Jon Youshaei's Guide to Unlimited Content for Social Media Ideas

Mar 16, 2024

Success in the online business of creating relies on the creators' abilities to produce consistent and innovative social media content ideas that entice and captivate their audience members.

Generating fresh ideas for social media content frequently will keep your viewers entertained, interested, and ultimately looking for more.

If you're working in social media or are seeking to enter the content creation space it is important to know how to expand your social media business with the top of the line, that is Jon Youshaei.

Jon is a specialist - which we'll share in the future - about how to come up with endless social media content ideas and build your following starting from scratch. His valuable tips come from nearly a decade in Instagram as well as YouTube as the Head of Creator Product Marketing, which is how Jon could grow his company and grow to more than 700,000 followers, 430 million viewers and secure over 40 sponsorships shortly after beginning his own.

This webinar and blog provide you with Jon's insights in revealing methods for how you can create your own personal social media empire by unlocking the keys to endless concepts for social media content and strategies for storytelling.

Are you eager to unleash your imagination and unlock your potential in the realm of digital? Let's get started!

Continue reading to find out more:

The key for social media's success

Making sure your content is relevant, searchable constant, valuable, and consistent will determine your success as a creator of content.

Everyone is looking at their favourite creators for the most recent trends, or to get new information on current trends or methods of working. But sometimes coming up with social media content ideas is a lot more difficult than it sounds... so how can creators remain one step ahead of their rivals and capitalize on new concepts for content? This is what we'll soon take a deeper dive into and include some tips from Jon Youshaei on how to become a contemporary scroll stopping storyteller included.

However, first of all, if you are just trying to get your feet wet in the content creation industry It is crucial to know the art of finding your niche and know who your target people are before you learn how to consistently create captivating social media content ideas.

  Finding your niche  

The most significant aspects of a niche is it aids in distinguishing your company from other businesses, making your brand more memorable. This will ultimately increase the amount of followers you have and increase viewership. It will also help to build loyal customers and increase your revenue. A niche is how you're perceived by your peers, especially if you are starting a business starting from scratch in a saturated marketplace.

When starting a business in the online world, it's essential to focus your energy into the specific area that you are an expert in. A niche lets you to focus to your skills instead of expending your energy on tackling all aspects of your chosen field. Be cautious about spreading yourself too thin. Focus only on the area you are interested in and use your time and energy to focus on different areas of your business.

Below are the four suggestions on how to find your field of interest:

  1. Identify your unique strengths
  2. Study your rivals
  3. Find your target audience
  4. You can narrow down your knowledge and expertise

To successfully find your niche, focus on your core strengths and the things you excel at. That, in conjunction with competitive study, analysis of the audience, and talking to your customers to find out what they want, will help you make a mark and allow you to produce targeted and searchable content.

  Understanding your target public  

Another crucial step in creating compelling content is knowing the demographics of your target audience and what they are looking for from your brand. If you are able to identify your niche, you can reduce the number of people who will be interested in your services or products, and help make your marketing strategies further targeted.

It will allow you to build a community around your brand which will give you a better idea of what is the kind of content that your viewers want. Be sure to ask your customers what they want to receive from you. This will allow you to gain an understanding of what types of content that you should be producing and how you can narrow down the subject matter you are working on.

When you truly know who your intended audience is and if the feeling is mutual, you'll be able to build a rapport with your followers that'll allow the arduous process of content creation seem more like a shot in the dark and more an organized program. This will allow users to create personalized content in response to the behaviour of your target audience and tailor your content according to your audience's preferences.

Like Jon mentions, your customers are your primary focus - think of them like your fan base where you create your fan base. Knowing your audience's needs will create a sense of individualized focus for your followers and create a memorable brand experience that will attract new members of your audience.

  How to generate new concepts for content on social media  

The presence of your brand is crucial in social media. Engaging content can help convert your audience into paying customers, which can lead to lucrative sponsorships as well as open up opportunities you've only imagined only in your dreams.

In order to establish an appealing online presence, you have to offer something different to the table, something that will draw customers to your business - by establishing your own specialization. The niche you choose will attract certain groups of users that will be interested in the possibilities of your offerings.

The tricky part is keeping your initial audience engaged with your posts - this is why it's crucial to keep an organized plan of creating social media content in your back pocket.

Before we get into Jon's particular approach to making social media-related content Let's focus on a few key concepts we will be discussing later on.

