ConvertKit review: Best (and worst) features, according to former customers of 31 |

Jan 3, 2024

The following ConvertKit review it will be a chance to hear from 31 former ConvertKit customers on ConvertKit's pros and cons and how many of them made the move to Email.

ConvertKit is a well-loved email marketing tool for designers. It's known for its visual automation tool, pre-designed sign-up forms and landing pages, and detailed audience analytics However, is it the right choice for you?

In this ConvertKit review, you'll learn from 31 former ConvertKit users on the features they liked, the things they didn't like, and what made them switch to Email.

Email marketing tools are among the most crucial elements of your business online This is how you'll increase your reach, build relationships with followers, and promote your digital products. But important doesn't have to mean complicated and expensive.

In this post, we share those research findings, and also go over:

What are the most popular things that ConvertKit's users love about their email marketing tools

Customers of ConvertKit's past ran into challenges with their product

Why some of those users decided to switch to for their email marketing

While we'd obviously likefor you to pick  however, we've made sure to provide an honest assessment instead of criticizing ConvertKit simply because we would like you to discover the right thing to run your business no matter what you choose.


  • The past ConvertKit users were pleased the free package, but the limitation of features made it difficult to use. 37% of users said that ConvertKit's expensive price was their biggest problem with the platform.
  • A few users appreciated the ability to run complex automations, however, others felt ConvertKit to be complicated and overwhelming to setup.
  • ConvertKit has nice templates for landing page and email forms. However, the templates aren't easy to customize. People who needed more flexibility felt limited.
  • 54% of users reported that their main reason for having changed from ConvertKit to ConvertKit was that they needed their whole business (email and website, merchandise and so on.) all in one location.  The affordable price was the second most common factor that prompted people to change.

Automated solutions that can do whatever you need them to and a complete free plan, and unlimited landing pages that you can customize however you like - test Email at no cost today .

What are the best characteristics of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit offers an email service which allows creators to increase their fan base, engage with followers, automate their email marketing and earn money from digital products.

It is possible to start by creating embeddable email opt-in forms as well as standalone landing pages that bring people on your list. When you're ready to send an email broadcast or newsletter, ConvertKit has a point-and-click email creator and a collection of templates you can use as a base and you could also create a custom email entirely from beginning to finish.

It is also possible to create automated marketing campaigns with the help of the built-in visual automation tool as well as add tags and segmentation to your target audience according to the actions they perform (like clicking a link in an email or buying a digital product).

Out of all the ConvertKit features, these are the things which our survey's respondents liked the most:

ConvertKit offers a no-cost plan

The free ConvertKit plan allows you to be able to have as many as 1,000 users, as well as create unlimited broadcasts. You can make as many forms and landing pages as you want, but you won't get access to automations or integrations at this tier.

The free plans are a great method to get a feel for its basic functions of ConvertKit, such as the email builder and design of landing pages, before signing up to a premium plan.

Create visual automations

ConvertKit is well-known for its visual automation builder, which lets you build elaborate workflows, pathways and funnels to your subscribers. An earlier user of ConvertKit specifically stated that they enjoyed the fact that they had "multiple funnels, triggers and tags" to use, and it is possible to make use of as many segments and tags as you'd like to arrange your subscribers.

ConvertKit shines for creators who require intricate customer journeys, with many access and exit points or require hyper-specific automatizations for promoting specific products.

Create pages and emails using pre-made templates

Other ex-users said they liked the way ConvertKit's email editor as well as landing page builder had pre-designed templates that allowed them to create email templates, opt-in page pages and landing pages quickly.

There are some restrictions on what you can customize (particularly in your webpages or forms that we'll go over further below) However, they look good out of the box. All you have to do is include your text, images, as well as links, then you're on your route.

ConvertKit can also help you create personal email templates are reusable again.

Statistics and tracking data are available for each subscriber

Another place where ConvertKit has high marks is in audience analysis. One user said that they appreciated being able to access "more detail about every person within my target audience, such as the location they click from, what emails they open, etc."

The subscriber will have access to data and scores (available in the Creator Pro plan) which means you'll be able to see plenty of data about your audience. In particular, you'll be able to see which opt-in forms have the highest popularity as well as which customers are cold and which email messages are the most reliable in terms of deliverability and open rate.

