ConvertKit review: The best (and the hardest) attributes, based upon the experience of 31 clients who've tried ConvertKit before.

Jan 7, 2024

This ConvertKit review will give you the chance to learn from the previous ConvertKit customers about the advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, they give motives for their choice to change to Email.

ConvertKit is highly reviewed marketing tool for marketing via email by its creators. It is a widely-known and well-respected visual automation tool, with well-designed forms for registration, landing pages and forms as well as specific information on the intended people. Would you consider it to be the ideal alternative for you?

In the upcoming ConvertKit Review, readers are in a position to read about 31 former ConvertKit customers on what they liked and things they did not like and the reason they chose to switch to Email.

The marketing software you choose to use is one of the key components of your online presence. It's how you can grow your customer base, establish relationships with clients, and advertise your services and your products online. Important, but it doesn't have to be difficult or costly.

This blog we discuss the findings and also cover:

What are ConvertKit customers' most-loved characteristics that they most enjoy about their marketing emails?

The ConvertKit customers who have previously utilized ConvertKit have had issues with their product

One reason why customers have opted to shift to a method of advertising via email

We'd would likefor you to pick the best option, but we've attempted to give an honest assessment rather than merely critiquing ConvertKit. We'd like to help in deciding the best method to manage your business whatever option you choose.


  • Past ConvertKit clients were satisfied it was free with the services provided, however the limitations on the features they offer could prove to make it difficult to use. 37% of users said they felt that the price of ConvertKit was their biggest issue for the program.
  • Certain users were impressed by the fact that ConvertKit can make difficult tasks easier to complete. But, others found ConvertKit to be complex and challenging to operate.
  • ConvertKit has nice templates available that could be used to create email landing pages or landing pages. But, they're difficult to modify. People who needed greater flexibility were unable to do so.
  • 55 percent of customers stated that the main reason for moving away from ConvertKit to a different platform was the need to manage all the details of their company (email websites, corporate website email addresses, etc.) Everything is in one place. Low cost of living is another factor which prompted the people to leave.

Automated systems which can accomplish the things you'd prefer them to do along with a cost-free full plan that includes infinite landing pages you're capable of changing according to your preferences. Test Email for free of cost today! .

What are the best advantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is a solution that lets creators increase their reach, communicate with their clients, and automate their email marketing. Additionally, creators can earn money from digital goods.

Design an opt-in email page that can be placed on websites for visitors to be enticed to join your email list. If you're looking to begin by creating an email newsletter or the public radio, ConvertKit offers a one-click editor for email as along with a range of email templates which you can use to begin or to build your own email newsletter from scratch.

You can also make automated advertisements by making use of the visual automation builder by adding tags and segments for those you intend to target according to the actions they take (like clicking links in emails or buying the digital item).

From all of the ConvertKit choices, these are ConvertKit features that respondents to a survey enjoyed the best.

ConvertKit offers a plan that is the cost of

The cost-free ConvertKit program allows you to grow your number of subscribers to 1000 and also create unlimited broadcasts. It is possible to create as many pages you would wish, but you will not have access to automated integrations or automated features in the program.

The trial version of ConvertKit is free and gives users the chance to experience the basics of ConvertKit which includes email builders, aswell as a design of landing pages prior to choosing whether to sign up for the paid subscription.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is known by its visual automation software that allows you to create specific workflows and paths as well as funnels to your clients. A user claimed that they were thrilled with the option of "multiple types of funnels, triggers and tags" to work with, as well as the ability to utilize the number of segments or tags you want to track the customers you serve.

ConvertKit is an ideal choice for web developers looking to design intricate customer experiences that have multiple entrance and exit locations. There is also a chance that they'll require specific automated methods for advertising their products.

Create pages and email messages using templates designed for you.

Some clients have said they were happy with the fact that the email editor at ConvertKit as well as the landing page creator had already designed templates for the creation of templates for email, an opt-in page as well as landing pages in just a few minutes.

There are limitations to the things you can alter to make your distinctive (particularly for your website as well as forms which will be discussed in the next section) These designs are stunning straight out of the box. What you must create is images, text, and hyperlinks which is the beginning of creating your very own.

ConvertKit allows you to create personalized templates for email that you then can use again and over again.

The statistics and tracking information are made available to all subscribers.

Another feature which ConvertKit gets the top marks on is its analysis of users. A user stated that they were pleased to have "more details about each individual who is in my group, including the places they go to their emails, click on them, etc."

Subscriber details and their scores (available in The Creator Pro plan) which will provide you with a wealth of details about your customers. Also, you'll be able to determine the types of opt-in options that are the most well-liked and which clients are not receiving any emails anymore as well as which kinds of email have the highest open and deliver rates.

