B2B Selling Trends and best practices for those looking to start or expand their Companies

Apr 4, 2023

B2B (B2B) selling is changing. Complex sales procedures between buyers and sales reps that typically included meals, drinks, golf, along with a long back and forth communication are becoming less popular every day.

Actually, a lot of buyers now want to act on their own, and nearly 44 percent of the millennial population prefers having none interaction in any way with an agent in any way.

Digital, self-serve and data-driven selling solutions are becoming increasingly powerful which means that sales managers are required to completely alter their tactics in the next times to stay in the race.

Below, we'll examine:

Are you ready to know all you can about B2B sales in 2023? Let's dive in.

What are B2B's selling?

B2B sales refers to the practice of businesses buying and selling goods or services to other companies. It is a massive market that accounts for almost 50 cents of every dollar within the U.S. economy.

The scope of this can range from raw materials up to final products. B2B selling can be broken down into three main areas: direct sales, indirect sales and sales online/digital.

  • Direct sales: Describes an agent of sales contacting prospective customers for a discussion about their product or service and to engage in discussions.
  • Direct sales: refers to a company selling its products to other businesses through third parties such as agents, resellers, distributors and so on.
  • Digital sales or online: refers to B2B sales that take place on the internet via online e-commerce websites or online marketplaces.
  • Bulk sales: Refers to when a business sells an entire items or stock to a only one buyer, usually at a discounted price.

For example: Let's say that your company typically offers online courses directly to consumers to generate income. You might consider selling your classes in bulk to larger businesses and companies so they can offer these courses to their clients, employees, or customers as well as to their customers, partners or employees. It will allow you to significantly increase the amount of revenue you earn from one transaction because you'd charge for the whole purchase, and not for just one client.

Businesses are increasingly utilizing digital tools to simplify the process of selling. According to Gartner study, there is an ever-growing shift in consumer preferences away from sales in person to digital channels.

What is the difference between B2B from selling B2C?

B2B and business-to customer (B2C) selling are alike in many ways. However, there are some key differences.

  Experience vs Relationship  

For B2C selling, primary focus tends to be on providing an enjoyable and convenient shopping experience to clients. The main goal is to make sales more efficient and make it as easy for customers to reach as possible.

For B2B sales, on the contrary on the other hand, the emphasis is to build long-lasting relations with clients that will prove beneficial to both parties.


In the case of mass market customer selling, personalization of goods or services aren't always necessary; as B2C consumers don't generally need or want custom-designed solutions or personalized deals.

In B2B sales however it is commonplace to customize and personalize the products or services are often required, particularly if the product is an online product.

  Buyer focus  

In contrast to businesses, consumers are usually making decisions based on their individual preferences and feelings. The main difference between B2B and B2B selling has to do with the decision to purchase usually has to be put through many decision makers who are typically focused on factors such as the price, quality and the value of purchases.

Yet, certain of the same principles of B2C selling - like providing a great customer experience - still apply to B2B sales procedures.

What is the reason B2B sales are changing?

The selling landscape for B2B changes due to various aspects.

  • Digital solutions are gaining popularity: Digital solutions are becoming ever more sophisticated which makes it much easier for customers to find information independently. This reduces the need to have direct sales representatives, and also makes buying more efficient and easier.
  • Technology is increasing at an alarming pace consumers have access to a wider range of choices when it comes to purchasing goods or services.
  • Data available in greater quantity: These similar technological advancements also provide more data than ever before. Companies can use this information to understand the needs of their customers, personalize their offerings and develop lasting relationships with them.

The customers have become more sophisticated about how they go about solving a problem. They're less likely to listen to sales pitches and rather, they want a simple customer journey that doesn't have any barriers.

B2B selling best practices in 2023

Where does the changing B2B sales landscape affect you? Are you looking for ways to present your clients with an effortless and seamless buying experience. These are the best practices for your business or other organization to think about for 2023.

  Conduct customer research  

It is crucial to research for successful business in all fields This is especially the case in B2B selling. It is essential to understand who your customers are who they are, what their requirements are and what you can do to best meet them.

Do not assume that you know what customers want. Start surveys that are thoughtful questionsand follow up on the responses attentively. Doing research on your customers can aid you in understanding your customers' needs better, in addition to establishing trust with your customers. Find feedback from customers whenever possible by using social media, surveys or customer surveys, and many more.

  Nurture your leads  

Lead nurturing is the process of interacting with prospective customers continuously. It involves offering them relevant material that meets their preferences and needs and building relationships and trust over time.

  Enhance your time in B2B buyers  

If you have an opportunity to talk with an individual customer (or via phone), make sure you're making the most of the opportunity. Prepare yourself with pertinent details and information that can aid in solving the problem of the customer.

Make sure you build trust with your customers and understanding what their needs are in order to provide solutions accurately.

Last but not least, remember to following up! After every meeting, following up is crucial to stay top of mind with buyers and helping to build long-lasting relationships.

  Self-service and online purchase choices  

No matter how well you're prepared, some customers do not want to speak with a sales representative or undergo a long and tedious purchasing process. It's the reason it's so important to offer self-service and online purchase options for those who prefer greater control over their buying process.

Offering such solutions can make it simpler (and more efficient) for customers to purchase your products and services without having to wait on a sales rep every occasion they'll need it.

