LIVE from SXSW Blueprints to create better stories

Mar 25, 2023

Read on for highlights from the entire chat. The interview's answers are edited for clarity.

On writing great characters:

Mark: "Everything starts with writing. The key concept of the story's opening, four office workers who screamed during a presentation did not truly inspire me. However, creating great characters made the story more interesting. It was a long time considering who these characters were, their differences with each other, and how we could work by interacting with them to make the story more entertaining and humorous.

We wanted to highlight the problem and each person's mistakes to help them become more acceptable. In the authenticity, it's where it is in. My goal is to create imperfection in everything and I really love it since that's what makes people charming. That's why you like it.

The key is to not think of these movies as normal commercials. I enjoy digging into the backstory of each character. The more details, the more fascinating. Backstories that are unique assist the characters starting from the beginning. This includes production, style as well as design. It helps the viewers understand what each character's role is. This is why I created these characters for actors to be able to sense the same when watching it. I think when you start watching these three films, you will start to feel the ongoing effect."

Infractions to the law:

Mark: "My tip would be to speak to individuals who are like yourself. Try to be the most authentic you can be. The media world is manicured. It's an approach which means that the edges of the characters and their stories are sanded back. I would advise you to step aside from this process and be brave enough to tell the story the way it is.

For example, in the very first film I did making use of Apple I observed one my actors googling the iPad. I made this kid touch the tablet and there was a scene and everybody is staring at one another and asking, "What the hell's he doing?" I'm constantly telling them "Oh, can we break this? Can we think? Could I make it coasters?" Simply make it real. Come back to finding the truth behind the story, and in the work that we tell. This is what draws people to listen and makes the characters and stories enjoyable."

In integrating the product

Mark: "How you see the products in these films is fascinating and thought-provoking. The whole thing is tied to the script. I strive to utilize the product as a key component in every scene. I create a story around the productand then create scenes with the product. The product should be able to take us from here there. When you weave your product with a narrative by this method, it's not a gimmick It's an integral part of the story you're telling."

On taking risks:

You have to take risks in order to create good entertainment, and build a relationship with your brand. I believe this to be the most important issue is that you must be willing to gamble, while also fostering strong relationships with the people that you're putting your money on. Advertising is covered or obliterated from the work. However, if you take off certain layers, you will be able to communicate with people who are similar to them."

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