Information Processing Theory and Approach

Oct 29, 2023

Are you aware of the complex neuro-psychological process that decides the manner in which your students (or anybody else) develop new knowledge in addition to information? This is the issue that information processing theory seeks to explain. It examines the complicated mechanism of perceiving, recording and analyzing information inside our brains. The brain also retrieves data when it is needed.

Learn more about the theories and how to use it in the creation of online courses to assist your students. We'll start by taking an in-depth look at how it all began.

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     A brief history of Information Processing Theory    

In the 1950s, it was where psychologists realized that computers could be the key to understanding how our minds work. George Armitage Miller and Edward C. Tolman set out the basic principles of how we use short-term memory and how they learn. Based on this fundamental framework, two popular theories of information processing emerged namely The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model and the Baddeley and Hitch Model of Working Memory.

The Atkinson and Shiffrin Model discusses the different stages of processing information. This includes sensorimotor memory, short-term memory (working memory) as well as long-term memory. It emphasizes the importance of attentiveness and complex practice patterns that lead to data being stored in the long-term memory. It is built on The Baddeley and Hitch Model of Working Memory and builds upon the theories of these two and describes how we process the spatial and language patterns.

Are you confused by the language of psychology? Don't worry! We have combined aspects of these theories to aid you in understanding the ways that humans process information. The first step is to comprehend this through examining the way we process information in everyday situations, and examining each of the processes thoroughly.

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     The fundamental concepts in Information Processing Theory    

As a creator educator, it's important to know about the many aspects involved with data processing.

Let's look at an example

When you're walking on a busy street, you're exposed to an array of sounds, sights, and odors. People may try to rub you shoulders in case you're lucky enough to meet the crowds that are agitated. To escape this rush and confusion, you decide to walk to a café that's tranquil and quiet. Additionally, be aware that they have the best coffee and croissants available in this area of town.

This is information processing theory working in real life. Let's look at how:

  1. There are various sensations that you feel (people moving around, a person brushing against your shoulder, or even a car moving at a high speed and on. - sensation. A stimulus can be any input or information from outside)
  2. The place you see is perceived as being over-crowded (perception is the way in which we see the information we sensed).
  3. Through your experiences in the past (long long term episodic memories) You associate with the experience as unpleasant as well as potentially risky (being in the previous associations)
  4. Hence, you recall the place which had given some comfort (another chain of memories could result in your recalling information about the cafe's quiet atmosphere and croissants, which is the memories of semantics).
  5. The memory gets activated then you can walk to the cafe (judging/analyzing and deciding. The walk into the cafe can be described as procedural memory).

First, you sense your environment

Humans have the ability to acquire information referred to as "stimulus" by using five senses: visually, tactile (hearing) and taste. The sixth sense relates to the body's position in equilibrium, motion and the vestibular sensing is present.

The sense organs, as well as their sense organs

  • Vision Eyes
  • Audio - Ears
  • Touch - Skin
  • Taste - Tongue
  • Aroma - Nose
  • The ear, the sense of vestibularity as well as other parts that make up the nerve system.

The sense organs in your body transform real-world data into electrical information the brain process and interpret the information as data you recognise at the unconscious degree. Interpretation of what is perceived can be influenced by previous connections (similar information that is stored inside your brain which is recalled can also create an association).

A note for authors When you are not incorporating the use of virtual or augmented reality into the content of your lessons I suggest you use primarily inputs (stimuli) that are related to visual (reading texts or watching videos) and the audio (voice to play background music).

     The perception process results from being able to sense.

Each sense organ senses stimuli from outside world and converts the signals they receive into electrical signals which can be detected by various regions within the brain. Sensing processes take place in the sense organs, while perception happens inside the brain. For those with different perception or disordered learning, they may find it hard to comprehend the information in a timely manner.

For authors: If you're planning to design your content so that it is easily accessible for those with disabilities, it is advisable to consider accessible design methods. Examples of accessible design are ensuring that your the words are evenly spaced or paragraphs, breaking lengthy ones into shorter ones as well as making sure that there is enough white space.

 In the event that information received is transformed (encoded) the information gets stored in memory.

Memory is a broad term which encompasses different aspects of cognitive functioning. The process begins by storing information in a limited time (sensory or working memory) prior to transferring it into longer-term storage through consolidation (encoding).

