How to Build Relationships with your customers through storytelling

Feb 17, 2023

The moment someone shares a story that really stays in your head for a long time after the event This is what happens with storytelling. studies have proven that people enjoy a good story because it's how we connect with each other. Because of how technologically advanced the world is becoming, it's all more difficult to make connections. Yet, storytelling holds the utmost importance when it comes to building connections with other people.

That's where storytelling can be employed to enhance your business. When you think of selling your product It's natural to think you should only talk about the products on your site. While that's obviously an important element of selling online however, it's not what will sell your customers on your brand. Your site may be fantastic at describing what you sell but it's often not enough for customers to 'buy-in to the brand. Benefits of having relationships with your customers may be much more powerful than you imagine that a great story can help you get there.

Story telling is an effective Tool to use when Selling Software Online

Companies that sell software online will increase sales through creating a compelling story and making a real connection with their potential customers. How? Customers will pay more for digital products and services that make them feel good about their interaction and connection with the company. Connecting them by telling a brand story on your website will foster those feelings, and boost your sales.

If you're wondering if you have a story to tell The answer is affirmative yes. Each company has its own story to tell. Answer these questions, and you'll be on your route:

  • How did you discover the inspiration that your company is built on in the first place?
  • What was your process for deciding on the name of the company?
  • How did you get the position you have today?
  • What is it that you enjoy about your work?

An engaging story can foster positive interactions with potential clients, which will result in increased conversion, and a stronger belief in loyalty. This is the backbone of long-term relations with your customers. Most effective stories are ones that entertain tell, educate, and give the potential customer value.

For instance, the company Marketo. The company's revolutionary marketing platform has done impeccably efficiently, and has an excellent story. On the website of Marketo they write about the ways in which "Marketo has evolved into a market leader in automated marketing yet at its core is a company run by marketers and by marketers. Every day we wake up wondering how we can improve the lives of those who are also marketers." It is evident that Marketo does not go over and over about how amazing their product offers, instead they tell an account of how they always have their customer on the mind.

Stories to Tell to Create connections with customers

Stories can make your company feel human. They're what make your business distinctive. Let those stories speak for you.

Marketo uses this method by talking about prioritizing their customers. It's evident that they don't just say that they have general customers, but they are more specific to address the people who they target. Are you having trouble creating your own tales? Ask your current customers! Here are some questions for you to start:

  • What are you able to do differently that other businesses in the market?
  • What do people love the most regarding your business?
  • What do they think of the business to people outside of it?
  • How did they find you first?

Turn their answers into stories that make connections with new customers.

Connect with your Customers Through Photos and Video

It's been said, "A picture is worth more than a thousand words." People love looking at photos that give an impression of the company's culture, and what sets the company apart. Pictures give customers a look into your business.

Make use of images to convey your company values. Your focus should be on your customer and the relationship you share with them. When you share what you believe in at your company You inform the buyer that you care about more than just what they are buying but 'who' they are buying from.

There is a way to share the tale of your company via video. Showcase the human side of your company and let your customers put a face to the person they are buying from. With how popular video has taken on, adding it into the mix of your company's stories could be a wonderful option.

Let Your Customers Tell Their Success Stories

When your customers leave reviews talking about how your product was a huge success in their lives, you must to publish these testimonials in your web site.

Providing customer testimonials and telling an account of the customer's experience are fantastic (and easy) ways to promote your business. It allows potential buyers to get insight from their previous clients. With over 80 percent of customers seeking out opinions as they are making a decision on what to buy so why not provide them with an honest opinion from your clients who are happy? The testimonials of your customers will inspire other customers to tell their own stories and also help build a more positive relationships between your business and the customer that shared the story.

For these testimonials from customers, read your online reviews and talk with your sales representatives to find the names of customers with whom they feel might be willing to tell their story. You can ask them to compose a review themselves or take one step further. Talk to your customer about how they enjoyed using the product or service you offer and then create a case study which new, prospective customers can read about as they make their buying choice while browsing your website.

Detailed customer stories can help foster a sense of community inside your business. Just be sure that you are granted permission from your customers to publish their stories.

It's important to share valuable information with current and potential customers. In telling a compelling, meaningful engaging story is a marketing strategy that you can employ to aid your business in growing. Therefore, make sure your story is one that is inspiring and stimulate your customers.

Hannah Juley   Hannah is an UC-Santa Barbara. Her previous experience in marketing has led to her being promoted to the role of Marketing Coordinator. Hannah assists with content in the form of social media, content and department expenses. When she is not working she can be found on the beach, playing volleyball, or reading books.