We mentioned it earlier that you can also use ConvertKit to create endless tags and segments to your audience so you always deliver the correct message to the correct individuals.

What were the things that previous customers did not dislike in ConvertKit?

However, the former 31 ConvertKit customers we interviewed did not like the costly cost, complicated automations builder as well as the limitations of designing landing pages.

Pricing for ConvertKit is costly.

37% of former users reported that their main issue for ConvertKit was the cost charge.

There is a free plan, but it only has the basic features that are available to 1,000 subscribers. If you're looking for more features then you'll have to select a paid Creator or Creator Pro plan.

On both of these plans, pricing goes up with the increase in your list's size. Below are some instances of the prices you could expect to pay on different ConvertKit plans:

So, what's the difference between these two plans?

When you sign up for ConvertKit's no-cost plan (up to 1,000 subscribers), you get:

Unlimited landing pages

Unlimited forms

Unlimited broadcasts

Audience tagging and segmentation

Offer digital subscriptions and products

Community Support for the community

With Creator, you receive everything in free, plus:

Support via email and live chat

Free transfer from another program


Integrations from third parties

A teammate from another team

With Creator Pro, you get everything in the previous two plans plus:

Unlimited team members

The system of newsletter referral

Scoring of the subscriber

Advanced Reporting

It's good having a plan that is free but it's not a good fit for a lot of customers due to the fact that ConvertKit gates important features like integrations, automations as well as customer service to paid plans just.

You'll need to shell out minimum $15 per month (for the creator plan that has 300 subscribers) for the first time to experiment using automated marketing campaigns, or seek assistance with the business.

Plus, the visual automation builder is one of ConvertKit's main selling points, but it's not available when you're on the Creator plan, which will dramatically increase in cost as you add more items to your wish list.

Automating funnels and building automations could be complicated

In terms of the visual automation builder the majority of users were dissatisfied with ConvertKit's automated systems as they are too complicated to set up and manage. Some reviewers liked having lots of choices. However, other reviewers mentioned things like, "UI (user interface) was unwieldy" and "segmentation was so difficult" as the top complaints.

Although ConvertKit can create lots of complex campaigns and workflows with ConvertKit, most creators simply require a tool to create emails and perform simple automations, like welcome emails along with sales funnels and nurture sequences.

When it becomes complicated and confusing, it could feel like an overwhelming task. In addition, everyone hates logging into their email account and viewing a plethora of automated messages without knowing the purpose of anything.

Most creators don't want their businesses to be much more complicated, and there's no need to shell out premium prices for features that you don't actually need. In the event that you're sure you'll need very specific automations to your business, ConvertKit could be more complicated and pricier than necessary.

Opt-in pages and landing pages have design limitations

It's true that ConvertKit offers attractive templates for landing pages and email opt-in forms, but there are limitations to what you can customize. One user has said, "I didn't like the restrictions on opt-in forms I designed, and also the previews weren't actual views."

At present, ConvertKit doesn't have a way to build form pages or landing pages by hand. Instead, you have to edit the existing templates that you're given.

If, for instance, you select a landing page template that has two columns, you're only able to include elements (like images buttons, icons, dividers or lists with bullets) inside these columns. There's no way to add additional sections beyond the base style. The options can feel limiting if you have a layout to think of but doesn't match with a template.

Also, ConverKit's landing pages are created to collect email rather than selling items or redirecting people to different URLs. Nearly all template landing pages include an email sign-up form in the default layout, however you'll have to use customized CSS for if you wish to remove the email sign-up box from your page.

This makes it difficult to use ConvertKit's landing pages for anything other than gathering email addresses and you may end up needing to pay extra for the creation of a landing page by a third party.

The reason why people are switching from ConvertKit to ConvertKit?

When asked to explain why they moved from ConvertKit to  the other, they cited the lower price point and the simple email creator and the ease of everything being together.

is less expensive for nearly everyone

Unless you have less than 100 or 1,000 subscribers, all Email plans are less expensive as compared to their ConvertKit competitors. Here are a few examples of the way pricing works out in the case of ConvertKit as well as based on the lists size

In addition to a lower cost, Email plans also have additional features to run your online business.