Additionally, as we mentioned in the past there is the possibility to make use of ConvertKit to design unlimited tags and segments that target your intended audience, to make sure your message is sent to the right people.

What's the most crucial thing that customers who haven't had an excellent encounter with ConvertKit?

However, those we spoke to who were previous ConvertKit customers we interviewed disliked the cost of complex construction automation software, along with the limitations in creating landing pages for take them to.

The costs of ConvertKit is very expensive.

37% of users who have previously used ConvertKit before stated that the main problem in using ConvertKit was its cost.

The plan, while free is a basic plan that is available to 1000 users. If you're interested in more options, then move to a Creator plan or the Pro plan.

Both plans' costs will increase as the amount of items on the list is increased. Here are some instances of the amount you might expect to spend on different types of ConvertKit

What's the most significant distinction between these strategies?

Join ConvertKit's no-cost plan (up to 1,000 users) It comes with:

Unlimited pages for landing

Unlimited types

Unlimited TV

Tags that are targeted at viewers as well as segmentation

Digital subscriptions can be created and utilized in various services.

Community Support to the local community

When you join Creator, you'll receive everything you'll need at no cost. This includes:

Live chat support, help via email

Transfers at no cost from other software


Integrations with third party integrations

A member of the other team.

In addition, Creator Pro, in addition Creator Pro offers all the advantages of the two plans as well as additional benefits:

Unlimited team members

The system for referring newsletters to other newsletters.

Scores of subscribers

Advanced Reporting

It's wonderful to have an account which is free, but ConvertKit isn't the ideal choice for every user because ConvertKit does not support important features, including automation, integrations and assistance for plans that are paid.

You must spend at minimum 15 dollars each month (for plans such as the Creator program which has 300 clients) to be the first before you can begin testing automated marketing methods and then ask for help from the business.

The visual automation tools are a single of ConvertKit's major benefits, but they're not accessible until you've signed up to the creator program. Prices could rise significantly in the event you add other items to your list of things to purchase.

The design, construction, funnels and even the automation process isn't simple.

In regards to the developer of the visual automations users found ConvertKit's program complicated to setup and operate. Most users were pleased with the variety of options but some expressed concerns about issues like, "UI (user interface) was an issue" in addition to "segmentation was complex" as their top complaint.

Even though ConvertKit permits you to create many complex workflows and campaigns utilizing ConvertKit most users require a system that can create emails, and also run basic automations, such as greeting emails and sales funnels as well as sales and nurture funnels.

If your situation gets too complex or complicated and confusing, it can become a daunting task. Furthermore, everyone hates scrolling through emails, and receiving a lot of automated messages without understanding the motive to the message.

A lot of creators do not expect that their businesses to get complicated. complex. It's not required to pay the money for functions that you do not need. If you're not sure if you'll need an extremely precise and accurate automation to run your company, ConvertKit could be more costly and complicated than you need.

The websites that lead to the landing page as well as opt-in forms have certain design restrictions

There is no doubt that ConvertKit has attractive and beautiful design templates for landing pages and forms to facilitate opt-ins to emails. But there are limitations in the types of things that are possible to change. One user stated "I was not happy with the restrictions in the opt-in form that I designed, especially because it was not a page that actually had views."

As of now, ConvertKit doesn't have a opportunity to create websites or forms completely by hand. The only option is to alter the template that which you've been supplied with.

For instance, if you decide to use a template make landing pages with two columns, you can only include items (like images buttons and dividers and bulleted lists) inside the columns. It's not possible to create additional sections that align with the standard layout. It's hard to make the best options based on an idea you've had in your mind but it's not in line with the design.

Furthermore, ConverKit's landing page templates are created to collect email addresses, not to market items or send people to other sites. Most templates for landing pages allow users to sign up for email. sign up for email however you must incorporate your own CSS in order to eliminate the email opt-in option on your landing page.

This means it is not possible to use ConvertKit's landing site for anything else than collecting emails which means that you'll have to purchase the layout of a landing page using an external third party.

Why have people not changed from ConvertKit to?

If asked about the reasons why they switched between ConvertKit to another company, they would say it was due to the cheaper price as well as the easy email builder along with the convenience of being in the same place.

This is more economical than the majority of user.

If you're not able in adding up to 1000 users, it's the fact that most Email plans are cheaper in comparison with ConvertKit alternatives. Below are some examples of when pricing differs between ConvertKit and is determined by the number of users who you have on your list

In addition to a lower cost, Email plans also have different features that can assist you in running your business online.

The editor for emails of's is easy to use.