Here are some tips to help you regularly create new content for social media. concepts:

  • Narrow in on the kind of community you'd like to create
  • Challenge yourself to post every day as often as you possibly can - this will build an increase in demand
  • Start with more short-form content, then move to longer-form content
  • Look for inspiration where your target audience might be
  • Pull ideas from your audience simply by conducting polls
  • Do extensive study and then dive into the desires of your viewers
  • If your initial blog article is getting a lot of interest, continue to explore it further
  • Stay current with new visitors in line with the values of your brand and purpose
  • Let your viewers see more of yourself to foster a personal connection
  • Repurpose content from other social media channels

We'll explore in-depth how to leverage some of these ideas by using proven techniques taken from Jon Youshaei's Inside Accelerator course.

The Beyonce Research Remix: Three R's of relevance

Jon Youshaei has developed what could quite possibly be the secret to never being short of content creation ideas ever again: the Beyonce Research Remix. Through this method, Jon delves into a comprehensive explanation of the three R's of importance, which include react, re-explain and Repackage.

Beyonce Research Remix Beyonce Research Remix is a innovative approach for creating infinite social media content concepts and with minimal effort from your side. The method's foundation is simplicity and offers insights into how you can effectively utilize audience feedback and engagement in the creation of content.

This technique is called"the Beyonce Research Remix because of one underrated fact: Beyonce is a brilliant marketer that we can take and leverage ideas from. Jon explains that there are a ton of facts most do not know about Beyonce and that people can apply to their own business and goals for content creation.

It all started with Beyonce's famous music video for her hit song Single Ladies, where the material in the video is a dance choreographer from the past named Bob Fosse who created the dance moves in 1969. Frame for frame, Beyonce's music video appears to be almost exact copy of the original that she made in 1969, from the minimalist background to similar costumes. It turns out that this copy-and-paste incident was not a singular incident.

Beyonce has a history of revising history. People started noticing, and Bey became the first one to expose herself, using her own words, telling her choreographer that she discovers and takes the work of various artists, and then copies them.

Jon states how the critics who denounce Beyonce have completely misjudged the issue because while they say that she's all about copying and pasting, Jon thinks she's more about copy with taste. Jon is actually a reader who's obsessive about doing research through YouTube as well as Instagram, and is a sharp eye for detail.

Everyone can learn a valuable lesson from Queen Elizabeth herself. Do your own research, and then keep your own memory banks. Copying with taste means the mixing of many sources, not just one. It means you elevate the old. The idea isn't to imitate it but you also share the credit but don't take advantage of it. This is precisely what Beyonce is doing.

That leads to this Beyonce Research Remix three step method that helps you understand how creating fresh content shouldn't be a major headache as well as self-questioning and an awful case of writer's block.

"Beyonce's Research Remix provides creators with ways that they could use a good idea for content that was previously used and transform into hundreds of different content ideas. In this way, you won't exhaust the creative juices of your brain by trying to come up with 100 different content ideas. This remix of the Beyonce Research Remix teaches you to think smarter and not to do more work.

Let's go!

  Method one: React  

The initial step of Jon's Beyonce Research Remix is react by learning to load your memory bank with endless ideas for creating content and also how to strategically market your brand to gain publicity.

  How can you replenish your memory bank  

The react method should be an integral part of your strategies for creating content as it's an effective means of gaining exposure and comments. If you're having trouble figuring what subjects you can discuss and write material around, you're in the right place to engage with your readers. Let's discuss the react method and its application in analyzing and responding the most popular media.

Take Reddit, for example. Reddit is the best place to get feedback and unanswered questions. It's where you can discover the needs of your customers in relation to what you know about. It opens the door to the way you can give your audience answers to questions related to the topic at hand.

It's as easy as create a list Reddit pages on your top voted topics. This is as simple as logging onto Reddit and typing the topic into the search bar and then looking through the subreddits. You can put this list on spreadsheets to allow you to get more specific about what areas within your area that you could explore. Make sure to check back often to find out which subjects are the most active.

The greatest part is you are able to do this on multiple platforms including Quora, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and different community pages. This is something that will be immediately scrutinized by your followers.

Jon shares a quote which is in the form of: "What is posted on Reddit on Monday ends up on Buzzfeed on Tuesday, and ends in social media on Wednesday, then ends up on Facebook within a month."

It's true - Reddit is the first place to go viral on the internet. If you're to Reddit, you're in front of many other people who only get the fourth or third cycle. If you find yourself looking at a blank screen, now you are aware of the information that is bubbling out of your particular field.

