Five examples of sales funnels to assist you

Dec 2, 2022

Are you struggling to collect email addresses from potential customers so that you can provide them with other marketing materials? Do you notice potential customers drop their shopping carts and don't have the information to contact them? Are you frustrated by the volume of email you receive that is difficult to handle, but aren't getting the response that you need from your customers?

You don't have to fret. There are common issues with artists since a large portion aren't experienced with sales. However, these issues can cause massive loss in the revenue. One of the most important factors to change around is to have a proper sales funnel.

The sales funnel serves as an illustration of each step the potential customer takes in their path to becoming clients, starting from the moment they are first introduced to the business until when they purchase your product or take part in whatever other activities they prefer to. A properly designed sales funnel will help convert more prospective clients into buyers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of and is an expert on creating custom solutions along with sales funnels. The author has been writing since 2005 and a professional since. In this blog the author outlines 5 sales funnels that have a high conversion rate and enable you to use them to boost the amount of revenue for your business.

Are you looking to go ahead?

What are the sales funnels?

A funnel is the path that you would like your customers to use to reach the desired goal or achieve the desired outcome.

The result could be either an order, download the software, sign up for a subscription, or simply that you're reducing the hassle. The goal is to get your customers from A to the other end as swiftly as possible and without any hassle as much as you can. Overall, funnels aid in growing profits as well as increasing the revenue you make faster.

The battle against sales funnel falsehoods

The term "sales funnel" can cause anxiety and anxiety for many designers however it does not have to be. Five common myths that Colin believes should be discussed prior to diving deeper into the intricate world of funnels.

HTML0 Myth No. 1: The Funnels cost a lot to build as well as operate and keep.

This isn't the case at all. Funnels can be purchased for no cost or at a price of less than $50. After they've been put in place and maintained, they'll need minimal time because they work with a method that's automated!

Myth 2. Funnels need complicated subscription software in order to operate correctly.

The expense of costly and complicated software isn't needed. It is possible to create great funnels with very easy-to-use software that can be downloaded at no cost or with low-cost subscriptions.

Myth 3. If I do not create a landing page that is personalized or games, my funnels won't perform.

There is no need to design intricate landing pages specifically for your funnels in order to be successful. Some of Colin's best converting emails are just a brief paragraph. Many of his top landing pages have just one button , and just a couple of paragraphs. If the message and timing of your communication are appropriate, it is sure to get results!

Myth 4. I must employ someone to create my channels.

If you're a member of Facebook or other software you can build your individual funnels. Colin will show exactly how to do in this piece.

   Myth 5 That funnels require many steps, as well as intricate flows in order for the users to achieve success.

It's not the case. More complex flow patterns can result in greater complexity and can make it difficult to resolve. A simple flow is an ideal fit for the vast majority of requirements of businesses.

Once we've cleared all the myths from the way, let's start building funnels.

Colin will show five sales funnels that can be valuable and crucial for any business, however they do not have automated systems. Colin will show you how you can incorporate these into your website.

The software that Colin utilizes in his tutorials comprise MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. These tools are all available on the App Store.

Example of a five-sales funnel

First step when sending information to prospective customers is gathering the information about their contact details. Once they've been to your website and have shown an interest in your products, you must act to turn them into clients!

You may have visited a website where you've seen a post that is titled "Welcome! Sign up and earn 15 percent off your first purchase." This is an excellent illustration of a Footer to sign up. This funnel type allows prospective customers to sign-up to your newsletter quickly and also collect their personal information so that you can stay in touch with your clients in the coming months.

It's simple to do and will take between 15 and 30 minutes. It is estimated that around 1 to 2 percent of visitors opt-in to this. If you can get their email  and you're able to keep them informed, then you'll maintain their email address up until the point that they decide to purchase the items you offer.

Watch this video to watch Colin create the funnel step-by-step:

   2. Contact us, and we'll follow up

Each website should include a Contact Us page to make it easy for clients to reach the organization. On your site, your clients could visit your site to inquire regarding the classes you provide or about prices. If it's difficult to contact them and their concerns were not answered most likely they'll move on and find alternative options. Be sure to take advantage of the discounts!

A Contact Us Follow-up funnel allows you to automatically keep contact with your students after they make contact. It's expected to take between 15 to 30 minutes. According to Colin's own experience, approximately 25% of the people who come through the funnels do further action, like purchasing his products!

