How do you add Social Logins to Your WordPress Website

Jul 12, 2024

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You've invested a great deal of time, effort and passion in creating the ideal user experience for your customers.

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There's one aspect of your user's journey that often frustrates your administrators and users, and it happens right on the way to your member site.

    The login process.

If you have organizational challenges (), logging in typically involves:

  • making various attempts at remembering the password/email combination,
  • failing,
  • Following the loss of password labyrinth,
  • feeling frustrated at having to come up with a new unforgettable password

At any time during this procedure, there's an excellent possibility that we'll be overwhelmed and eventually end up bailing completely.

As the owner of a membership website If you're not maximizing customers' engagement, sales potential, and you're at risk of losing customers, due to something completely out of your hands.

Until now.

We are introducing the Social Login Add-on

Watch the video to learn how you can Include Social Logins on Your WordPress Website Using

Through the Add-on Social Login extension allows your visitors to hop on your site using their social media accounts including Facebook, Google, or Twitter.

No more fussing over forgotten passwords. Now you can access them via your virtual doors as quickly and hassle-free as possible.

By using this tool, you can simplify your users their login process, increase security and ease the burden on your support staff.

Do you want to offer your guests a a smoother ride? Let's get this all up and running!

Why Use Social Logins?

If you've had the pleasure of managing a web-based site, then you're familiar with the difficulties that traditional login systems face - user abandonment and password fatigue being just the beginning of the problem.

Let's discuss how social logins can help the users of your site and also your business.

Fewer Passwords, Fewer Problems

So, why put up an obstacle for the return of these individuals by forcing them to remember a new password?

Here's a clear solution: fewer passwords to remember.

If users log in through their accounts on social media, they can reduce the number of passwords they must manage.

Some users might use a password manager to help solve this problem However the problem is present for users who log onto a new device.

If you make it easy to access your site with social logins, they are more likely to return to your site, because they know that they are able to access the site whenever they want on any device.

Trusted and Secure

The familiarity of a relationship creates comfort.

If users sign up with their Facebook or Twitter accounts, they're leveraging an account they trust and use frequently on various sites.

Screenshot of Zapier social login options

This familiarity decreases apprehension and boosts the willingness of your customers to interact with your website.

This trust transfers to your website, thereby giving users a sense of security.

They feel reassured knowing they're using a secure system they can trust.

Administration Less

No one likes dealing with the reset of passwords or account retrieval, right?

Social logins help keep the nuisances in check by providing alternate ways to sign in.

This lets your support staff to tackle important issues. It also keeps your customers happy and engaged.

Robust Security

Accessing the security infrastructure that is provided by major players like Facebook and Google means you're leveraging some of the most advanced security methods that are available.

The transparency of handling data through social logins is a reassuring factor for users.

Their information does not disappear into the dark but being managed by trusted platforms. This helps build trust in your site and promotes its usage and a deeper level of involvement.

Social logins provide a myriad of benefits that make them a desirable option for businesses looking to enhance its website's accessibility as well as user friendliness.

When you integrate this feature, you're enriching your users their overall experience.

The Benefits to Your Bottom Line

So how do all these advantages translate into success for your business?

Increased Lifetime Value of members

In simple terms, happy customers return for more.

The user-friendly process of login will encourage users to come back and engage more frequently.

The upshot is a higher life-time value for your customers since happy customers are more likely to keep their subscriptions to your site rolling every month.

Higher Conversion Rates for Upsells and Cross-Sells

And when your members are staying with you for longer, they're more likely to look into other offerings.

That means there's more chances for your members to get involved with your content and discover higher membership tiers or additional offerings and services.

This could lead to higher profits and a higher amount of revenue per customer!

Reduction in Support Costs

Less time spent on tedious password resets means that your support team can focus on the most important work.

Through reducing the number of login related issues it is possible to reduce support ticket costs and save on customer service costs. This frees up time to use in other areas of your business.

In short, this small and simple addition to your WordPress website can create an enormous difference in the experience of your customers and your bottom line.

How to Enable Social Logins to Your WordPress Membership Website

We've covered the the reasonss but now it's the time to look at what you could add social logins on your website using .

This Social Login add-on is available on Pro plans. If you're an existing member on a lower plan, you can upgrade by clicking the "Change Plan" link located on your page on your account.

1. Install the Social Login Add-on

Locate it. Click on the Social Login Add-on, and then select Install the Add-on.

After installation After installation, simply after installation, click Activate, and a new Social Login selection will show within the menu.

2. Allow Your Social Providers to Connect

The time has come to connect the various social platforms you've selected to your website.

Click on > Social Login then click the first of the social providers you want to change, like, Facebook.

After that, check the box marked Allowing the Facebook Provider.

The process for activating every social network is slightly different. However, you will follow step-by-step steps for every one by following these links

Repeat this process for the number of social networks you wish.

3. Make sure to check out your new Sign In Buttons On Your Login Page

It automatically puts new social buttons automatically to your login page for each provider you've configured.

Social Logins as they appear on a ReadyLaunch™ login page

Note that before using social logins on your website, users must have an account through your website.

If the email that they use to sign up for their account on your website is the same as that used to create the account on social media, both accounts will be automatically connected when they use the social login button for their first time.

However, if both emails aren't exact same, then they'll need connect both manually. Luckily, makes this easy...

4. Look at the Connect and Disconnect Buttons on Your Members' Account Page

If you have enabled a social provider when you enable a social provider, the Social Login add-on also automatically creates connect/disconnectbuttons on your members' account page.

Social Login Connect Disconnect buttons

The buttons allow those members who have different email addresses to manually connect their social accounts to your membership website.

5. (Optional) Optional: Add Social Login Button to Any page on your site.

So, as you've already learned that the Social Login extension is able to automatically add social login buttons on your account's page.

These will be when you make use of the login shortcode that follows to your site's page:

[mepr-login-form use_redirect="true"]

It is also possible to include social login buttons on any webpage using this shortcode:


Also, add connect and disconnect buttons by using the shortcode below:


Overall, you'll have plenty of options to integrate social logins on your site and ensure that your users experience is as seamless as possible.


It is essential for your company to be on the cutting edge of the latest trends to make life easier for your users.

Features such as social logins make the sign-in process and reassure the users that their personal information is secure, enhancing confidence and trust in your clients.

Making sure you have user-friendly functions on your website is more than keeping up with technological advances. It's about prioritizing the users' needs and ensuring users have a positive experience every time they go to your website.

 Are you ready to streamline the login process for your members?

Why wait to improve your website's user-friendliness and reap the rewards for your business when the solution is just a few clicks to the right place?

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Victoria Lloyd       Victoria has a knack for turning small beginnings into big achievements, and has taken her jewelry brand out of the pulsating atmosphere of the city's markets, to prestigious spots like the Royal Academy of Arts and the Topshop's Oxford Circus flagship store. Victoria's expertise extends beyond physical products. Victoria has a proven success track record in boosting the online presence of a range of companies. From dynamic startups to household names like Nokia as well as Jack Daniels, Victoria has applied her potent combination of wordsmithing, strategic insight, and digital expertise to boost up brand engagement and SEO. In her blog , Victoria leverages her diverse knowledge to deconstruct and simplify the realm of online memberships as well as business growth. Victoria is here to help readers through her insightful tips, and help them effectively and imaginatively create their online communities and membership sites.