Sensory memory may last between to two or three seconds. If you aren't paying attention to the experience and don't feel the sensation, you'll not enter the short-term memory. Research has found that the short-term memory holds about seven items of data over the duration of 15 to 30 minutes. With rehearsals, your mind can store the information, and then it becomes stale or disappears.

In rehearsal the brain performs a process known as encode. It causes data to be transferred into long-term memory. When the data is stored in long-term memory, it is possible to retrieve the data at any point in the event that you do not allow it to go through the process of degeneration or disturbance. The term "long-term memory" refers to what you were aware of just a couple of minutes ago to something that happened quite a while agothat goes all the way to childhood.

The idea behind rehearsing is a method of facilitating the process of learning through repetition in classrooms. But, we know that the vast majority of students find it difficult to master rote learning within the natural world, which is why it's not the ideal method to learn complex concepts and abstract concepts.

The different kinds of memory that are long-term are:

  1. It is a memory that is accessible without conscious thought. If you're requested by a person which city is the capital in Great Britain is, you are able to easily state it as London. Thus, explicit memories are referred to as declarative memories. Declarative memory is further broken down into:
  • Memory that is intermittent memories of instances that happened in your life, such as visiting the home of a family member in your childhood
  • Semantic memory - Being able to remember things that you've learned about the globe. Like, for instance, the date of the declaration of World War 2 (September 1 September 1939).
  1. Implicit memory is stored as part of the long-term memory of your brain. But it is linked to your performance, movement. Examples of this include swimming ability as well as remembering to operate a vehicle after an extended gap, etc.

Attention helps memory last for longer, in addition, it can help you to learn faster

Though our sense organs absorb lots of data however they don't register in our minds unless you pay attention. They are incorporated into "sensory memory" following perception. They last just a few seconds (between one-half second and 3 seconds).

Concentrating your attention on one particular event in presence of another stimulus. An example is when you go to the café you prefer and decide to order the type of bread you'd prefer to eat even though you know that there are numerous other products that are available.

Reinvoking the example of the bustling street your brain might have noticed that there were many individuals. You may not have paid enough attention to recall their names. At the end of the day it is the case that the information that was associated with their faces became a mess and was lost forever.

     What happens to it? It happens in the brain?

If you are a creator educator you could be asking yourself how your learning materials you teach to your students is being taken care of through their minds. Baddeley along with the Hitch Model of Working Memory provides a straightforward answer to this.

The frontal brain (a portion of our brain) is the brain's processing area in which information is stored and then retrieved. Different types of memories are stored in various parts of the brain. According to Hitch as well as Baddeley:

  • Audio information (information that takes the form of sounds, usually referred to as music, language, or different kinds of sounds) is recorded within the Phonological Loop.
  • Phonological loop is made up of an phonological database, where the data is saved for a limited time along with the practice of articulatory, in which the brain is able to practice auditory signals to be stored over more time.
  • The Visuospatial Sketchpad is an area of the brain, which holds visual and spatial information such as patterns, shapes, and so on.
  • The episodic buffer may increase the capacity for the brain encode, store and retrieve information by connecting various brain regions in processing information.

Now let's apply what we've learned regarding information processing in learning about online environments.

     Your students must be aware of the online curriculum information    

When you are designing or making modules, consider your design in this manner. If you don't make the slides or videos attractive enough, they are more likely to ignore them and proceed onto the next. They look at the slide or video (sensation happens) but don't take in the time required to retain the details in their short-term memory. It is important to help them develop the ability to become long-term storage the information is erased from their sensory memory. So, staying focused is essential.

Consider the fact that your child might be distracted, daydreaming from your material. These factors can hinder students' ability to pay attention to things that need to be digested and retained in their long-term memory. Thus, making sure you write content that sustains your pupils' interest is very important.

HTML0 Here's what you are able to do:

  • Make sure they take breaks every ten to fifteen minutes. Studies show that attention spans decrease during the first 15 minutes.
  • Make the lesson plans broken down into segments of fifteen minutes or less. It is not necessary to make videos or lectures which last less than 10 minutes. Instead, it is better to offer your students small activities, games or even chillout time.
  • Develop more engaging online learning spaces for students to learn. This will be explained in the future.

     Essential methods of information processing to aid your students to remember more.    

If information is kept in short-term memory and is not being used, it may be shifted to long-term memory or deleted. It is essential to practice and repeat the information in order to preserve information over longer in long-term memory. Hence, it is crucial to design your lesson plans to ensure that students have plenty of time to read and then repeat the information that is retained within their brains. The process should take place in just a couple of minutes. Therefore, at the end of every lesson which lasts a few minutes it is important to encourage your students to work on their skills, review the lesson, and then rehearse. Rote learning helps ensure that what students have learned is stored for long-term memory.

