Episode 5 of the podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Reveals Walt Disney's secrets to success as an Entrepreneur - WordPress Membership plugin - Membership Sites

Aug 5, 2022

Episode 5 from the Podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Shares Walt's Entrepreneurial Secrets

In our latest Memberships and Courses podcast episode, we got to speak with Andrew Lock about how he began his career as a cameraman working for the BBC to becoming a giant on the internet in terms of online marketing.

You'll need to read Andrew's book "Walt Disney's Method" and discover how to build a better business (including membership websites) with his Magical Marketing Strategies of Walt Disney.

You can learn more about what Andrew is doing by visiting his website AndrewLock.com or MagicalMarketingExperience.com

Here are some moments you'll be able to overlook in the program:

  • The unbelievable story of how this ex- BBC cameraman leveraged his one skill to network with internet marketing giants like Yanik Silver as well as Dan Kennedy, build a successful online business and eventually become one of the big names in online marketing... starting as an absolute nobody. If you've ever wondered whether it's possible to do this and succeed, this story will show you that it's possible. (0:00)
  • The smart way Andrew obtained free membership to Yanik Silver's highly exclusive and prestigious mastermind group. This is a great method to potentially land events, interviews, and free products , and possibly even have your product promoted by some of the biggest brands in the world of online marketing. Imagine the boost in sales this would bring to your company (1:06).
  • The dark hole Andrew was in during the pandemic and the way he managed to come out of it (and what you can do with what he learned to help to get through difficult situations in your career as well as in your life) (17:31)
  • The secret of almost effortlessly achieving business success. Most people make this mistake and it causes years of frustration and needless suffering. Follow Andrew's advice and the success, motivation, perseverance, and a consistent approach to your business will almost be guaranteed (10:21)
  • A virtually unnoticeable problem in your website's performance is sure to halt your sales now -- and how to utilize one of Walt's secretly guarded secrets of entrepreneurship to get it fixed quickly (30:37)
  • A clever method of Disney basically "manipulates" youngsters into selling their parents in Disney theme parks -- and how to use this tactic legally in order to increase the sales of your online classes (29:13)
  • The big mistake Disney's new CEO has made that could result in Walt rolling over in his grave -- learn how to avoid making mistakes during the recession (33:18)
  • The key to success in your online business. Simply put... Do this and you'll probably be the one getting interview on podcasts. If you don't, you'll probably remain in the struggle (37:47)
  • The M_______ Test. An easy way to test the content you're teaching will work for a membership website (Plus it's a much easier way to find a nearly unlimited number of interesting concepts and topics to build your membership website around) (39:33)
  • A trap that almost all new entrepreneurs get caught in that makes them struggle -- often for years with many NEVER figuring it out (This might be holding you back right today) And an easy way to stay out of it. (10:43)
  • "I________ kills entrepreneurs". An important lesson to learn from the outbreak and ways to defeat the number one business owner "killer". (16:37)
  • A lesson that all membership sites needs to learn from the theme parks of Walt Disney. This is what makes the distinction between a site which slowly dies and fades no matter what is tried as opposed to one that expands quickly and is growing almost without effort (25:32)
  • It's the "Kodak" test. The color and even the pavement at Disney's theme parks is extensively tested to convince you in -- and how to use this same principle for your online courses, sites and memberships to increase your sales (26:43)
  • What is the method by which Disney makes use of "fake smells" to entice parents into its theme parks. Disney literally invented a machine to do this and Andrew discusses how to use this concept and apply it to your online classes and memberships in a genuine way to boost conversions (29:36)

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If you're considering starting a membership site or you want to know whether your current site is the most effective model you can have take a look at the free guide listed below:

Watch the 10 Membership Models Video

Learn the top 10 most profitable Methods of Earning Recurring Revenue through a Membership Website                                                       First Name                                                        Email                                                           Yes, Send Me this video!

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