Dealing With Criticism Of Your Courses -

Dec 16, 2022

Most articles you find relating to instructional design and elearning course creation centers around strategies for increasing the chances of successful courses.

The thing you don't see frequently is anything that is related to the other (not-so-fun) component of designing an online course critique.

Whatever dedication you've made to the course, at some point someone will eventually criticize it.

When these comments are merely suggestions then it's not that terrible. But, there are times when you'll get a scathing review of your course. If your course is sold, the scathing review may come with a refund demand.

This is one of the more difficult scenarios to handle.

"How Are You! ?"

When we are confronted with criticism, our natural response is to react defensively in response, particularly when you realize you've put in a lot of time developing your strategy. When you work on something for an extended amount of time then you can easily take criticism as a personal attack. remarks in a negative way.

In the event of this happening, the first thing to do is allow for an hour before giving any kind of response.

This is to allow you ample time to work past your knee-jerk reaction to defend yourself. If, you're not completely cooled, you can take a few minutes. What you don't want to do is to immediately reply while you are fueled by emotion - only terrible things could occur.

Once you have gotten past your initial frustration, you should try to see beyond why they are expressing the criticism, and instead focus on what the issue is..

Perhaps there's an error that you could aid in clearing, or perhaps there really is something you can do to improve your course that you missed.

Sometimes though there isn't anything you can do other than acknowledge the fact that you have got your feedback. There are many kinds of criticism that are legitimate however, people want to hear their voices heard, so you should at the very least acknowledge the opportunity to do so.

Keep in mind that it is impossible to design something that will make everyone content. People are opinionated and at some point there will be a time when opinions clash.

When you accept this reality it will help you can free yourself from the burden that you must be flawless. Create your own e-learning courses and striving for excellence. Use feedback along the way to grow as an instructor and as a person.