When something is saved in your long-term memory area of the brain, it will be retrieved at a later time in the event that you're asked. The success of recalling information depends on the level of interest the pupil was able to comprehend something (were they sufficiently focused and did your material relevant enough. ).

It is evident from the above explanation that the majority of learning happens due to the way we perceive information and the way we relate it to our prior knowledge as well as the extent to which we must pay attention.

Is it really that easy?

     Lesser-than-averageness of Information Processing Theory in online learning    

Human beings aren't computers. While drawing comparisons between our brains and computers can be tempting but they're different. Information Processing Theory doesn't discuss the importance of motivation or emotions in our perception of information or remember information. Both are vital for learning and remembering the knowledge we've acquired.

The theory assumes that the brain processes data in a sequential fashion that is, information is and perceived, then processed (encoded) and then stored afterwards returned. This is known as sequential processing. It is the same thing that computers do.

The brain, however, is capable of parallel processing this means that it is able to concurrently process different kinds of information. Multitasking capabilities of the brain is not as powerful as what computers accomplish. Thus, despite the fact that concept of information processing is accurate in defining our perception, how we process, process, and store information, it does not take into account the emotional component along with the ways that our brain works.

Your students have thoughts that they are inspired by their wishes emotions, needs, and feelings that you may or not realize when designing your curriculum. Therefore, it's important to realize that you're educating people, not computer-generated students. One of the most effective ways to solve this problem is by creating educational environments on the internet that can be enjoyable.

We'll now examine ways to include motivation, emotion and engagement with others to the mix. We'll also explore ways to leverage information processing theories even more for the perfect online class.

     Strategies to make the theory of information processing work better for online learning    

 Help your students focus on the task at hand.

What is the reason someone should learn even if they don't want to? You must be able to sense an instinctual drive or determination to sign up in your program, and be committed to finishing.

Motivation drives students to become focused on the content within your classroom, which will result in improved information processing (encoding), and superior information retrieval abilities. If your student doesn't have the drive to become the best learner they can be, and even the best course may not remain in their memory.

Motivation plays a major role in the processing of information as well. You must be able to remain alert to external stimulation.

  • The role of a Creator educator is to maintain the excitement.
  • Remember that motivation is a constant source of energy and is not an empty space. It is important to feel appreciated and receive feedback that is positive and feel socially accepted to be motivated to continue working on some thing. Do you remember your peers who encouraged you to work harder in times of low mood or needed to improve in certain things? The same is true in the study area as well.

Motivational and interpersonal factors share a lot. We'll now look into the ways in which this is expressed in the theory of social information processing.

Encourage social interaction during learning

While one-on-one instruction is effective however, individuals can be taught more effectively when within groups. That's why learning in traditional settings always takes place in groups or classrooms because the learning experience with others is more fun (and more effective).

Social Information Processing Theorem is one of the reasoning behind how people interact with one another through computer-mediated platforms such as the online learning platform.

Humans also learn through watching and modeling, that is, they emulate what others do. In this case, you, the creator educator play the role of model, and the students will imitate your behavior. Albert Bandura, a famous psychologist, stressed that the majority of learning happens in interpersonal situations, and it is impossible to remove "social" from the process of learning.

When you think about this, it is vital to

  • Create online group activities
  • Students should be encouraged to communicate with one another through forums, and perhaps to discuss their own encounters.
  • Think about collaboration and participation in social media as an essential element of your course development.
  • Utilize social media tools to exchange ideas, and also acts like a form of rehearsal
  • Encourage positive feedback from peers (other students) which acts as a encouragement. To do this, you can request your students to assess their efforts positively.

Employ goal-specific cognitive strategies

They are typically specific to a particular task. So, it is important to make sure that your pupils are focusing on the area directly. A few of the methods of cognitive learning that could be utilized when learning online includes note-taking, repeated learning, contextual understanding, and the use of mnemonics. (A Mnemonic is a method that helps you remember or recall details from your memory)

As an example, VIBGYOR is a name that can be used to refer to seven colors in the rainbow, namely violet, indigo, blue yellow, green and red. In addition to acronyms, other types of mnemonics like flashcards, division of items into categories or categories, etc. They can help your students to retain their knowledge in the shortest amount of duration.

