Kingpin Interview with the legendary Ben Pines

Dec 31, 2023
Interview with Ben Pines from Elementor

Q1: Tell us about your experience about when and the first time you were involved with WordPress?

In 2006, it was when I began my journey in the field of marketing. I was a part of an SEO agency. The world was awash with SEO back during the days in the past in which all you had to do in order to gain the amazing Google traffic was create an informative website and then send it to the customer. That's the way I approached the job. I created the WordPress site I created for my client to market his company to ensure it was ranked high. Following that I saw the power of WordPress. I recall having an a heated discussion with my boss, who was one of the most famous SEO people in Israel He claimed that WordPress was specifically designed for use on blogs. According to him, WordPress wasn't suitable for other types of websites. I'm happy that I remained with my decision to stick on WordPress.

After that, I took the decision to establish my own company which was responsible for managing multiple affiliate websites that were built on WordPress. I managed them for seven years before I started my new position as CMO for the Elementor Page Builder approximately two years ago.

Q2: What's your most crucial thing that people should be aware of about the actions you take within WordPress currently?

The goal that is the goal of Elementor is to drastically enhance the process of creating websites using WordPress. One of the main disadvantages of WordPress is it's in not in a position to design conceptual concepts. Our goal is to introduce innovative features to design in WordPress which will enable designers to accelerate and enhance their workflow for design. Designers no longer have to depend on web developers to assist even the tiniest adjustments they'll require. Our interactive and real-time editor lets users create whatever kind of webpage they want to create within just two-thirds of the time previously required.

WordPress Elementor page builder plugin
WordPress Elementor plugin for page builders

The work that we're doing at WordPress at present is focused on getting to our goal. In the relatively brief time between when we first began in 2000 and when we've had the opportunity to sign up many thousands of WordPress users. A majority have picked Elementor as their primary instrument for generating and producing the feedback that they provide. We're planning to improve and extend Elementor's capabilities to the Elementor customers that are not paid and also our paying customers. As well as developing our page builders, we're also doing efforts to produce video which is top-quality and also helping to increase the amount of people who is currently on Facebook (now over of 77,000) as well as engaging with you through our blog. Through our blogs, we've linked to WordPress in addition to participating in WordCamps.

Question 3: What obstacles did you face in gaining access up to the level which you're at now professionally?

One of the toughest challenges I've faced during my professional career was to determine what actions I should take in order to have most influence on what direction the company that I'm a part of. Marketers are constantly faced with making choices in the face of uncertainty. It is a constant issue that can be divided into several kinds of problems that you must address frequently:

  • What could I do to build a broad set of marketing abilities that are focused on all of the?
  • What do I need to consider doing to better be able to understand my customers' needs and possible customers?
  • What do I need to think about doing in order to utilize the current state of the project as an underlying basis for increasing the amount of leverage?
  • What should I do to beat the most common objections people have against advertising and win confidence from my customers?

As I began my work on Elementor it was full of a myriad of problems and issues that occurred. The market we entered was already the home of a number of page builders that were well-known. Our goal was to welcome new customers as well as persuade customers to choose an alternative page builders using the same software they already had. This isn't an easy feat. This is a constant issue. However, this kind of complex aspect is my favorite thing regarding the marketing field.

Q4 Question 4: What's the one thing that surprised your when you first started in the WordPress world?

I believed that I knew WordPress entirely, after having utilized it on personal websites for quite a while. After I began to work on Elementor and Elementor I discovered that I did not have any understanding of how the WordPress community operated and how to be influential within the. If you're a manager of the WordPress business, maintaining a connection as a complete member of the WordPress community might not be as straightforward as you think. More than simply attending WordCamps.

Contrary to homogenous communities such as the marketing or design community, WordPressers are an eclectic group of individuals. From novice users to those that are looking to join the bloggers. You need to make sure your software is suitable to various types of users. Also, be aware of people you are affixed towards, and the way they affect your communications and behave in accordance with. You might be contemplating the possibility that some of the WordPress communities are closed-circuit, making it difficult. Being a part of an existing community or creating your own community takes an enormous amount of work. But, as we've witnessed this, it's crucial to increase the reach of your WordPress existing business.

It's crucial to emphasize that there are benefits to the WordPress community, too. There was plenty of support on all aspects from the table. podcasters like Lee Jackson and Kim Doyal to developers like Josh Pollock, and everyone who was among the first people to utilize WordPress and assisted us during the initial times.

Question 5: How do you feel that the future will be for WordPress along with the WordPress world?

At Elementor we're looking at the long future, and our goals are high. In the near future, it could be feasible to Elementor to move from a single page to the whole WordPress design and development stage of our website. The first step was the launch of our menu navigation release. It is expected to expand to even greater extent during the next months.

6. What aspects are you thinking of when deciding upon the most reliable WordPress hosting company?

Along with Elementor I also oversee my own online assets. I'm a webmaster and have more than 10 years of experience working with hosting service suppliers. What I think as the most important:

regular backups. HTTPS and HTTP/2 support the most effective servers secure FTP access. It offers unlimited storage space, professional assistance servers that are within my private CDN in a myriad of locations.

Q7: What activities do you like doing when you're not on your laptop?

I've had the honor of taking part in Improv theatre for quite a few years and I would like to get the opportunity to go back once my children are older (ages 1,4 4, and 5 and 4; I'm focusing on them right now). I'm a huge admirer of great movies (Lost The Invisible) as well as great TV series (Fargo Season 3) and stand-up comedies (Bill Burr) as well as amazing books (Artist and Margarite). I write with passion. I'm presently writing only for the Elementor blog, however I write for different websites.

Question 8: Who do we planning to see next & what is the motivation?

Brian Jackson

Brian is a frequent user of WordPress and has been using it for nearly 10 years and developed several high-end WordPress plugins. Brian is an avid fan of films, blogging and hiking. Connect with Brian on Twitter..

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