Complete A-to-Z Checklist for Starting an Online Business

Apr 28, 2023

You're here! This means you're getting close to making a big life decision. It's time to begin your own online company. It could be an ecommerce enterprise, a service-based company that includes coaching, course-based or a business, or something else. However, the most pressing concern you're likely to have is -- what do I do? For you to get on the right path, we've developed an entire checklist to help you start an online company.

Maybe you're tired of being a slave to someone else and want to create your own timetable, or are done with having no influence or control on your pay. You're looking forward to taking an opportunity and experimenting with what you could develop based upon a business or product idea. Maybe it's all of the above.

If you've ever had the urge to think about setting up an online or ecommerce enterprise, it's bound require some effort, and you'll need guidance.

The good news is, it doesn't require a college degree to become a successful business owner. Anyone eager to work hard, study about business, make mistakes, and follow through can make this happen.

But, there is a lots to accomplish so having an online business checklist will be so helpful. Every day, we work to improve the accessibility of commerce by allowing everyone to pursue their own ideas, regardless of where they live or who they are and the resources they possess. Helping people succeed in commerce is our mission!

Table of Contents

The most frequently asked questions by business owners

Checklist for starting an online business within a few minutes, but first, let's address some questions about the process of starting an online business.

writing in a notebook with an orange pen

What is the cost to begin an online business?

Starting an online business costs much less than starting a traditional company with a shopfront or manufacturing facility. However, there are several costs that which you'll have to factor into your budget before starting.

In the beginning, you need to create and launch your website. You can save costs through doing the work yourself, by constructing your own site content and building your ecommerce company on a platform that is free such as . or, you could reduce time and hire a freelancer or agency for the task.

Then, there are legal costs, such as permits and licenses for businesses, and possibly writing legal disclaimers depending on your products. If you are renting equipment, it is possible to have to have a rental contract written by a lawyer.

The other business cost you incur is taxes and accounting that includes paying sales tax. And you'll pay shipping costs when you offer a physical product, which can also include returns.

So, even when you have an online company, there are going to be initial costs.

If you're in the process of starting an ecommerce business that sells physical products, you'll have to pay for the extra costs associated with developing products, manufacturing as well as inventory.

What time does it take to start?

Online businesses that do not sell physical products, such as coaching businesses or service-based business like copywriting and web-based design you could start in just a couple of days.

If you can devote several hours per day to your business idea, finishing off your items on your business startup checklist, you can be open much sooner than you think.

Making use of physical items can take a couple of weeks, or perhaps a few months, to this process. If you're producing or creating your own products in-house, your only limit is the amount of time required to get the raw materials and complete your projects. Collaboration with other manufacturers or third-party suppliers adds more development and shipping time to the process.

Like everything else when it comes to business, if your venture is not a part-time venture that you are working on, the amount of time you need to dedicate to the development process will limit how quickly it can be launched.

woman wearing a hat, sitting on a couch and looking at a laptop

How long does it take to create an online store?

If a business is e-commerce and has packaging, goods, or associated requirements, start-up times are longer. Setting up the ecommerce website is one of the last steps to opening for the business. Why? because you must have the quality of your products and processes figured out prior to that.

What kind of shipping option are you required to offer? How does your target audience like to be paid?

After you've got everything set up for the process of development, you'll be able to consider and plan the web pages you'll need and the functionality it must include.

Creating and organizing all of your website's content including product images, descriptions, FAQs, etc. This can take quite some time. However, having all these details set up prior to hiring an agency or freelancer could speed up the process more quickly.

An experienced web developer can build a basic e-commerce website within just a few days. But, it is best to anticipate the process to take several weeks or so in the case of a standard online store. If you're building something more complex or do not have all of your content and functionality needs organized in advance, building an ecommerce site can take several months or longer.

How do I begin an e-commerce business without prior knowledge?

Your learning curve may be more difficult However, if you're persistent, yes you can do it!

If you're not an expert in the field, you'll need to set aside an extra amount of money in advance to learn how to sell on the internet.

It's not necessary to have an academic degree to succeed, however having a few online courses could help you get there faster. In some cases, it's worth making a tiny investment in learning from an expert. Why? Take a look at a few jobs you'll be required to complete:

  • Understanding marketing
  • Making a business plan
  • How to sell
  • Providing customer service
  • The writing of web-based content
  • Leads to acquire
  • Figuring out manufacturing and inventory management
  • The ability to develop a positive mindset is essential for success.

How can I begin an online business with the tightest budget?

Sure, you can. However, the likelihood is that you'll have to trade in your expenses to the speed. If you're good at teaching yourself new things and have an interest in doing so, you can learn the basic principles of website design, copywriting, design, business structure, and marketing at your own pace.