Allows the processing of high-level information using metacognitive strategies

Some researchers have suggested that there may be something known as "metacognition," which means "thinking about the thought process." Rehearse, practice and try to recollect your thoughts or memories, or implement techniques that aid other people to learn or remember (such when you teach to reach a specific goal) You are interacting with a metacognitive form.

1987 was the year when A.L. Brown began to discuss metacognition as a part of learning. Over time, the topic has evolved somewhat.

On the internet, in online classes Here are some of the most effective metacognitive strategies:

  • Pre-planned organizers: Help students to take note of your class by handing out course calendars ahead of time. This helps your students to know what is expected and also connect it to information they are already familiar with.
  • Self-planning: Encourage your students to reflect on their work and the way they'll organize it. This allows them more space to "think about what they're learning" Metacognition.
  • Self-monitoring scales: Students self-rating their performance is a fantastic method of determining what areas your students may need assistance. Create online forms that let students to monitor their progress after the end of every lesson or week, as per the schedule you prefer.
  • Self-evaluation: This can happen regularly or following the course has been completed. Because online courses are mainly utilized by those who are self-motivated It is important that they are able to see the outcomes.

Apart from self-evaluation you could make use of associations to aid students with their learning process and to help them remember what they learned. To make this method more efficient it is crucial to comprehend what students are already learning. So,

  • Prior to enrolling someone into a course, assess their level of knowledge to determine if they're a appropriate candidate for the course.
  • If they're not yet, when you're launching an introduction to the subject, make sure to create your content so that they can relate the course to something they are already familiar with. It is important aid them through the encoding process.

It is possible to implement methods such as imaging, chunking and the creation of.

  • Divide your classes into smaller pieces, make use of engaging polls and discussion forums online. Q&As along with peer-support to keep your students entertained.
  • Encourage your students to form relationships with their prior knowledge by providing facts in a way that's easily understood. This will help them utilize imagery for learning and retaining.
  • In addition, the online course will require the students to engage with the material actively. This process, also known as elaboration, is crucial to keep learners engaged and in establishing connections to their existing skills to acquire more knowledge.

Even though they are all cognition and metacognitive techniques but it's impossible to overlook the importance of emotions, motivation, and social learning theories.

Add social interaction and emotions into the equation

The majority of students sign up for this course because of being unable to take part in your class due to different factors. Learning environments online can provide a feasible alternative to traditional face-to-face classes, and can increase participation often. It is essential to make sure that your online learning environment fun and lively. It is essential to employ techniques that are socially-affective, requiring emotional communications as well as inter-personal communication. Be aware that "affect" is a reference to emotions.

Here's how to accomplish this:

  • Make yourself a personable teacher for students to gain knowledge through modelling. Create feelings of excitement, curiosity, enthusiasm, contentment as well as joy, happiness, and many more. It's easy to incite the same feelings among your students.
  • Gamification can be a fantastic option to ensure that students are at peace and satisfied whenever they reach certain level of accomplishment.
  • Offering them certificates, badges as well as other kinds of rewards positives can help bring the joy in your life.
  • When you give a surprise discount to a student who is performing well. It's a great way to mix happiness and surprise, which makes learners more eager to learn.
  • Utilize polling for tests and games each 15 minutes to keep students interested and let them talk about what they have learned in online discussion forums.
  • Children are becoming more accustomed to social media It makes sense to incorporate educational activities that incorporate social media also.

     Humanize the theory of information processing and create accessible online courses    

The theory of information processing helps to comprehend how we keep and process information that we acquire in our minds by using our sense organs, as well as our brain. Although the model is valid with regard to how perception and perception as well as memory work, it does not manage to define social learning as well as the roles played by emotional motivation or.

Moreover, the human mind is extremely complex and can't be reduced to how the computer operates. In your role as teachers of creators, it's essential to maintain the students' instinctual thoughts and wishes inside their minds. Through creating a stimulating learning experience online and taking into consideration human limitations, you can create a course online that is successful that will leave an indelible impression on your pupils.

gives you various tools to design course content that is engaging and social. It allows you to create courses that are based on information processing techniques however, it recognizes that your students are thinking and emotional human beings who want to connect to one another as they learn. It has powerful social engagement tools that make it simple to design classes for students in groups. It also encourages lively discussions with your students.

Through humanizing online learning, allows you to interact with students at a level that's engaging. To learn more about the ways we can assist you to create course modules rooted in psychology, connect to us right now.

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