Brand videos every business needs (plus 6 staff-picked examples)

Dec 6, 2023

Top branded videos for your marketing strategy

1. Explainer videos

At the end of your explanation video, your audience should know the answer they've been searching for.
Explainer videos can be educational they can be found in a variety of formats that can answer the questions of customers. They walk through the steps of using a product or explain an idea of thought-leadership with a conversational format.


Explainer videos are great for support documentation, answering FAQs at any point in the buying process.

One important quality of an effective explainer video is that it doesn't rely on sales. Don't try to persuade anyone to purchase any item. Instead, describe a problem and then solve it. Also, you can address a frequently asked question like in this simple yet effective video:

Explainer videos are usually extremely high-level. They are designed for the customer early on in the funnel. They could also be made for customers during the initial research stage.

To determine what type of explanation you require for your video marketing efforts inquire with your sales representatives which questions they are asked on a an everyday basis. Find out about your customer and the things they're experiencing and.

If you're about to launch a new product and need to create a video explaining the product Get together with the team responsible for marketing your product to identify the top features to highlight as well as the most powerful method to accomplish this.

Illustration and animation is a fantastic method of communicating product information or concepts that require a lot of effort to understand. through visualisation.

For a compelling explainer video, keep these guidelines to remember:

  • Know your strategy and plan your strategy around your audience.
  • Make it clear. Don't waste time on unnecessary details or images that divert from the main message.
  • Maintain a professional and helpful tone.
  • Include captions for accessibility and user preference.

Staff Pick example

The ride is on in this docu-style explainer video about the 2020 Norco Optic. Bryan Atkinson flies down the tracks of the interior of British Columbia while narrating how he tackles terrain using the bike's features. There's only the bike along with the driver as well as the surrounding.

The reason it works:This video perfectly captures how to utilize the software at an expert level. The video is geared towards: outdoor lovers or adventurers, as well as bike riders. The film is also visually stunning.

2. Videos for promotion

A promo video, or promo video, is all about generating brand awareness. You're building hype or teasing a launch with a short-form video.

Promo videos offer a quick summary of the next event designed to draw attention and bring in traffic through the social media channels or any other. Promo videos that are effective are brief, engaging and swiftly establishes a image (hopefully aligned with your band).

Promo videos also provide an excellent opportunity to connect with influential creators your audience knows or is a big enthusiast of. By reaching out to the creators, you are able to grow your reach.

Staff Pick example

Why it works: Well, Raheem Sterling. Also, unlike the suggestion above the promo here can be quite long- but its length gives an opportunity to laugh at the scenario taking place. Is laughter the best way to market a cell cellphone? We believe so.

3. The brand story as well as BTS videos

Brand story videos are essentially a branding story video is essentially a "get to know me" or an origin story for your business.

With the right budget and the right team, a brand story video will serve as a central marketing asset for many years to come.

The importance of brand story videos is to get right, so prior to starting the production process, make sure you have an outline, a narrative board, and script ready to go.

With an behind-the-scenes video viewers are given a look into your brand. They look at your team and the process you use to get things accomplished, and show the processes that are used. They may also provide an event or promotional campaign the benefit of a fresh perspective.

4. Webinars

How do you make an excellent webcast?

Focus on content, create a great experience, and discover ways to connect with your audience.

5. Case study videos

6. Narrative branded content

A narrative video tells a story with the purpose to entertain. That's it.

And while all your brand's videos should be entertaining, that doesn't need to be the sole objective.

Narrative brand content tells the story. Contrary to a narrative video for a brand, it doesn't have to mention your history. A more typical advertisement type, commercials have a reason for their products that's higher than their business.

Many narrative brand videos are focused on bigger themes such as the family unit, love, compassion and commitment. The narratives follow an sequence. We witness an exposition, climax, and resolution. We're given a character, who changes.

Brand narratives are often used to introduce or expand on a theme for example, like Nike's "Just Do It" or "Dream Crazy" campaigns.

Staff Pick examples

Rimowa employs a similar strategy to tug at the heart strings by promoting a meaningful travel campaign. It's a film about luggage travelling, travel, and missing phone calls.

Why it works: Both narrative examples follow a similar formula: problem-agitate-solution. We get to know the case study of an individual, showing the trials as well as the triumphs and tribulations of their life. They feel personal and draw us in without the prerequisite of familiarity with the brand or product.

7. Creative brand campaigns

A catch-all category for these brand videos that do not fit elsewhere. A brand that is creative can be simply the opposite of that. It takes the approach of a different type than a formulaic branding video. There isn't any formula that can be used to create this. All you need is to be fully committed to an idea that is something you are passionate about and is compatible with your brand identity.

For businesses looking to take an innovative approach, take a check out the film makers, agencies or teams behind your favorite creative videos. Contact them to find out the ways they worked with their customers. What was the deadline and budget? What kind of creative input would you like to have? Decide the size of this video campaign. Can it be tied to an event? A rebrand? What is the name of a specific item?

 Staff Pick examples

It's difficult to pinpoint what kind of film "Obscura" is; maybe because it feels more like an art movie disguised as an advertisement. This is an excellent example of a business trusting an artist to handle their brand artistically and passionately.

A reading from Mary Oliver's poem "Wild Geese" over beautifully shot consecutive mornings on the North Coast. In showcasing the beauty of the natural world and the beauty of nature, this Patagonia Australia video will be all that it needs to be.

Why it works: Surprising your audience is good -- it will make you stand out from the other websites.

Any sized business can make an impact with a collection of visually captivating branding videos. You are the only one who can incorporate your personal vision and mission into every kind of video while keeping your audience at the forefront of it.