  How can you gain brand recognition  

Another key component of the reaction technique is the need to meet your target people where they are. It shouldn't be them making the effort to search and locate your site The amount of work on your followers' part might end up putting them off altogether.

In his webinar Jon explains how a very innovative ad by Los Angeles City Council. Los Angeles, a government organization, was seeking a graphic designer and they created a quirky post made in Microsoft paint saying that the city of Los Angeles is now hiring graphics designers. This post went viral in an online subreddit. Jon thought of how he could react to it using the Beyonce method.

So basically, he applied the concept of copy and taste with credit. Jon took the post and re-created it in his hometown of Los Angeles by bringing in his own experiences and ideas to the idea as well as elevating it to relate to his specific market. This was a raw and honest - it was also one of Jon's best performing articles of the moment. A lot of times, posting polished and professional content makes people feel like you're trying to sell them something, and they avoid it but making it relatable can actually cause people to stop scrolling.

Engaging with content that is trending will increase participation and an increase in audience connections. The result is a personal message which reads: "Hey, we like your style, do you want to connect?"

Being transparent and open to your viewers will demonstrate your genuineness This is the reason this method emphasizes the importance of being able to give credit where credit is due. Also, you will demonstrate your brand's authenticity by providing distinct perspectives on the most popular content.

Responding creates more meaningful interactions within the online world. The public appreciates the positive interaction between companies and real people, as it shows that businesses are able to give priority to customer support. Actually the average is 54 percent of those from the age of 18 and 54 look at brands positively if they have prompt customer service on social media. Going back-and-forth with customers on social media also boosts your company's reach overall as well as its social media profile.

Social media engagement creates special relationships that brands can use to learn about their audience. This allows brands to improve the experience of their customers, and assist their customers when needed.

Responding to social media posts creates an authentic voice that humanizes your business. It encourages users to engage positively and to praise your company. The organic search market has declined over the last few years, but businesses that are thoughtful and have an active social media presence receive greater organic reach on the internet. Responding to improve engagement on social media should be a vital part the social media marketing strategy.

  Method two: Re-explain  

The second method Jon proposes is to re-explain your material to cater to diverse reading level and preference. One size does not fit everyone, and that's why your audience will appreciate the effort of your company to communicate the concepts using simple language for people at different levels. This approach will provide an idea on how to repurpose your content and make it more generalizable for a wider audience reach.

Jon shares that the average reading ability of the adults within the United States is at an eighth grade level, and the majority of people prefer to read at the eighth grade level, regardless of having a degree above this. It is a fact that most individuals don't like to read complex ideas during their leisure time. Thinking about how you can describe something you've researched can be a way to remix in addition to reacting and copying with taste.

An application that you'll surely want to save for this purpose can be found in one called the Hemingway App. The app provides direction in how to reduce complex written subjects into simple terms for your audience by taking out any unnecessary jargon. This app highlights dense and lengthy chunks of knowledge and shows other alternatives. Additionally, it fixes mistakes in grammar and spelling mistakes.

Your customers won't want to spend hours trying to comprehend a concept - they'll want to have it explained to them in plain and simple terms. This can increase awareness, comprehension, and the engagement of your audience with your brand.

One of the most important components of the re-explaining method are the three C's namely clarity, confidence and conciseness. In the process of explaining content, the three C's will help improve the audience's comprehension.

  Three C's  

Three C's are fundamental guidelines for successful communication. The audience will appreciate your explaining things in a direct manner. This will also help boost audience retention.

  1. Clarity - State your purpose and write your message using simple and straightforward language that is easy for everyone to comprehend and understand.
  2. Confidence - There is the right time and space for more complicated words. Select the language you choose to use wisely, and know that you can't be a witness to someone else who is lost in your jargon.
  3. Simplify - Avoid using too many words. Be aware of too many words and duplicate descriptions. Make sure you are clear and get moving!

To implement re-explaining and the three C's into content creation, keep in mind how you would consider the material you're making if you did not have any prior experience in the field. Could it be difficult to comprehend? Or too simplistic? Try to aim for somewhere in the middle of the spectrum so that you are able to reuse content in multiple different ways. Make sure that every piece of the content you create falls in line with being well-organized, clear and precise.

  Method three: Repackage  

Jon's final strategy is repackaging. So far, the three C's can aid you in rewriting your explanation ways to remix and re-acting on the information you have gathered. The third R involves distributing this content you have created through a variety of ways on the various social media platforms.

