How do you create a clear and engaging Content Outline to your online course -

Oct 27, 2022

The process of creating an online course more of an art form than an art or science. There's no set formula for success--but there are a few factors that successful courses share in their common. One of them is a course outline.

A clear, engaging outline for content can benefit you and your learners when you begin to plan a new course. Creating an outline can also help ensure your course content is in line with the goals you have set for learners.

Do you want to know how to start making your outline? In this article we'll show you how to make an effective course outline.

     What is a course outline?    

The outline of your course outlines the content of your class. The outline will provide the game plan when you start laying out your lessons, segments as well as quizzes and other content you plan to include in the course.

It's easy to ignore the outline and begin to create material for your class, but you should beware of that. The outline can help to ensure that you've created a strong program before you go far too involved.

     A step-by-step course outline guide    

Getting started is the hardest aspect of starting a new venture. The good news is that you do not have to spin your wheels on the outline of your course. Simple, easy actions will help you go from the concept of your course to the course outline within a matter of minutes.

     1. Identify your learners and their needs and goals.

Start out by centering on your goal and then identifying your intended users, the students who will attend your class.

There are a few things to think about:

  • What are you learning from your pupils?
  • What do they want to accomplish?
  • What do they struggle with?
  • What can your program do to assist students reach your goals?

By asking yourself these questions, you will sharpen your focus and keep you on track as you create an outline tailored to the needs of your target audience.

2. Create a map to get to your desired result.

Once you've identified the learners in your class and their motivations It's now time to develop the framework to help them be able to achieve their goals. It could be that they'd like to be able to speak a few expressions in Italian towards the end of the program or perhaps the aim is to earn the professional credential.

Consider the map as the bare bones first draft of your plan. It simply plots out the route from the beginning to the final destination of your journey.

Related article: How to Structure an Online course

Your first stop is a brief introduction. What ever your subject Every course should start by introducing fundamental concepts. Keep in mind that learners might not be starting at the same point. Some students may need a quick overview before diving into course content.

Use scaffolding strategies to help you determine future sections on the course map. As you go, be conscious of your progression through the course. The sections you take should be foundational blocks, which start with simple before moving to more complicated ideas. Avoid introducing a complex concept or topic too early in the course and work up to the major takeaways.

     3. Reinforce your learning.

At the end of each stage on your content roadmap it is important to highlight something that will help keep learning in the minds of your learners.

What would this take? This could include a review at the end of every section, with hyperlinks for additional reading material video, resources, or other materials. You could even ask students at the end of each segment to assess their comprehension. Also, you could end each chapter with an essay where students can put concepts in practice.

     4. Get the pieces put together.

After you've drawn out a roadmap for your course then it's time to complete the outline of your course with specific lessons and sections.

In each portion of your course, consider these aspects:

  • What is the medium? The section will be displayed as text, a video, or as a mixture of mediums?
  • What are your talking points to use in each class? What are the details you'll have to share?
  • How does this section build upon the previous sections? What is the way it connects to the next section?
  • How does this section tie to the learner's goals?

By now, you'll have an extensive outline of the content for your course. The only thing left to do is the next step: Building the course.

     Take your course from outline to published with