Experts in hiring to assist in these areas can speed up the process, however, it requires funds up front.

It is a good idea to focus on your ecommerce or internet-based company during the hours you are not working, or as a side business, building it up a bit at a time. You won't regret the time you spend educating yourself, because in the end it will result in more educated, versatile, confident, and competent small business entrepreneurs.

Be patient, consistent and persevering to get back on track. Check out our list of things you need to know prior to starting your online company.

Is it a good idea to begin an e-commerce or online business?

Beginning an online store requires the commitment of. There isn't a guarantee of instant success. However, if you continue to work hard and do not abandon your efforts, your startup will grow.

Participate in a few seminars. Visit an exhibition or two even if it's not your industry. Examine how firms present themselves and what they do. Study the language. Meet other people. Discover what you can from working at someone else's business -and the decision-making in the background and the risk, the uncertainties, the reasons for why entrepreneurs do the things they do. Which lessons could you take for your own thoughts?

It's not a guarantee that you will succeed, but it's always an excellent idea to study the most you can. You should also pursue your dreams a little every day.

What are the most important things I should know about beginning an online or ecommerce business?

If you've made it this far Congratulations!

Already, you've shown some dedication to your business idea as well as your eagerness to study everything you can to become a successful business owner.

So let's get to the checklist. The ultimate checklist to start your online business is focused on the essentials.

woman working on a laptop at her desk

The most comprehensive checklist for online businesses

Take some time to learn about each item on the checklist listed below. If you're writing a business plan this checklist will help you when writing the document because it will make you think about the most important elements.

The checklist can be divided into six sections:

  1.   Product development
  2.   Legal and government
  3.   Assets of business foundation
  4.   Website
  5.   Business systems and operations
  6.   Marketing

The checklist isn't necessarily in a specific order, and you can work on several items at a however, you must ensure that the business plan you're developing is established before spending too much money on the marketing process, your business plan, and other assets. This is why we'll begin with "Product.'

Product development

This is all about figuring out what you're selling and how you're going to make it available to your clients, whether that's the physical item, digital download, service, or anything other!

Be aware of the product you're selling

Do you sell a food product? Hand-crafted jewelry? Clothing? Supplements for health? Artwork that is custom-designed? The answer is obvious. However, it's impossible to start a business without knowing your item.

If you're selling services, what is the service? Can you describe it succinctly? You can offer video production, dog walking, event planning seniors care, graphic design, or countless other offerings.

Or, maybe you offer cooking classes online or equipment rental or software licenses. You could also print books, or tickets for shows. There are so many options!

In the end, your product should be wanted or required by customers. It's an excellent reason to begin with the first task that is listed in the marketing section of the list -to identify and understand your target market.

To do:Describe the products or services that you're offering. Pitch these ideas to members of your target audience and seek feedback from them to improve your offering before investing too much into manufacturing or marketing.

See if your product ideas are in demand

Wide product categories can make it difficult to break into the first time for a brand new online store or the start of a new business online. If you're trying to stand out to potential customers, look to fill a need that isn't but being fulfilled by other companies. The category of "health supplements" covers tons of products. What about health supplements for parents working as freelancers?

Now, you have a much narrower, more specific target market for the products you sell. This matters because, when you begin to market, your online efforts will build from the foundation of your specific niche. It's much simpler to gain quality traffic to a niche product or service compared to general ones.

After you've come up with your idea in mind, you need to do some research to find out if there's a need for it. Take a look at your competition. Are they flooded or do they lack some angle or a service that you can provide? Did a major competitor recently shut down or sell? Why? Do you think that this means the market for this product is not strong or is it a great business opportunity?

Again, make sure to communicate your thoughts to the people within your intended public to gauge interest. You can conduct in-person interviews and conduct surveys using emails or on social media sites or collaborate with businesses who can do the research for you.

To do: Describe your niche and confirm a demand for it.

Develop inventory and/or fulfillment plans

Before you start accepting orders, you'll need to be able to store inventory or an organized plan to meet demands. If you're selling something physical, this means ordering, sorting, and storing enough products in physical form to get started without the danger of having too lots of unsold inventory occupying the space of your garage or warehouse.

If you're sourcing and refining physical items, this process may take longer than you'd expect. Get started early with the initial variations of physical items and carefully inspect the quality and detail provided by each supplier. Continue to refine your sourcing until you've reached the perfect equilibrium of quality, cost and effectiveness you're searching for.

man reviewing inventory list in a warehouse

Most of the time, less orders received from vendors can mean lower margins. However, when you're first getting started, you can opt for this until you're certain which offerings can become popular and which don't inspire customers in the way you expected. When you've determined that a product will be successful then you are able to make bigger purchases at lower prices per unit.

