Creative SEO strategies to optimize Headless WordPress sites (r)

Mar 27, 2024
Headless WordPress SEO strategies


Your site's success and how people are able to find your site through search engines all depend upon your SEO strategy. This is why we'll discuss the latest and most creative SEO methods specifically developed to be compatible with headless WordPress configurations, which are readily currently available.

The emphasis will be in ensuring that search engines are able to effectively crawl your website and modify meta tags and other. If you're working on developing your website or are preparing strategies for marketing You'll learn practical strategies to enhance your SEO capabilities.

Let's go to work.

What do you need to do in order to make sure that headless WordPress sites are crawlable?

Modern techniques like dynamic rendering as along with server-side rendering have helped to solve these issues.

Dynamic rendering

You can use to add server-side rendering.

It is a general explanation of the concept

1. Detecting user agents

There is a need to distinguish between requests made by the user (browsers) as well as crawlers (like Googlebot). This can be done by examining the identity of the user within the HTTP headers to determine inbound requests.

2. Delivering static web content bots

Once a crawler has been found, instead of delivering typically JavaScript-heavy pages it directs visitors to a pre-rendered HTML version of the webpage that you have wanted to access. It can be accomplished by or through a prerendering service that is already in place, or through an already-in place pre-rendering setting in your server, which creates static HTML pages for the content of your site immediately, or using a cache.

3. What do I need to do? using WordPress

Companies such as have middleware available that you can integrate into your server. It is able to intercept web requests and determines whether crawlers are in the process or are not. If there are, serves the rendered webpage pre-loaded by's cache or initiates the rendering process from scratch in the absence of a cache.

If you're developing a custom application, it'll use Puppeteer within the Node.js environment to render the pages before you go live. If it is possible that the WordPress API is able to deliver contents directly through your Node.js server it checks whether the user is a crawler. If it's a crawler Puppeteer renders the page and keeps the static HTML and then serves the new version.

It is possible to make this more efficient by the caching of static websites to avoid rendering them each time a crawler requests.

Server-side rendering

server-side rendering In contrast, it is rendering the information on the webpage on server prior to the time it's distributed to the user. This means that when an algorithm from the search engine requests an HTML page which is rendered on the server, it will receive it as a rendered HTML page. This makes it immediately searchable.

The typical configuration could include getting data through GraphQL as well as rendering pages in the server by using Next.js which is essentially pre-populating the contents prior to serving it.

Configuring Canonical URLs

What are the benefits from canonical URLs?

The process of creating canonical URLs determines what version of content will appear on search results.

How to create canonical URLs

Implementing canonical URLs in the headless WordPress environment is easily controlled through the help of Yoast SEO, the Yoast SEO plugin. It is also used together with WPGraphQL to link Yoast SEO data to the headless settings.

The following is an description of the process that the web designer Andrew Kepson talks in depth regarding. The procedure involves a few prominent plugins.

  • It is the WPGraphQL plugin offers a GraphQL link to the WordPress website, which allows the front-end program (built with frameworks for example Gatsby or Next.js) to inquire for details about WordPress websites, as well as SEO-related information provided by Yoast.
  • After you've completed that after that, you'll be able to make use of it to install the WPGraphQL Yoast SEO Addon that acts as a bridge that connects Yoast SEO and WPGraphQL and to connect the former's domain of SEO (including canonical URLs) to the schema of the second. The latter will allow the headless interface to connect and use canonical URLs generated by Yoast and ensure the correct canonical tags will appear in the header of your website pages.
Make use of WPGraphQL, the WPGraphQL plugin to generate canonical URLs in an uncontrolled situation.

For implementing it in a practical way, after Yoast and the necessary WPGraphQL plugins have been installed and activated, you can handle your SEO site's data through WordPress.

If you're designing the front end of the software, it will search for SEO information, including URLs that are canonical, employing WPGraphQL and then display the results on the top of your pages. This will ensure that search engines are able to identify and index authoritative URLs even if they're not using a decoupled design.

