software engineers. They include The New York Times and . They also hired our Fellows, as well as other untraditional talent.

The creation of a completely new Capstone program curriculum in conjunction with J.P. Morgan Chase Asset and Wealth Management who offers a specialization in backend data engineering course during our capstone year in order to fulfill their demands and help train our fellows to take on the ever-growing expansion of analysis based on information.

SQSP What are the goals that you are planning for the future of Marcy Lab School?

RO:What is causing me to feel optimistic about the future of Marcy Lab and the future of the places we work in is the change happening in the corporate world, with firms shifting away from requirements for degrees to hiring based on abilities that have enabled organizations like Marcy Lab to even exist.

I have noticed major employers all over the nation such as IBM and Barclays and a couple of colleagues similar to the ones I work for and many intermediate and new career senior executives who came from the Marcy Lab School, similar to Stanford's pipeline of firms that are located in San Francisco's Bay Area. When they acquire knowledge and experience at these top corporations, I'm seeing graduates beginning to branch out and start their own businesses and then transfer their knowledge by joining teams with similar experiences with their peers.

It is important to note that I view Marcy Lab as a part of a larger network of developmental pathways which are designed to be fair and equitable to aid hundreds of students who are highly-performing and have a diverse background into jobs that break the cycle of poverty in just a few generations.

SQSP: How can people who are interested in the Marcy Lab School's mission be involved?

ROIf the mission statement or the idea behind what are a match for you, We encourage you to be a part of our growing community. expanding. We would like to see people be inspired to join our cause! We frequently share three options for those who are new to the cause to join us:

Visit our Brooklyn campus located in Industry City and meet first-hand those young people who work for hours to realize their dreams and the impressive group which drives the entire process ahead.

Volunteer your time and share your experience to others while they go through the rigorousness of our program for one year, prepare for their job search in addition to the job market. Our volunteers serve as mentors, instructors and curriculum advisors, and recruiters and guest lecturers. They are vital to the success of our course, assisting us keep our curriculum aligned with industry standards and ensuring the satisfaction of all member of our Fellows.

At the end of the day, by donating to the work of our organization will allow us to make sure that this class is completely free of cost to our fellow students.

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