If you're selling service-based, or less tangible products, you can still calculate "inventory" in relation to any necessary raw materials as well as the fulfillment capabilities of your business. If you're selling a personal consultation for instance then your inventory will be the amount of hours that you can perform during a specific time period. Don't forget to factor in time for business management as well as marketing and any other unplanned tasks!

signature on a legal document

*Note that this section applies to companies based within the U.S. If you reside in a different country, spend some time researching what is required.

Each state has its own requirements, but in general the following areas:

  • A state-issued business license
  • A secretary of state's company registration
  • Federal tax identification (EIN)
  • Insurance, depending on the type of product or service nature
  • Legal disclaimers
  • Contracts of legality for clients-based membership businesses
  • Rental contracts for rental companies

Some of these will be single-time charges. Some of them require renewal every year. And, for many of these documents it is necessary to provide information, like your business name in the following section.

You'll need the EIN in order to establish an account with a bank for business that you'll surely want to do, as it will make the management of your accounting and taxes far simpler to keep track of. Get your EIN here.

Do this:Research all legal documents that you'll require based on the jurisdiction you're in and your unique business. Add each document to the checklist and get everything in order!

Business assets that are foundational

It is also not an exhaustive listing. Every business has the necessary assets that are unique to it. Think about the practicalities for running your online business that you envision Add items to this online business checklist when needed.

Create a brand or company name

Do not do it too fast. If you are considering registering your company with the secretary of state (in the United States), one important thing to do is make sure your preferred choice isn't already in use. Name your products and business can also be a decision for marketing.

The most effective method is to create a list of thoughts and then narrow it down. You could run your top ideas through a handful of people you know or have business connections with. However, don't make a decision without ensuring it's not already used.

Conduct an internet search on your favorite ideas and see what results pop up. Search domain names to determine if a related one is available. Is there a website already that is similar to yours? Your business name must be unique and unused. This article will help you name your company.

When you've selected and the business name you want to use then you're able to begin branding your items. The logo you choose should be or some other symbol to symbolize your company's image. In this instance, you'll choose your brand colors. You can change this later, but it's not likely to be easy to change, so put some time and thought into this. Most likely, you'll want to hire an expert to create your logo and provide overall branding advice.

designing a logo on a sketchpad

Understand the "why"

Whichever product or service it is you want to sell through your store online it must have a an individual reason to sell it. The goal is never to make money. Why? You can earn income from a variety of different things. Why did you choose this idea or product instead of the other ideas?

Perhaps you are interested in the field you work in, or pre-existing skills that can be applied. Maybe your current position or a passion, or your previous work experience makes you extra qualified to produce and market your product or service. You may have real knowledge in the area you are interested in. For coaching and industry-authority-based businesses, this is particularly helpful. Or, maybe you just have a passion for it.

Whatever the case, know your reason for choosing the product or business idea you'd like to explore. You'll want to tell the story of your business. You must know why you are committed to this so you can remember that when facing challenges.

To accomplish: Write out an essay that explains your motivations for choosing this product or business.

Set up business contact options

It's fine to use free email services such as Yahoo or Gmail, but the use of an email on your own domain could increase your perceived authority and professionalism. Once you know your business name and the URL for your website, you can create a business email address that will be something like [email protected].

You may also want to create a company address, even if it's an office in your local area that you can utilize for professional and business-related mail.

Consider a telephone number that is specific to your business. This also shows an amount of professionalism and helps to maintain a a degree of separation from your personal and professional life. Free tools like Google Voice help you get started quickly.

Establish a corporate bank account

There is no doubt that you will need a bank account. This is an essential requirement. You absolutely do not want to combine your company's finances and your personal finances. In order to open a corporate bank account, you'll require the federal tax ID (EIN) and the business license as well. Make sure to contact your preferred bank to find out what documents they require.


Of course, since you're launching an online shop, your site is an essential part of your business. The specific steps you'll want to take here will vary based upon your business and the products that you're selling, there's certain commonalities to all online stores.

Choose a domain name

Earlier, you confirmed the domain name you want to purchase is in stock. This is now the perfect time to purchase the domain. There is another aspect in naming your business, also. The ideal is that you will want to use the .com name of your domain name should be available for purchase, though there are other options to think about, such as .org, .co, and .net depending on your needs.

domain name search tool on

Also, you want your URL to be easy to write and comprehend -- so that if you speak it to potential customers and they are confident enough to recall it and enter it in their browser later.