Make a design you love? It's possible to make your own distinct design and mail out campaigns on the number of occasions you'd like to.

When you send emails you can add columns' headers, which include texts that can call out websites on social media, videos hyperlinks, CTAs and even the capability to download your clients.

It's possible to manage all the operations of a company at one location

A majority of those who were interviewed (54 percent) stated that the main reason for switching from ConvertKit to ConvertKit was because they wanted to be able to handle everything they needed to accomplish from one central area.

ConvertKit is a great alternative to send emails to customers. The e-commerce features aren't as powerful, nor is the community tools and website. A majority of the creators that were surveyed believed that the purpose of the integrated system ConvertKit was designed to be cost-effective and simple as they did not have to sign up (and purchase) several instruments.

This means you are capable of changing the way of sending emails to your customers, based upon whether they've purchased the item, signed up to wait lists or indicated a desire to know more about a particular area with no need to make use of complicated tags or integrates.

Imagine creating waiting lists for the online classes you intend to market.

ConvertKit ConvertKit Within ConvertKit It is necessary to create an opt-in page or a site to manage your waitlist. Additionally, it is necessary to tag every subscriber that sign-up through the registration form. In the event of the launch, you may send out emails to customers with this tag, to announce your new product or service that you're providing.

When your course is running, you'll no longer need to keep in touch with your clients constantly those who have bought the course. Therefore, you'll need to link ConvertKit to your online platform for the course. The next step is to assign an identification tag to all customers who have successfully completed their purchase. You can then utilize this tag to ensure that aren't receiving any future promotional offers you'd like to mail to people who are on waitlists.

Your classes, your email addresses along with your customers are all on the same page. Start your own class and then the course will be placed on the waitlist. It will create an overview page for your course. Any person who signs up is added to your waiting list.

It doesn't need a complicated installation on your background or to remember the different tags which all refer to. Furthermore, you will not need to be worried about wires crossing, as the system stores all data about the clients you serve in one place.

There are many of the ways that this system that is all-in-one makes life simpler

Send welcome emails automatically when new subscribers sign up on your list of email subscribers.

Personalized emails are sent after the purchase of the item.

Only message recipients who have (or have, but do not) purchased a product

Find people who that you've been waiting to get the chance to contact them. This option is offered for all plans, even the free plan.

Offer lead magnets to will direct users to automated advertisement automatized processes

Links clicks can be a fantastic method of adding tags to subscribers. Then, it's possible to make automated emails which are designed around the topics that subscribers are interested in.

If you're looking to incorporate your company online using a platform which will cut down on the cost of integration and costs, this could be the best option for you.

Are you sure? is ConvertKit the best option for me?

ConvertKit is a great option for people who build websites, or small businesses which require an email provider which includes many sophisticated automations. ConvertKit costs more than the other options, however it should be considered if you're seeking a fully automated visual builder. ConvertKit is also a great choice if you're planning to create landing pages that collect emails (not selling items) since that's exactly the reasons the templates for ConvertKit were designed.

It's the most suitable option for those with an internet connection, and who want to make their life easier by having all the data they need in one location. It is possible to create endless email campaigns, and use stunning templates for emails (or develop an entirely custom one) or create a full website. You can also design sites from scratch, regardless of the purpose for which they are needed and even offer any type of product you could think of.

Since you won't need lots of plugins or tools. Your overall costs are likely to be lower than what they would have been in the event that you were to develop things in your own way.

If you want to find a user-friendly, cost-effective and simple feature to advertise that isn't overwhelming Try. It's completely gratis for you to begin .

We're excited to see your efforts.


Email marketing FAQS

What is what is ConvertKit abbreviation?

ConvertKit can be described as an email marketing solution that allows you to increase the number of clients who opt-in to receive your newsletters through sign-up forms and landing pages. ConvertKit can be utilized to make automated email broadcasts, and offer digital downloads. The software is accessible for up to 1,000 customers and plans with paid users beginning at as little as 15 dollars per month.

What options do you have beyond ConvertKit?

We're not surprised that our most popular ConvertKit choice is Email! There are also information on different marketing tools that are similar to ConvertKit through these articles.

What are the benefits of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit lets you create endless broadcast messages as well as make endless campaign. Templates are designed to ensure ease of use by users and they are an easy to use email maker and automates the process to build images. Also, it is feasible to sell digital downloads as part of the option of online sales.

What are the drawbacks of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit is a fantastic tool to control your email lists. It requires the connection to other software for your website, and it is also used to promote other products that require downloads. A rise in the amount of applications will lead to that you'll have to deal with more technologies and possibly a cost increase. Additionally, the price of ConvertKit's services becomes expensive when the quantity of functions grows and it will require greater options.

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