How to define your Brand's goal (Examples and 3 expert tips)

Jul 7, 2022

When you're running your business, it's easy to lose sight of the larger picture. How do you know you're actually doing what that you're working on?

Because in order to succeed, you have to have an objective to your business. That's why you should be setting your company, and what you're going to do for your customers, and also helps to determine what your primary goals are. While many entrepreneurs think they understand that the purpose of their business is, the majority aren't aware of it. taken the time to put the idea in terms.

This is that the Yetunde Shorters plays a role in the story. Yetunde is a world-renowned social media entrepreneur, publicist, and the creator of ICY Academy. ICY Academy

Example of Yetunde Shorters brand purpose

Keep reading to learn her top tips or get inspired by some of the top examples of brand-specific use...

What's the purpose of a brand?

The reason you have a brand can be defined as the motive the brand is present. The reason for which you began your business as well as what draws you the most.

Your purpose for establishing your brand is Something that makes you smile, something you are excited to be passionate over... It should be transformative. The program will completely alter your life and other people's lives. Yetunde Shorters, Founder, icy academy

Brand purpose might sound like an idea from modern day marketing However, it's actually an emotional concept that is private to each individual. Every business owner has a 'why' -that is the motivation behind establishing the concept . That is evident in all that you do.

Through the course of building your brand, you'll probably run into situations where you diverge away from your brand purpose. Focusing on the purpose of your brand helps reconnect with your core. It's a great approach to connect to the original goals and remind you the reason you're doing the things you're doing (and to whom you're doing it for). ).

There's an emotional element within your business and telling the tale can assist in creating emotion-based connection with your clients.

The benefits of branding goal

91% of consumers would rather buy from an authentic brand

According to Yetunde knowing your purpose for branding can provide huge benefits for your company which will allow your company to:

  • Improve engagement
  • Set yourself apart from competition
  • Boost Brand loyalty

Your relationships with clients will affect the amount of time that your reputation lasts, and leaning into your mission is the best way to foster that relationship.

What is your brand purpose

If you're unsure of what the goal of your business is, Yetunde has an easy step-by-step guide to help you find the purpose of your brand. Here are three of the questions she has asked to assist companies in determining their objectives...

1. Why are you doing this?

In the core, your purpose for your brand could be described by answer the question "Why is it that you're doing the way you do? Your answer must include the reason you founded your business as well as the benefit that you're hoping your brand can bring to the world at large.

Keep it simple and write the entire thing down in a single phrase.

The reasons you're a brand could be as easy as a desire to make people more happy or to make people feel more secure financially. No matter what, you need to write notes of your thoughts and feelings that are personal to your.

Here's an example of an idea to answer the idea that Yetunde came up with in her personal brandname " To inspire and encourage others towards being the very best version of them."

2. Who is this goal supposed to serve?

The next step is to determine those who can benefit the most from your goals for branding. That is the time to record the potential market of your brand.

Who will get the most benefits from the services you provide? Do you know someone whom you'd like to aid? Be as specific as you can.

Most entrepreneurs set up their ventures in the hope of helping every person. Although that's an excellent starting point, the more you are able to narrow your scope the easier and quicker you'll get to the people that really require your services and who will receive the greatest value of them.

When you grow your business over time, you can grow your audience and increase your market, but for the moment make sure you know the people you're targeting. You must ensure that you're targeting your main customers.

3. What is the purpose of your brand? serve to your target audience?

To fully understand the purpose of your company it is important to list the three main emotions that are most beneficial to the ideal clients, based on the goal of your company.

This is the stage where the goal is to create connections between the benefits of emotional of your enterprise and also the services it is able to provide for those you aid.

For an instance, The Financial Diet is a company that aims to supply their clients who are smart females with the best products and tools that "help women reach their goals, feel good of themselves, and live their ideal lives without spending any money."

Three powerful emotions that are at the core of all they do.

The purpose of your brand

When you've finished the three steps You can then combine them to form a single statement. Your branding will be your aim.

Here's how Yetunde describes the meaning behind her brand:

My name is Butunde Shorters. I'm a coach who aims to aid women entrepreneurs in discovering their mission through five simple actions to help them fulfill that purpose, impact lives and generate income without feeling overwhelmed or letting go of who they truly are. My strategy is to achieve this by using innovative PR methods and new methods that deliver results.

