Artists who earn passive income - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

Passive income: a way to earn money that works while you sleep? -- Yes, please!

You've heard about passive income. A method that is effective when actually, you don't. Passive income is a mythical creature living in the depth of the dark fairy forest. We heard of the brave artists who dared to enter the forest and lost themselves on the path.

Whatever the mystical nature of it may sound, you must admit that this is something everyone wants. But what can you do to make the story to a happy ending.

 We, at CreativeMindClass consider it is crucial for creatives who wish to teach online to share the technical elements of their work. Making a business that provides an income stream that is passive is a way to go for artists. Find out how to do it.

There was never a better time for artists to reach their highest income levels

There's never been a better time for artists to reach their maximum incomes

"Do the things you love to do to do, and you'll never be a slave in your entire life" - OK however, how can you do it?

For the last two years, I've observed how artists work very hard working at what they enjoy every day. Nowadays, artists disrupt the marketplace through their imagination and can earn good money with their work. It has never been a better opportunity for artists to achieve the top earnings levels while performing projects for clients but also diversifing income sources , and creating an income that is passive.

  -- Joanna Paplinski, CreativeMindClass Co-founder and Head of Design

Avoid falling into the narrow-minded trap. Minimizing one-time projects

A few artists are like worker bees, devoting their time in one-off projects, and failing to establish recurring sources of revenue. It's kind of the vicious cycle. It's a vicious circle. are easy for us to work on. Every day, we have a new task or work, another client or exhibition...

It's fun to work this way However, after a certain moment, after we've had enough, we realize that there must be other ways of working and start looking for other income sources. We are looking to create something steady and lasting. We want something that will allow us to have more time for ourselves and our loved ones. The time has come for all those hours of hard work to be paid for it.

Delegating -- the secret of building a thriving business

What exactly is delegation, and why should you begin doing it (best today)?

Simply put, delegating involves having someone else do the work you need done on your behalf. Delegating used to start from an assistant personal to you, however nowadays, it will almost certainly be a certain kind of service designed to ease your burden.

Starting from scratch creates creative professionals' lives more challenging

One of the traps that await artists is their love of doing things from scratch. They love mixing their paints and others buy ready colors from a store, save time mixing them, and then create art (and money) in the same way. mix and mixes...

Do you understand where we're going with that? Sure, it's, fun to find pleasure in mixing your colors, however, we're talking about getting your business to another level, to the next level, so certain decisions must be made. You cannot get to the next level as a company owner if you spend the time you have to do basic tasks which someone else could easily take care of for you.

A pre-built solution

An already-built system. An entry point to your ideal ideas

Solutions that are ready or already built let you do the things you genuinely love and leave the rest to other people. The real magic starts when a pre-built solution enables you to develop more sophisticated business plans and daring dreams. The ones that you always had, but you didn't have the occasion to make them happen.

Nowadays, thanks to the internet era, it is easier than ever to make your dreams become reality. The ready-made solutions are the gateway to something is unlikely to be achieved alone due to a lack of resources like equipment, knowledge or funds. or because you have too much time to do everything.

Mix and match your delegations Combine your own unique style and technology with pre-designed solutions

We don't claim to be experts on this; we based our philosophies (and this piece) on years of reading business literature that has helped us bring our dream project (CreativeMindClass Teaching Platform) to life. Most of them say the identical thing over and over repeatedly, so optimize your working procedure and eliminate. In this way, you'll have the ability to be focused on improving your craft when other things are done for you.

Using technical platforms as a way of delegating

Artists who want to create and earn money on the internet usually have their hands full. We came up with an online platform that is technical for people who would like to impart their skills online. It's crucial for people who would like to impart their knowledge via video online classes. This allows them to share the technical elements of the course, thereby creating the business in this manner that provides them with a steady source of revenue.

Some creative entrepreneurs may also delegate. Including CreativeMindClass

When we were building the CreativeMindClass teaching platform, we quickly realized - We cannot manage everything. Delegation was a thing that we started doing from day one (OK since day two, but we'd do it since day one ;) ). As a small team building a portal of enormous dimensions, we wanted to utilize a set of options to maintain the highest quality of our visitors, cut down on time and give attention to the parts of the project that no one else but us could take care of.

The teaching platform we use is a product that we designed and made our own, so even though "custom" or "personal" are among our most beloved words, we will not be able to succeed without the most efficient solutions. In order to ensure the best standard of our learning solution we collaborate with businesses and people who are aware of our goals and with whom we share values; local artists, talented freelance programmers as well as players such as Amazon, Stripe, MailChimp, BeeFree, or Ghost.

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