Meta tags that have been optimised in an informal WordPress environment.

Using React Helmet for meta tags

React Helmet is a reused React component that handles changes to the headers of the document. It allows users to modify metadata tags, the title of the webpage, and various other elements of the head quickly. This is especially useful when it comes to heads-only WordPress websites.

In order to begin with React Helmet, you'll need to connect the program with yarn, or npm.

Installation NPM react-helmet # oryarn and add react-helmet

After you've installed, you are able to incorporate React Helmet into your components and then use it to build diverse meta tags. To set, for instance the page title and meta descriptions. You can do this using the same methods as

Import Helmet from'react-helmet"';the function MyPage() *

React Helmet also supports dynamic data. It allows users to define meta tags based on props or states in the React application. It is crucial to adapt SEO metadata for specific web pages or content types constantly.

Other essential head components that you can control include well-organized information (using JSON-LD for huge snippets of data), Open Graph tags that allow for the sharing of social media as and elements that assist in enhancing accessibility

Optimizing schema markup

The optimization of schema markups is another crucial aspect to improve the quality of your WordPress site's SEO. There's no need to be concerned if you're using a standard configuration or in the case of an unidirectional.

However, in an unstructured WordPress situation handling schema markup may be more complicated. It's a completely independent front-end software (like the site created with React) that requires you to include schema markup into your website's pages as you build the site. It could be as simple as incorporating dynamically schema markups in your HTML with JavaScript or using the front-end SEO tools.

If you only have one-head WordPress websites, you can choose to utilize programs like React Helmet to handle the headers for your websites using schema markup. We've discussed before, React Helmet allows you to modify meta tags and titles as well as more vital, structured information in JSON-LD format directly inside React components.

This is an easy method of managing schema markups on headless systems.

1. Use client-side libraries

A client-side library specifically designed for clients such as React Helmet can be super effective in manually adding schema markup into your web pages. This involves creating JSON-LD structured data snippets that you can then include in the header of your web pages through React Helmet.

2. Write scripts

Manually create JSON-LD scripts Begin by defining the structure of the document by using the JSON format that Google and the other search engines are able to understand. It is about defining the kinds, such as the article, Person or Events and the properties that they possess according to their guidelines.

3. Use available tools

You can embed these scripts within the HTML of your site's pages typically in the header section. This makes usage of rendering performed by servers. Tools like Google's Structured Data Markup Tool help you to generate the proper JSON-LD format.

google structured data
Google's Structured data Markup Helper

The process of optimizing your voice search within the headless WordPress configuration requires a deliberate strategy that integrates SEO best practices with the specifics of the headless design. This article will help you improve your voice search within the headless WordPress setting. This will ensure that the content on your website is efficiently ranked within search results which use the voice input.

1. Let structured data do your task.

We've talked about the "how" more in depth previously, however, implementing the use of structured record (schema marking up) is crucial to make an effective headless site.

Angular is another options to go headless with WordPress

2. Make sure you are focusing on content that's conversational and the search phrases.

Because they're spoken, voice searches tend to follow the patterns of speech and use phrases spoken in conversation. They also tend to last longer than those comprised of text. When you create web content, make certain that it is written in a way that's in tune with how people communicate. That means you should focus more on keywords with long tails and also question-based searches which are common when using voice.

3. Improve local SEO to get "Near Me" search results

4. Create FAQ pages and sections

People who use voice search often want rapid responses to specific questions. In the form of FAQ pages, or pages that offer short answer to the most frequently asked questions, allows users to connect with them exactly where they are.

5. Utilize the full potential from powerful snippets of text and the short, upcoming snippets of text.

It is about arranging your information in an organized method, and using schema markups to draw attention to important details. If you're using unstructured WordPress configuration, make sure that your API is able to provide the information in a format applications running on the front end can utilize to create formatsted snippets that are easily read.

