Each business must have an up-to-date video (plus six suggestions from the staff)

Dec 10, 2023

The most successful videos, created by brands that can help you develop your strategies for marketing

1. Explainer videos

Once you've completed your explaining video, viewers should know the answer they've been waiting for. Explainer videos can be informative and come in various formats that address the requirements of customers. They guide users through how to use the product or present a notion of thought leadership in a talking-head manner.


Explainer videos are great as support documentation and can help answer FAQs from any part of the buyer's journey.

One of the primary characteristics an outstanding explainer video is that it isn't sales-driven. Do not try to persuade anyone to buy any item. Instead, explain the problem and resolve the problem. There is also a way to address a commonly asked question for example, such as this straightforward yet effective video

  Explainer videos are typically very thorough. They are designed to aid clients early on in their funnels, perhaps at the start in their search process.
  To know what type of explainer is needed to promote your videos, speak to your sales representatives about the questions they get asked every day. Learn about your customers and what they're looking for in information.

If you're preparing to introduce a brand new product and want to create an video that explains the product talk to the individuals in charge of advertising your new product. They will help you determine the most important features to emphasize and the best way to achieve this.
  Illustrations and animation are a wonderful method of explaining product information, or even complicated concepts to help in visualisation.

If you're in search of an effective explanation video, remember these tips to bear in mind:

  • You must be aware of the plan and organize it in line with your intended audience.
  • Keep it simple. Do not waste time on irrelevant images or information that divert off from your primary point.
  • Make sure you are professional and courteous. tone.
  • Provide captions that are accessible and user preference.

Staff Pick example

Fun is found the docu-style explanation video for 2020's Norco Optic. Bryan Atkinson flies down the tracks that run through Interior British Columbia while narrating how he navigates the terrain using the features of his bicycle. The bike does everything it does, as are the riders and the surroundings.

What is it:This video captures perfectly what it's like to work with this program within a professional environment. This video is targeted at individuals who are passionate about the outdoors along with adventure seekers and cyclists. This is a brief film, however, it is visually stunning.

2. Promo videos

A video for promotion (also called a promo video) is designed to create the brand's awareness. The purpose of a promo video is to create anticipation or even tease the occasion by showing a brief video.
  Promo videos give a short description of the event that is designed to grab attention of the public and draw people to your site via various channels, such as social media. An effective promo video should be concise, entertaining and quick to establish the visual brand identity of your company (hopefully it is in line with the brand). ).

  Promo videos are also an excellent chance to connect with the most important artists that your viewers are familiar with or is a fan of. By reaching out to the creators you'll also grow the amount of viewers who watch your videos.

Staff Pick example

Why does it work: It's a good thing, Raheem Sterling. It also works because unlike the suggestions above the promo might be a little lengthy, but it gives the appearance of humor to the narrative that is developing. Do laughter and comedy constitute the best method to sell phones? This seems to be the situation.

3. Story of the brand and BTS videos

An Brand Story Video is basically a "get to get to get to know you" or an ancestor story of your business.
  If you've got the budget, and the proper group of people the video that you create about your company could become a key marketing tool over the coming several years.
  The value of storytelling for brands videos is the fact that they're simple to comprehend before you begin the process of creating videos, ensure that you've got a written plan along with an outline of the story. An outline of the script prepared to go.
  With the help of an behind-the-scenes video viewers can gain a glimpse of your organization's image. It will show your employees as well as your process when it comes to completing projects or demonstrating your process for completing tasks. The videos can be used to help the occasion or a campaign gain the benefit of an entirely different viewpoint.

4. Webinars

How do you make incredible webinars?

Concentrate on the content, make the most memorable experience possible, and figure out how to connect with your clients.

5. Case study videos

6. Brand narratives, brand stories and brand narratives

The narrative video is a narrative that is designed to entertain. That's it.
  The videos of all the businesses you run are meant be fun. be fun, but this doesn't necessarily have to be your primary objective.
  Narrative content for brands tells the story. As opposed to a narrative, a video for a company, which requires you to tell your background. This is more an advertisement design, commercial video clips provide a purpose for their product that's more crucial than the business.
  Most brand narratives focus on bigger topics like the family unit as well as love, compassion and dedication. Narratives are organized around an outline. There is an exposition before the culmination, and finally the conclusion. We get to meet a character who has been transformed.
  The purpose of using brand stories is usually to increase or increase the importance of a slogan such as Nike's "Just Do It" or "Dream Crazy" campaigns.

Staff Pick examples

  Rimowa utilizes the same strategy to win the people's hearts by inviting them to participate in a relevant travel advertisement campaign. The film is about traveling, travel and calls lost.

Why it works: Both narrative examples follow a similar formula: problem-agitate-solution. The viewer is presented with the personal story of an individual and is shown the trials, tribulations, and joys of their life. The stories are personal to them and pull the reader in, without having to know anything about the brand or company.

7. Marketing strategies that are innovative and original

This broad classification covers these brand videos that don't really fit in any other type of category. The phrase "creative branding" is the exact other term for it. It's a strategy which is different from a non-structured video of branding. There isn't a standard formula for this. The only thing you have to do is be able to believe into a notion you're fascinated by and it must be compatible with the image of your business.
  Businesses looking to implement a an innovative approach, take an in-depth look at agency, filmmakers or groups who create your favorite creative videos. Contact these people for more information about how they collaborated with their clients. How did you meet the timeframe? What was your budget? What input from a perspective of creative are you hoping to gain? Choose the amount of your video-based campaign. Do you require to be connected to a launch? Rebranding? Do you have a specific item?
   Staff Pick examples

  It's difficult to define the type of film "Obscura" is, perhaps since it's an art-film disguised as commercial. This is a perfect example of a brand relying on an artist who can handle their brand's image with enthusiasm and imagination.

  A reading of the poem of Mary Oliver "Wild Geese" in beautifully recorded sunrises along the North Coast. In showcasing the magnificence of the natural world along with the natural beauty, this Patagonia Australia film can be everything that's needed to be.

The reason it does its job: Surprising your audience is always a great concept. This will help you distinguish you from the crowd.

Any sized business can make impressions using its content library which is powerful and visually captivating branding videos. You are the only one who can design your personal design and purpose for each type of video and keep your customers at the top of the action.

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