For Yetunde, it's not enough just to identify herself as a coach or coach. The purpose statement she uses for branding lets her showcase her expertise in a manner that shares her approach to serving others, rather than only the title of her job.

Note down what the goal of the brand is before you try uttering it out loud. Get comfortable with the idea. It's your mission statement. your elevator pitch, as well as your core idea. (Don't be concerned if your idea isn't ideal, as you'll have the option to come back and revise it later. )

Three ways to define your brand purpose

Making a purpose for your brand can be a very personal (and sometimes emotional) experience. If you're considering this concept for the first-time there are three suggestions from Yetunde to bear at the forefront of your head.

1. Don't get caught in comparisons

One of the most common mistakes when setting out your purpose for the brand is to get caught by the"comparison monster. This is when you begin to compare yourself to those who have already been accomplishing what you want to do, or who are relatively new in the marketplace.

Tips From Yetunde: "Keep in mind that there are over 10,000 bird species in the globe. 10,000 species! A majority of the birds will overlap and share a lot in common, however they're all doing well ."

2. Be specific about who you serve

Create a detailed profile of the people you want to focus on and collect all the information as you can. Think about the type of relationships you'd like to have with them, or perhaps, the individual who would be the perfect person to be your client.

To truly lean into the mission of your company You must know everything about your customers. This includes their favorite places to visit, what is their top interests, and what keeps them up all late at late at night.

A suggestion From Butunde: "Be so detailed so that people believe they've been with you for longer than they have been."

The more you can get specific and know the needs of your customers to better understand them, the more a strong relation you'll be able to build. If you've got a specific goal in mind for your audience, you can tailor the product or advertisements, and even your content towards them, and convert them into loyal customers.

3. Practice patience

The social media age has taught us to need everything to be done instantly. We expect immediate results, quick responses and instant replies from our customers.

The process of establishing businesses is usually not immediate. You must take some time to establish your credibility and build trust with your clients.

Some tips from Yetunde "When the seeds are planted it is essential to water them. It will require sunshine. The seed needs to be taken care of. Insects may also appear and take a bite. Give it some to grow ."

When it comes to your brand's purpose and building your reputation for your brand it is vital to take part in day-to- routine actions to ensure your business grows. Spend time nurturing it, and don't rush it.

How do you use the purpose of your brand in your content

1. You can position yourself as a thought leader'

Set yourself apart from your competitors by positioning yourself as an expert within your field by taking an individual position on important issues and subjects. Every document you create, keep this position at the top of your list.

Knowing what it is that you are not in agreement regarding your business's procedures can help clarify your position. This is like drawing a line through the sand. Yetunde Shorters, Founder, icy academy

The art of drawing this kind of line can make you an influential and memorable voice for your business. The line establishes your reputation as an expert who has an unambiguous purpose.

To find your unique stance, try asking yourself:

  • What would I like to see change in my work?
  • What other brands are doing? What are the ways I can stand out?
  • What unique perspective could I provide using my experiences and my knowledge as well as my passions, interests and passions?

Make use of your answers and your reason for branding as a springboard to make yourself known as an expert in your field.

2. Make an "identity connection"

To ensure that your clients can be reached , you must communicate with them directly and professionally.

Many of the purchases the mind makes are based on the emotions we feel. If a buyer has to pick between two products or services, they'll select which one they are most emotional attachment to most frequently.

The purpose of your brand is to help you build an emotional bond with your customers in order to create a that you are a part of your community.

Whatever persona your ideal client is, you should make content directed to the person you want to reach. If you're able to demonstrate that you have the same names or identity, backgrounds, and background along with emotions, you'll have the opportunity to establish an emotional connection with your audience.

With a clearly defined objective for your business? You can strengthen brand loyalty and create more brand advocates among your customers.

3. Let us know the "what"

To draw people towards your product it is important to demonstrate them more than just their interest. They must be able to comprehend the .'

Instead of just listing the endpoint, write down the steps of your route. Give people clear, step-by-step, structured information on how you can assist you achieve your targets. Consider tutorials, guides to workbooks, worksheets and many more.