Buy web hosting

There is a need for a web hosting service to store your website files and make them available for users to browse online. There are a variety of aspects to take into consideration in terms of prices as well as uptime, security, and scalability.

Pick an e-commerce platform

E-commerce tools provide all the features you require to sell your products on the internet as well as accept payment and so on. This is a fantastic option for both beginners and experienced alike. It's the ecommerce component of WordPress it's a site-building software which powers 43 percent of all web pages.

WordPress and stands above other platforms due to the fact that they're:

  • Free to use. Both WordPress and provide all their core functionality for free. Although you are able to purchase premium plugins, lots of shops can begin and manage their own business for no cost.
  • Expandable and flexible. There's no limit! Have as many products or variations you'd wish to. You can sell any product that you can think of, from digital and physical items to bookings, subscriptions, and training courses. Make sure your website is in line with anything you can imagine.
  • Open-source. Because both WordPress and are open-source, anyone can copy, modify, and modify the code in any way they'd prefer. It's why there's such an extremely high degree of transparency and flexibility. It also means that there aren't many of the restrictions and limits that come with proprietary platforms.
  • Simple to learn. They were developed to allow anyone to create a beautiful, effective site without any coding experience at all. For example, the powerful block editor lets you create pages simply by moving and dropping elements (blocks) as well as setting up the settings.
  • It is part of a tightly knit community. This WordPress Community and the WordPress platform is unlike any other community, and includes meetups and Facebook groups, Slack channels forums for help, and so on. There are a lot of people who want everyone to find happiness!
 setup wizard

Make your site attractive

After that, you'll be able to work on designing the remainder of your site. Keep the branding choices you've already made, including your logo and color palette to ensure that your complete website is coherent. It is possible to use the block editor to design every aspect of your website, from pages and galleries to headers, template templates for your products (if you're using an block themes).

using the WordPress block editor

For an ecommerce store, you'll likely need a homepage, About page, as well as a Contact page. You'll also need the product's category, Cart checkout pages, and Cart. Again, this will vary based on your business.

Design your own products

Now, you'll want to create your product listings. In default, it allows you to create:

  • Simple items (Basic items with no options)
  • Variable product (Items that come with choices, such as sizes and colors)
  • Product downloadable (Products that customers can download)
  • Virtual products (Items that don't have physical components, but aren't downloaded, like an online service)
creating a new product in

You must give all the technical specifications, material info, etc. Also, you should consider the potential customers will ask and try to answer these within the product description.

In addition, you have to create an image of how the features of what you're offering will benefit your customers' lives at work, in their play, and so on.

Create a payment gateway

Payment gateways allow you to securely collect payments to purchase your products, and transfers that money to your bank account for business. There are some considerations to take into account, however ultimately the gateway that you select will be based on your business needs.

viewing payments in

Create business systems and operation

The best way to maximize your profit margins in an enterprise means that you focus on efficiency as well as establishing systems that are duplicatable and minimize the need to constantly come up with innovative solutions to your model of business.

packing materials in a box for shipping

Find out the best shipping and packaging methods

It's not necessary to look about packaging strategies every time a new order arrives. Set up an organized process for finding the different SKUs that you've got in stock, and what's required to safely package each for shipment. This should be a documented, organized process so that you can hire someone and at any point they could come in and take over this responsibility.

Some items require bubble wrap. Some can be put in a polybag. Some combinations will require boxes and get a free sticker. There are a lot of things you need to think about and record prior to selling on the internet.

Determine shipping materials

Pick your preferred shipping company and determine how you'll be charging the shipping

creating a shipping label with  Shipping

Determine inventory management and storage

Without proper inventory management You'll be faced with a slew of headaches. There's no way to sell something you don't have, so you want to keep sufficient inventory of products without putting yourself in a warehouse full of unsold items.

If you plan to package and ship the items you've got in your possession, you'll require an area to keep the items, along with any other equipment you'll need to keep them safe and organized to make them easier for you to fulfill (bins or tubs, shelves and shelves. ).

Consider the customer service process

What will be the procedure for handling questions? What channels will clients have to reach out? Are there any standard procedures you could create to address concerns of different levels of the severity?

Create tax and financial monitoring

The majority of jurisdictions require monitoring and collecting of a certain sort of sales tax or VAT. It can differ according to the country of origin of the purchaser, the shipping destination as well as the location of your store or physical stock, and so on. It can get complicated quickly.

As well as tax implications, as a business owner must be aware of your financial standing in any moment. With a myriad of categories of expenditures, as well as many tasks to take on this can become quite a task to keep track of.

viewing analytics on a computer

If you are tax-paying at the time of your tax return or at the time that you choose, provide your accountant with the information you have provided and let them run with it and from there.