's email editor is easy to operate

Make a design you love? You can use it as a custom template in your broadcasts or email campaigns as many times as you want.

Inside your emails it is possible to include text sections, columns featuring callouts, highlighted callsouts media buttons, video links, CTAs, and files for your customers to download.

allows you to manage your business in the same place

The majority of people polled (54 percent) said that the number one reason they switched from ConvertKit to the other was because they wanted to control every aspect of their business in one place.

ConvertKit is an ideal choice for marketing via email, but its e-commerce capabilities aren't as extensive as is the website and community tools. A majority of the developers that we talked to found the one-stop-shop approach simple and affordable since they didn't have to connect (and spend money on) many additional devices.

It means that you can alter the way you email your followers based on whether or not they've bought a product, joined a waitlist, or expressed an interest on a certain topic. This is without a lot of complex tags and integrations.

Let's say you wanted to create a waitlist for a course online you're hoping to market.

In ConvertKit, you'd need to create an opt-in form or landing page specifically for your waitlist and tag any subscribers who join via that form. When the product launches, you can send messages to those with this tag to promote the product.

Once the course goes live, you probably don't need to be constantly contacting people who have already purchased the course, which is why you'll need to integrate ConvertKit with your course's online platform. You would then need to create another tag for those who have made a purchase and use that tag to exclude the recipients from future marketing messages that you'll send out to waitlist participants.

The courses, emails, as well as your customers are in the same place. All you need to do is set up the course and put it in waitlist mode. It will automatically create a landing site for the course and anyone who sign-ups is added to that course's waitlist.

You don't have to do some fancy configuration in the background or to remember the various tags mean, and you won't need to be concerned about crossing your wires crossed since has all of the data about the customers you serve in one location.

Here are some ways 's all-in-one platform can make life easier:

Run automated welcome emails whenever you receive an email from someone who joins your list.

Automatically send personalized email sequences to clients after they have purchased a particular product

Only message recipients who have (or aren't) purchased a product

Follow up with people on your waitlist. 's waitlist feature is available on all plans, including the cost-free plan.

Set up lead magnets that direct people to automated marketing automations

Use link clicks to add tags to subscribers, then develop automated email messages on the subjects they're interested in

If you want to consolidate your online business into one place and get rid of any additional fees or integrations, could be the perfect fit for you as well.

Are you sure ConvertKit right for me?

ConvertKit is a great option for content creators and entrepreneurs who require an email service provider with many complicated automated features. The service is more expensive price point than platforms like  and, but could be worth the cost in the event that you require a graphic automation builder. ConvertKit is also a good alternative if you're only looking to create landing pages for collecting emails (not offering products) as that's the purpose for which ConvertKit's templates are designed for.

This is an ideal choice to online creators looking to make their work easier by having all of the information they need in one location. It is possible to create unlimited email and campaigns, use stunning email templates (or make your own) and build your own website, set up landing pages from scratch for any purpose you need they serve, and even make sales on any product that you can think of.

As you will not require lots of additional tools or plugins Your overall expenses will likely be lower that they would be in the event that you had to put it all by yourself.

To get a cost-effective, simple-to-use and powerful features for marketing that don't feel overwhelming, give a try. You can download it for free and start .

We can't wait to see what your creations are.


Email marketing FAQS

What is ConvertKit?

ConvertKit offers an email-marketing platform that lets you grow your mailing list by utilizing form-of-subscription as well as landing pages. You can also build automated campaigns, create broadcasts, and also sell digital downloads. It offers a free trial for up to 1,000 subscribers. Paid plans start at only $15 per month.

What are the alternatives to ConvertKit alternatives?

Our top ConvertKit alternatives is Email! It is also possible to learn about other email marketing tools like ConvertKit in these guides.

What are the advantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit allows you to create unlimited broadcast messages, and lets you create unlimited campaigns. There are pre-designed email templates as well as an easy email creator, as well as an automated visual builder. You can also sell digital downloads using the feature for e-commerce.

What are the disadvantages of ConvertKit?

ConvertKit works well for managing your email, but you'll need to connect additional tools in order to create your website and sell products other than downloads. A greater number of tools mean more technologies that you'll have to handle and possibly more costs. In addition, ConvertKit's prices become pricey as the list of features grows and you require additional features.

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