How can you leverage expert interviews to promote your online courses

Aug 22, 2024

We'll admit this...

Everyone wants to be loved. To be a appreciated. To be seen by others as an authoritative figure.

While we've been trained not to boast and not make a statement, and to be concerned about what people consider our appearance, we do. Deep down we all have an urge to feel significant and to feel important to be considered significant and in the end, at the end of the day, to feel that we've been a part of something important.

As creators of courses, we all have something inside which refuses to accept what we are given. We see problems and we want to solve them -but not just for ourselves but also for the rest of humanity.

But no matter how great of a solution, even if it's precisely what we need to bring an end to any issue on the planet, if nobody knows about it, will it matter?

One of the most challenging hurdles for course creators to over come is getting noticed above the crowd and build an "warm" audience of potential learners who are eager to get their hands on your course.

It's a bit overwhelming considering the numerous ideas and approaches being presented to us every day and what honestly happens with the vast majority of makers is they simply give up before making them reach the end of the road.

  But YOU don't have to.

I'm in your shoes being overwhelmed and struggling by being told everything I "had" to do to achieve my goals.

It wasn't until I decided to take matters into my own hands around 12 months ago and concentrated on leveraging other people's authority through interviews that things started to shift for me.

  Within a year the time, I've expanded my reach by 17,000+.  

  How did I do it?

Interviewing experts.

Let me be crystal clear about this To be clear, when I made the decision to start interviewing experts, I had zero experience with guidance or any training for interviewing anybody however, it was something that I'd been watching others do and was convinced it could be fun and have heaps of advantages (which it does and I'll get into in a moment).

On the 11th of August, 2015, l conducted my very first ever interview.

The video chat was conducted on Zoom with Anthony John Amyx Author as well as a speaker, and a successful business coach.

I was scared.

I stumbled on words.

I was sweating profusely.

I was sure I made all the mistakes I could.

It was a bit of a challenge, but I got it done.

Since then, I've conducted over than 200 interview with business leaders who are successful and inspirational and it's completely changed my life.

Here's why you should consider interviewing experts in your field, even if you're only starting out and don't think you have something to contribute:

  1. You get to learn from the best of the top!

Imagine getting to "pick the brains" of the most successful and inspiring people in your business without paying them hundreds of thousands or even millions for their services and time. You literally get to ask them anything you want! It's pretty amazing!

They're willing to give their secret information to YOU. Knowledge and expertise that have been accumulating over the years. How cool is that!? !

Me and Nick Loper from Side Hustle Nation

  2. They get to know you and they begin to get acquainted with you!

When you have an interview with somebody, you're not an acquaintance to them. It's no longer being a "fan.

The gateway to two-way communications is now open and, assuming that you've done a fantastic job, and offer a pleasant and valuable experience to them There's a good chance that they'll acknowledge the effort.

It can take the in the form of social media engagement as well as personal phone calls, introductions, or invitations to masterminds or live events.

The act of interviewing someone is the chance to meet quickly and build a rapport which could lead to professional partnerships and lasting friendships.

  3. They can help you to earn cash!

Once you've interviewed someone, you can easily introduce them to a new public. If even one person that previously didn't know about them becomes a customer or client, do you consider that this is a win for the company? Sure!

I recently appeared on the Everywhere, Anytime podcast with Julie Anne Eason and we talked about the exact issue. Actually, Julie mentioned that she got one client from one interview she did that wound up converting into a $75,000 contract!

As long as you are working hard to make something amazing, you will be able to find people to interview pretty easily. Everyone wants more exposure. (Remember the way this blog post began? )

  4. They let you have a blast together!

Interviews can be fun!

They're kind of similar to sitting down for coffee in person or online.

Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry. Sometimes you make predictions, other times you recall Sometimes you criticize, at times you rejoice, every single thing in between is possible too.

Interviews can appear and feel however they want and you're responsible for establishing the norms.

  5. It is easy to create quality content!

Whether it's for your blog, podcast, online summit or YouTube channel, a book, online course, or something else, every time you interview someone you're creating new, new content that can be utilized in many ways, and be released through multiple mediums.

  6. Earn instant credibility by forming an the process of association!

When you conduct an interview with someone who is well-known, loved and admired by other people, that's a pretty big deal. People naturally believe that those are respected by them, also trust you when they allow you to interview them.

This perception gets amplified the moment your guest is so pleased with positive experience that they choose to share it publicly.

Me and John Lee Dumas and Kate Erickson from Entrepreneur On Fire
Me as well as John Lee Dumas and Kate Erickson from Entrepreneur On Fire.

At this point, I'm hoping you're really excited by the incredible leverage of interviewing professionals in your field could provide both your company and you, and that you're starting to envision how you will use this technique for your own.

It is relatively straightforward, however you must plan it in order to conduct it well and be able to reap the full benefits of your effort.

  Here are the eight Points of Clarity I would suggest that you think them through before attempting to leverage the authority of others through interviews:  

  •    Be clear about the purpose of your work  

What do you love teaching? Why is this subject important to you and how will the teaching you do to help others?

  •    Get clear on your audience  

Who is searching for help to solve the issue that you're committed to solving? When you know precisely you want to aid and solve, it is simpler to build an image that is appealing to those who are looking for help.

  •    Be clear in your message  

What's your position? What inspires you and what do you want to say? Do not be shy about expressing your opinion. In doing so you'll be able to attract those who are in tune with your values the most and block out the ones that don't.

  •    Make sure you are clear on your final outcome  

What kind of questions do you hope to be able to respond? What goals do you want to accomplish when you interview experts? Are you using it to expand your networks? Get new information and concepts? Build your audience?

  •    Be clear on your platform  

What's the primary media you're using to create content using interviews? Do you plan to launch a podcast? Will you host an summit? You can start a YouTube channel?

  •    Be clear about your presentation  

How are you going to frame your "ask" to the expert? What value can you add to an expert, in return for the time they spend and letting you interview them?

  •    Be clear about the process you are using  

When they have said yes, then what? Be sure to develop a consistent method for scheduling and recording your interviews. Side note: I use and enjoy the Acuity Scheduling program for streamlining my scheduling and follow-up process.

  •    Be clear about your campaign  

How do you get your interview out in front of people? Make sure you are prepared to advertise your interview and bring as much exposure as you can to the guests.

Me and Andrew Warner, the founder of Mixergy
Me along with Andrew Warner, the founder of Mixergy

  What's next?  

My opinion is that the most beneficial reason to interview experts is the chance for building lasting, meaningful relationships. This is only the beginning. It's up to you to decide the importance you'd like be for them going forward.

And on that note I'd love to invite you all to see me interview over 40 business experts and entrepreneurs during my forthcoming Business Building Rockstar Summit this fall. For more information about the summit and claim your free ticket, go to the ticket link below!


Nicole Holland is a Master Coach, Marketing Strategist and coach and hosts two popular podcasts, as well as an annual FREE online event called"the Business Building Rockstar Summit which runs from the 1st of November through October 10. The event will last for 10 days online. she will be hosting content-rich conversations with forty or more marketing professionals on the steps that helped them achieve success in order to help course creators and entrepreneurs determine which methods might be best for them in a non-pressure atmosphere. You can register here for FREE.