It is the best approach to get your target audience involved and give them an insight into your expertise in addition to the benefits of your product or service.

4. Produce content that is fast and easy to access.

One of the greatest methods to increase the connection to your clients as well as to communicate the purpose of your business is to give potential customers the opportunity to make a decision that will help them right away. Your company can demonstrate your objectives and expertise immediately by the way you demonstrate what you are able to accomplish to make their lives better by a small amount.

Consider this kind of material to be a preview of the future when they invest in to your business. It could be a worksheet which you could utilize, spreadsheets, a procedure or step-by-step method but make sure it is useful to the audience immediately.

If, for instance, you've created the course that is designed to increase the self-confidence of new moms. For a 'quick win' content piece, you could walk your audience through a quick practice that will help them instantly (such as giving three affirmations that are positive, or listing three things they're most happy about every day).

After you've completed the task, your potential client will be able to see how you could be of assistance to them. And they'll likely feel more secure and confident secure after this one brief practice.

The best tip is to add a "call to action" (CTA) for each item of "quick win" information you make. In this way you'll have the ability to encourage people to sign up to your paid-for service or items in the next.

3 instances of purpose-driven brand names

Are you looking for ideas for defining your purpose for your brand? Look at these three instances of brands that have a reason. They have all made waves within their niches due to having a strong purpose established from the beginning.

1. Marie Forleo

A life coach, educator and entrepreneur, Marie Forleo has built a powerful brand identity that lets her instantly reach out to her fans. Marie has a passion for helping business owners who are multi-passionate and entrepreneurs live the lives they want to live, while using their companies to help the people around the world.

The homepage of Marie's site asks "Are you up for a whole new life?" Her messages are targeted at people looking for the same kind of transformation.

Marie is able to position herself as a thought-leader of note through defining her mission as branding. She's the author of the New York Times best-selling book ' Everything is Figureoutable as well as having appeared as a guest or speaker on Oprah as well as Richard Branson and The Today Show. Today Show and more.

2. Oatly

Swedish Oatly is a dairy-free alternative. Oatly can be proud of their branding mission -- for the general public to "ditch dairy' and shift towards plant-based products instead. Oatly's packaging, website and brand's communications, all show their beliefs and purpose in a playful, but clear.

Their branding mission is reflected in their site with their mission declaration

Our goal is to supply items that have the highest nutritional value while minimizing environmental impact. We guarantee that our desire to help people enhance their lives as well as help ensure the future of the planet will always come before an unintentional desire to make money. We're committed to making the most environmentally-friendly, sustainable products on the market and constantly seeking ways to improve our products.

Thanks to their clear brand purpose, Oatly have won the affections of environmentally-minded consumers across the world. The Oatly motto can be summarized as: "Most companies think that the presence of a voice can turn off customers who think differently. It's an effective way to make some new acquaintances ."

3. Peace and calm

Calm is an app specializing in sleep, meditation, and the capacity to be relaxed. The app also has a distinct goal for its brand: "To make the world healthier and more joyful." The company is able to achieve their mission by providing a wide range of wellness resources, ranging from guided meditations, to relaxing music tracks, and even children's books.

To provide 'quick wins' for customers Calm offers free content that offers immediate advantages for customers, enabling people be less stressed and more content. On the Calm website, the initial question they receive is 'what can we help in the present?  With options that include 'improve sleep quality reduce stress or anxiety'. Since the very beginning, Calm communicates its brand goal to enhance wellbeing all people.

Determine the purpose of your brand to build your brand and your audience

You may not be the leader of information or even an expert, however should you be in a position to establish your brand's purpose, you can give yourself clear directions about how to achieve it.

If you are in front of an electronic camera or device You can feel sure that you have achieved your objective and also the recognition you've earned as an expert. Nobody else that can make the image you want to project and communicate your information in the same manner as you do. Use your brand's goal to keep your customers (and your clients) of what it is distinguish you and what makes you dedicated to the work that you accomplish.

Come join us for a discussion that brings an inspirational panel of women to share their personal stories as along with their thoughts and advice for business owners who want to achieve success with their business online.

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