Create return policies


Simply because you have an ecommerce website doesn't mean people will come across it, and even purchase anything. Most marketers, as well as smart business owners, can tell you that every business is in the marketing business. The purpose of your business is to market your products, and that's marketing. Before you are able to establish your place by offering the highest standard, the most original or most expensiveitems, people have to be aware of, comprehend, and be motivated to purchase.

Marketing is foundational to every company and that's the reason that many of the key marketing principles in this section can, and should, be formulated in conjunction along with other components of the list. Your audience and how you want to present your business will affect everything from the name of your business and your website, to what SKUs you develop.

Define and learn about your target audience

Are selling to a specific segment of the population, like children or parents, singles, older or other people? Do you sell to a different specific market? Maybe you're selling on particular interests like landscaping or rock climbing. Perhaps you're selling on a specific desire.

But even with needs, there are other variables that come into play. We all need to eat. We all need to wear clothing. But which food and clothes that we pick depends depending on individual preference, culture, life experience, how our parents raised us, ability to pay, etc.

Your audience determines your product to some degree, and the quality of your product will determine your target audience. It is important to consider both simultaneously.

After you've identified who your customers could be the marketing you use should reflect that and call that audience out. For instance, if you're selling landscaping services to retirees the marketing you use should make it clear your service is intended to retirees and not just any other person. In the case of selling landscape service to retirement homes, you're selling to an additional target audience.

Find out how to get your message to that person

Next, how will you reach your target market? Do you prefer to use the internet for marketing? Or will you use print or in-person marketing too? The audience you want to reach will decide the best option in a certain extent.

For instance, using the earlier example, a lot of retirement-age people aren't on TikTok and it won't make much sense for that company to channel all your advertising budget to the platform. A makeup store selling for students in college or teens might want to strongly look into advertising on TikTok as well as other social media platforms.

What is the target market? How do they shop? What are their preferred places to look for solutions to the issues your product solves? How else can you get the attention of your customers?

woman leaning against a couch looking at a laptop

Set a marketing budget

Every online business must decide their initial marketing costs in accordance with their specific circumstances. Consider:

  • The funds you have available for investing upfront
  • Costs associated with various marketing channels
  • How you can do it yourself and what you will outsource
  • The value of your product

A product that sells for $500 should have a bigger marketing budget than a product that sells for $5. At least at first. But if the $5 item grows into a major seller then you could increase your marketing spend for that later.

It requires a great deal of budget to produce a television commercial than it does to create an email marketing campaign. However, you must have an email list to send mail to and it needs additional marketing effort. Direct mail needs a list, too.

Events in person charge fees to purchase a booth. Pay-per-click (PPC) costs for online advertising for each click.

You must decide on what you're willing spend -- initially -in order to attract, engage and then convert your initial customer base. As you start to grow your business, the strategy and investment will shift.

Begin your digital marketing

  • Display marketing

Each of these entails the need for learning and an investment in time and cash. It is impossible to master all of them from the start.

SEO is the lowest costs if you do it yourself however, it takes a significant amount of time to comprehend how to research, implement, and study. If you've got the time, start making blog posts, eBooks as well as checklists, guides, infographics, and other digital marketing assets. Develop them around what your audience cares about.

Utilize them to turn your website visitors to customers and leads. Invite them to join your email list with an opt-in page. This lets you send emails advertising messages, which as always, you have the option to create by yourself.

Different forms of advertising are more expensive, yet let you more rapidly and effectively reach your desired clients, which allows you to build up your company faster.

Consider in-person marketing strategies

The most significant obstacle to digital marketing is all the different online marketing available. The world of the internet is full of distractions. The best approach is to just get out there and meet people in person.

man presenting to a group

Find a booth for an industry event. Consider securing a speaker slot to engage your audience in an authority position. Create your own event to your intended audience, similar like some financial advisors do. Participate in networking events. Join a local chamber of commerce.

The benefit of conducting such things extends beyond selling immediately. There is much to be learned from each interactions. You will learn better ways to show your personality and product.

Consider printing strategies to market

Print marketing can include direct mail, which can be letters, postcards and flyers. You can also make small guides, book-length books, and brochures.

These can be used to drive visitors to your website by putting your site's URL or a landing page URL in the printed material. The landing page that is specifically designed works well because you can track how many people use it, and know what percentage of the technique is working.

Grab your checklist and start by going through it now.

The process of starting an online store will require a number of steps. But they're worth it! and is here to support you by providing all the resources needed to set up and manage an online shop.

Are you ready? Get started with today.