Are you not making enough money as a Coach? Here's How to Fix It.

Jun 28, 2024

I am irritated when coaches don't get paid properly for the work they do.

The coaches are doing amazing work, helping people remain healthy and fit build amazing relationships, create amazing businesses, increase wealth and much more.

Coaching coaches help clients get rid of pain and achieve their heart's desires.

You can also be the best coach in the world, and still not get the amount you deserve, when you're not doing some things done right.

It's a bit frustrating to know you're doing incredible work but you notice others much less gifted, much less committed than you who are earning so much cash.

We need to fix this!

This is exactly what I'm planning to achieve in this blog post.

The root of the issue lies in a handful of aspects:

Charging too little

Doing only or too much one-on-one coaching

You're doing too much for your clients

Courses are only sold for sale

When you make too much it's unlikely that you'll get the revenue you'd like.

Coaches hesitate to raise their prices due to the fact that they tie their costs to their own self worth rather than the value they provide for their customers.

You need to charge relative to the amount you charge and not the time or work.

The difficulty of 1:1 coaching has to do with the fact that it can't scale.

For each new client each new client, you must spend longer time with them, and as you know, your time is limited. There are only the time of your life for 24 hours.

That's why you need to enroll in group coaching If you're not currently.

Scale of group coaching programs. Your work load doesn't rise, or increases only moderately every time you get a new client.

Similar similar if you're working too hard for clients. It is important to organize things in a way where your customers are accountable to do more task themselves. And you offer Frameworks and Templates which make it easy for them to accomplish it.

The inconsistency of leads flow is the result of having the proper processes in place to provide you with potential dream Clients every day, and you'll get new clients each week.

If all you do is selling classes only, it tends to be a challenge to earn sufficient revenue regularly.

Courses have much lower actual or perceived value than coaching programs, where it is possible to help others through your coaching in addition to the "home studying" course's nature.

If you do not have a coaching program yet then a group coaching program is the next obvious step for you to add.

These are the factors that are important.

This method of thinking helps making enough money so much more simple.


PS. If you're eager to make every part of your business simpler, from technology to strategy to mindset, that's the kind of thing we're looking at . Get in touch and let's discover how we can aid you.