If someone visits your site , and they fill out your Contact Us form, then Zapier will be able to detect the activity and then connect them to MailChimp. Through MailChimp it's possible to set up an automated system which will send a follow-up message regarding your visitors' questions.

The other benefit of this funnel is the reduction of support time and manually-based effort required to stay in contact with each and every student. One of the most efficient aspects of this process involves FAQ follow-up. Colin recommends starting with a FAQ page right from the beginning when you begin making your website. If you're a new user. What would you want to know? Do you have any questions?

   Watch Colin utilize this funnel in his video below:  

   3. Lead Onboarding/Abandonment

It is quite normal for prospective clients to sign-up however, they do not buy. Why they leave their cart might result from something that distracts them or an urgent task that takes them away from your website, or concerns concerning their commitment. What should you accomplish to ensure that they come back and purchase your product?

It's best to design an onboarding system that allows for lead abandonment. Customers who have signed up but they didn't purchase an item, are incentivised to come back later and complete the checkout.

As with the funnel that precedes one, an email should be sent immediately for customers who haven't finished their purchase. Colin suggests sending out an immediate reminder of items that they've put in their shopping carts or providing a coupon, which can instantly boost the number of transactions. This is the first funnel out of five discussed in this post.

The total time can vary from one to two hours. The time Colin employed it to run his business it resulted in 50% participation and 13% of those engaged finish the transaction.

Discover the way in the way Colin utilizes this funnel in the next video clip:

   4. Students on the way to school

The sales funnel is not end once the customers are satisfied with your offerings. It is crucial to maintain and establish a solid relationship with them so that they can make a subsequent purchase. A way to achieve this is by providing the most simple onboarding experience.

Students may be unfamiliar with the program, or within your class, they may need support during their journey. If the process of onboarding is straightforward and easy, they'll likely to return to take more classes and inform their peers about their experiences. If they experience an unsuccessful starting point, students may abandon the program and are less likely to take another course.

The funnel for student onboarding aims to simplify the onboarding process simple and assist students get on the right track quicker. Some common methods to help your students are to design a welcome email to your class, as well as sequences of email messages that include important details, like how to access your website  and access your dashboard. It is also possible to include a discussion question.

The procedure for creating the funnel is similar the funnels that have been in use before, and take about two hours for the construction. Colin saw an increase of 30% retention for students who attended his business.

Colin is known for his ability to instruct students in groups as and drip-schedules. The easiest way to ensure your students have all the tools they require to succeed is with a weekly email. It is important that they understand what to anticipate in the coming week and what they should do to prepare. This entire process is sure to, be automated this is the main purpose of this funnel.

Another benefit to the funnel is the fact that it reduces the amount of refunds. Most refunds are from people who have logged into their account but aren't certain what to do next and are overloaded. It's simple to aid your customers to lessen the amount of reimbursements.

The video that follows Colin will explain how to create an HTML0-based Student Onboarding Funnel

   5. Request for an automated review

The lives of online businesses are determined depending on the comments they get. The more positive and well-rated an educational program is the higher chance that prospective customers are likely to believe it is credible. Thus, it is important to invite your students to look over the course and possibly offer them rewards for their work.

The way this funnel operates is that when a person completes the class, the email with the course evaluation will be received. After the course evaluation is complete, then follow-up with incentives that help the user make an informed decision. For example, a credit towards the next purchase. In addition, depending on the rating that users give you, you may be able identify users as advocates for your organization.

The aim of this tag is to be able to list the people on the list in your email system. This particular group of customers is highly engaged and is among the top customers to promote and get reviews on and assess software.

The process of implementation may take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes. The majority of the people will be likely to post a response, based on Colin's experience. It's also a fantastic occasion to market. If someone has completed the economics class and is keen to take the accounting courses. If they've already completed your intro course. It is possible that they will be interested in the more advanced courses that follow. Be sure to mention the course you have taken which is similar to the course the student submitted an evaluation of.

Make sure you follow the steps needed to build this funnel after watching the tutorial video

HTML0 Utilize TCommerce to make selling and managing your payments

The five sales funnels Colin suggests can lead to a higher rate of conversion. For you to make sure that you're ready for success and effectively manage increase, TCommerce will meet your financial requirements.

Here are a few of the main characteristics of TCommerce:

  • Access powerful, connected advertising tools specially designed for instructors like you.
  • Control and accept payment transactions within this same location with the integrated payment processor and payment processor.
  • Facilitate bookkeeping with quick access to Payouts order as well as reports regarding Payouts.

Do you need help setting up? Find out more information about the Help Centre article.

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