Jon previously emphasized the importance of quality over quantity. However the last few years, he's focused on quantities. A few thoughts The reason is that the quantity is what leads to quality because you don't really know what quality is for the people you are promoting to until you publish more. Do you feel any lights are popping up in your head now?

In essence, this strategy is instructing you to get online and share something - could be anything! Then, as you see the posts that do well, you can reevaluate the ways that you can reuse this material. If a blog post is booming in popularity... it's now your opportunity to use this content written down to create a video. When you know that there's demand, it's time to put more time and energy on the process of creating. Say the video does well. Next, you could repackage the content into a longer form YouTube video. For longer written form it is possible to compose a blog about the topic. Top performing posts will help you gain maximum reach and engagement through making it easier to repackage this information.

Take time to analyze what type of content resonates with your target audience. If you notice that people are engaging with the content you have created in a short format it's an indication that it is time to test the boundaries and experiment with longer forms of content creation. Monitoring your results is the way to figure the posts that you need to spend time revising.

Another intriguing method of repackaging your content involves using headline templates with compelling headlines to draw attention of the audience and increase clicks. The people love headlines that discuss what's best and worst. As an example, a person would be enticed by the headline "The World's Worst Advice About Social Media." Think of innovative ways to come up with eye-catching headlines, whether for an article or video. This will help in the process of repackaging your material.

Repacking content is a way to rework the system in your advantage, taking some burden off of you to constantly come up with new ideas. You are simply expanding on your already existing high-quality content and then presenting it in a different form through new channels.

The advantages of repackaging your content include giving the content a fresh life as well as ensuring that it remains relevant to your target audience. If you are ever unsure about how best to package your content, just poll your audience and ask them what they'd like to see!

Enhancing the remix model

Researching, remixing, and repackaging are things that many great creatives and artists including Beyonce - do to keep their creativity levels high, ensuring they are always full. Mixing different resources and taking them a step further will ensure that you will never get bored of ideas about ways to make engaging social media posts.

Now that we've gone over the remix model It's now time to incorporate new tools to help improve your creations on social media and the execution of these concepts.

Incorporating other tools and strategies

  • Google Trends - This is the perfect place to begin doing research and seeking an idea. Find what you can and then elevate it with your knowledge.
  • TubeBuddy can help you know the content that will perform well before it is ever released to the general public. This lets you grow your audience by improving your content.
  • Hemingway app. This means that the content you post will be able to draw your readers efficiently and effective manner.

This process can be applied to any niche and industry. Anyone can mix and remix content on multiple media, if you employ the correct strategies to help you get there.

Remember the importance of adding your personal spin to the material you create. Your expertise will allow you to customize your content to create something that is unique and interesting for your viewers. The world's top creatives and musicians make remixed content more appealing in one way or another which proves that this method does well for them, it can be effective for you as well.

How do you get started with your journey as a creator

Jon's Beyonce Research Remix teaches us that not many of us look for inspiration from different sectors. We aren't studying the things that were successful before.

Beyonce herself said that she's never had access to a frightfully large database that she's paying hundreds of millions of dollars... the singer is searching for the inspiration she needs and filling her bank in the same way that you can.

There's a line by Mark Twain that sums up this approach: "All thoughts are secondary that are consciously or unconsciously retrieved from the world of a million source."

You're either in disbelief that you're obtaining the majority of your inspiration without thinking about it but you also have the option of being conscious and follow Beyonce's path of deliberately looking for inspiration. Make sure you have a memory bank through actively looking for inspiration from others as well as remixing and repackage what you have done your research. Be sure to copy your ideas with a sense of taste!

The remix method of react to explain, re-explain and repackage is that simple - to never experience that creativity block again and never run out of ideas for content on social media and again, all you need to do is start elevating new ideas in line with the preferences of yours.

Key lessons

Now that you have an entirely new outlook about how to create an unlimited amount of social media content ideas, it's now time to put into practice steps like reacting, explaining the concept, and adapt it to your online plan.

What we covered with Jon's Beyonce Research Remix model is just scratching the surface of the topics he covers in the Insider Accelerator program in which he offers a personalized 90 day experience that will teach the essential elements of creating a business that is a creator.

Join his Starter Package or the full package to enjoy the advantages of not having to struggle to come up with social media content concepts again. The program includes hands-on training as well as live private sessions, discussions, and revisions with specific notes. Diversify your income by learning all the necessary tools to leverage your social media platforms and grow your company to the next level.

Happy content creating!