Make taxonomies carefully thought out.

A well-thought-out and thought-out taxonomies in the headless WordPress environment calls for the organizing of data effectively and in a clear, simple way that benefits users, as well as the search engines.

To create taxonomies that are suitable for headless websites It is possible to:

  • Be aware of your readers as well as your content begin by analyzing your text to find the most important issues, and then figure out what kind of content viewers seek out. This will assist in the design of relevant tags and categories.
  • Categories Categories should be able to reflect general themes that could be addressed on your site. They can be used as a framework to arrange information according to the main themes. It is crucial to define distinct categories that provide a wide range of content with no duplicate data.
  • Utilize tags to provide more information Tags permit you to offer granular details that allow you to identify specific elements of your website content. They help readers as well as search engines locate information on certain subjects that fall within your broad areas.
  • Be clear and avoid duplicates It's important to make sure that each categorical and tag are clearly identified to prevent creating confusion for people, and hindering SEO efforts. Regular audits can help you improve your taxonomy by integrating and removing redundant category as well as tags.
  • Integrate taxonomies within the headless in the headless WordPress site, ensure your taxonomy is designed such that tags and categories can be accessed via your API and be utilized dynamically by the front-end software.
  • Review and regularly update when your site grows It's important to regularly check your taxonomy to ensure that it is still in line with your web content.

It is helpful to visualize how something might look in the real world. Below is a visual representation of an online journal for cooking which has a wide range of recipes. An organized taxonomy might be:

  • Categories Themes that are general and are the primary blogs' posts, including Food (Italian, Mexican, Japanese) in addition to meals of the Type (Breakfast lunch, Snacks, Dinner) and also specific diets (Vegan Gluten-Free, Keto, Vegan).
  • Tags Descriptors, with more specific definitions can be used in various categories such as "Quick foods" (for recipes that take less than thirty minutes), "Holiday" (for the Christmas season, Thanksgiving as well as other recipes) or tags based on ingredients for example "Chicken," "Pasta," or "Avocado."

Its structure allows visitors to effortlessly navigate to the type of food they're looking for and find suggestions for an easy breakfast, a vegan dessert, or authentic Italian food. The blog also assists in making the search engine aware of the content of your blog and increase your website's visibility when searching for results related to these particular topics.

The performance metrics are used in order to track the progress of

If you manage the website which runs on a non-headless CMS the need to analyze performance indicators isn't a matter of choice. The way that users are divided between' interfaces on the front end and on the backend administration of content provides the possibility of allowing for delays. Knowing how your site performs is crucial.

It's important to be aware of the common metrics of performance such as Core Web Vitals, as well as the amount of time required to load your website so that you can have the most effective SEO performance that you can get.

The Core Web Vitals

  • First Input Delay (FID): This concerns the speed at which your site responds your site. When your website has been up and running, what speed does it require to react to a user's input? If your visitors click but not getting immediate responses, the frustration may be felt.

Enhancing these metrics could enhance user satisfaction. Google will reward with better results for its the searches it performs.

Reduction of JavaScript and async loading

The effort of improving the quality of your performance in an unstructured CMS environment isn't just about checking boxes to Google. It's about providing a seamless and pleasurable experience for users of your site while also making sure that the search engines are able to find and appreciate your web site's content. It's an intricate blend of the user-centered design as well as a technological layout. If done correctly, it can help set your site apart - while you're still enjoying the flexibility of headless.


Optimizing SEO for the headless WordPress does not have to be so difficult as it could appear. This article reveals the essentials and demonstrates ways to ensure your site is not only visible, and also engaging for users and search engines too.

Jeremy Holcombe

Content and Marketing Editor for , WordPress Web Developer, and Content Writer. Apart from everything WordPress and related, I am a fan of the ocean, golf as well as movies. Also, I'm taller and struggle with my balance ;).

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