  Do not waste your time on logistics  

The self-service and digital solutions can be beneficial to sales teams as well, making it easier to manage time-consuming logistical tasks. Instead of spending time on the tracking of orders and shipping Digital and automated solutions will allow sales reps to gain time back to focus on more important things like cultivating prospects.

This makes it easier for teams to focus on sales enablement and involvement, instead of dealing with paperwork or the back-end work. If you are able to simplify the process, your customers will appreciate it even more.

  Become a strategic growth partner  

It's no longer enough to just provide a product or service. The customers today demand more than that . They require partners to help to succeed over the long-term.

Business owners must be strategic partners with their clients and look at the bigger overall picture. This means providing exceptional customer support and service, as well as solutions that go far beyond basic products or services including assistance, guidance and insights into the latest industry changes.

Position yourself as an expert on your industry and offer value beyond the sale.

  Customer service is the king  

When it comes to the end of the day, consumers would like to feel that they are receiving the best treatment.

If you are a business owner that means going beyond the normal services to customers, such as responding quickly and efficiently to inquiries from customers, solving any problems or concerns in the shortest time possible and contacting customers following their purchase.

Standardizing your B2B selling process

To make your sales more successful for your business, it is essential to streamline the sales process. It's about creating a step-by-step process for interactions with customers, from initial contact until the closing of sales - regardless of whether or not the contact comes from a rep or an automated electronic process.

  Mapping the journey  

If, for instance, you're selling software, you'll need take into consideration things such as the onboarding process and assistance options.

  • Will they need to manage the product themselves?
  • Will you be offering an ongoing service?
  • Where will they find the documentation they need?
  • How will they be able to contact customer support if they require help?

These questions need to be considered when determining the customer's journey.

  Customer segmentation  

This same method won't work for every person.

You'll need to segment your customers into different groupsso that you can tailor the experience to the individual. One customer may be more price-sensitive, while other customers are more concerned with quality. Other things to think about include:

  • Company size
  • Budget
  • Buying motivation
  • Market trends

  Lead qualification  

Wasting time on leads that don't be converted is a massive cost. This is why lead qualification is so important.

You'll need to develop criteria for deciding which leads are worth pursuing and which ones should be removed or nurtured over some time. Most important in this case is authority. Is your contact point or lead of contact hold the power to take a final purchasing choice? If not, are they able to help you connect with someone who has the authority?

  Sales pitch creation  

It's not always the case that it's distinctive. Standard templates and frameworks you can use for creating a successful sales pitch.

For example it is the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire & Action) framework is a great tool for developing persuasive sales pitches that produce the desired results. Another is the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) framework, which is used to identify customer pain points and create a solution.

They can be combined to specific segments, or mixed to create what seems like a customized (yet uniform) message.

Strategies for stronger B2B connections

Establishing good relations with your clients is crucial for successful B2B selling. Here are some suggestions to help you do just this.

  • Be transparent: Make sure the customer knows exactly what they'll get when they sign-up for the product or service.
  • Give value above and beyond what you paid for Let customers know how their purchase will benefit their future and not only after signing up.
  • Learn to listen and comprehend their requirements Pay attention to your their needs and desires so you can provide customers with the ideal solution.
  • Be proactive: Look for ways to give customers assistance to help them solve problems, or provide additional resources that can help them succeed.

If you take the time to spend some time focusing on the needs of your customers rather than trying to convince them of something, customers will respond positively and be more invested.

What to be aware of when B2B selling

There are many most common traps that B2B vendors fall into, especially now that digital solutions are becoming more prevalent.

  • Selling too quickly, or too many: You need to understand your customer's requirements before offering the solution.
  • Be too aggressive in selling tactics: If clients feel like they're being pressured into signing to some thing, it can make a bad taste in their mouths. This could lead them to look elsewhere.
  • Not following up after buying: Clients love when companies follow up following the purchase it shows that you truly care about offering excellent service, not only making sales.
  • In the absence of customer feedback, if customers are providing you with feedback, you should consider their suggestions. It will allow you to improve your product or service and make sure that customers stay satisfied.

In addition, provide the option to purchase without friction as no one would like to endure a lengthy and tedious process.

An example of B2B tools

In order to help you achieve success within the ever-changing B2B selling landscape, there are several tools available.

  • CRM software: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software allows businesses to manage and analyze information about customers, such as contact information, preferences, and purchase historical data. This provides valuable insight into the best way to reach customers to sell their products.
  • Platforms for data analytics Platforms for data analytics allow firms to dig further into customer behaviour through tracking interactions on websites, analyzing customer feedback, and more. This helps identify trends that can be used to inform future sales strategies.
  • Learning Management Systems Learn management systems (LMS) let businesses create online learning environments for their employees, customers and partners. This helps drive customer success as well as generate income.

These tools can help to make sales more effective and also provide clients with a more pleasant overall customer experience.

  Final Thoughts  

B2B sales are completely different today than it was just a few years ago. And it's going to be completely different in the future too.

Successful businesses will be those who are willing to innovate and embrace new technologies to stay one step ahead of the competition.

  Learn how you can effectively grow your business by leveraging B2B sales' power by taking this no-cost course: