After 17 years of coaching career, Becky Mollenkamp is honing her skills on the subjects she

Dec 2, 2022

Find out how the mindset specialist and long-time author Becky Mollenkamp is evolving her company's creative aspect to do the things she's excited about.

What is the result after you release the "shoulds" and started to rely on your own intuition?

As a coach in the field of mind Becky Mollenkamp the decision to abandon a path of "shoulds" is a major change in her life. Her career has also changed.

Becky helps people make the change from "small corporate management" to CEO and create sustainable enterprises that do not burn out. With the assistance of the Gutsy Boss name, she has assisted hundreds of clients to let go of all their "shoulds" and evaluate their success by their own needs.

She has more than twenty years in the field of entrepreneurial until her present position. She owned a company that was at six figures for content marketing prior the time she launched her own business of coaching the year 2015.

Recently, we talked to Becky to learn about the development of her company during the past few years and also to review the journey she has taken as a writer. The company she runs is undergoing a transformation that focuses on working with small-sized entrepreneurs along with their advisors and also employees.

Continue reading to learn the methods Becky is building her business through following her intuition and getting rid of the "shoulds" - she is aiding other entrepreneurs to do similar results.

Finding her calling as coach to the mind

At the time Becky had been an entrepreneur for over 20 years, coaching wasn't one of her plans.

"What inspired me to embark on my path of coaching was that my brother's passing in 2010 because from an addiction to heroin which killed him. This really shaken me awake out of my dream," Becky explains.

"I had been living a life that was filled with "shoulds" and repeating the same routine every day, doing every task that a woman is supposed to do. This made me realize the length of life isn't as long as it is to live a an existence that isn't what you really desire."

"I was unsure of what I wanted. However, I was aware that there was more," Becky remembers. The author shut down his company and relocated back home to live together with her mom. Then came the internal process of finding out how she wouldwant the rest of her life to look like.

Becky could build her own writing business. "It was my forte and the area I excelled in. However, I realized that what I really wanted to do was help other people get over their'shoulds'."

Her next step was to coach.

"I realized that I could assist others who've been affected by what I've been through. That's how I came across the job I'm supposed accomplish. It's my love."

Becky's previous experience as the founder of an agency, and her determination to help other people provided her with the ideal match to coach individuals' mindset.

"I'm neither a strategic thinker or consultant, however I'm an instructor. Therefore, I assist people in coming to their own choices as well as their own understanding of what they'd like to achieve in their personal life or at work. I then assist people in achieving their goals," Becky explains.

In order to assist others to be more genuine in their lives , and to live their lives more fully She integrates her personal beliefs throughout her work. "I'm an empathic coach and this means I am mindful of living experiences and am aware of trauma. that my coaching is all about empathy, not shame and blame."

Inspired by her own experience and expertise, Becky began building her coaching website, which included a whole lot of "shoulds" too.

Separating the noise of things that an online-based company must appear to

When asked regarding the challenges that she faced when starting her own business of coaching, Becky laughs. "There was no challenge I didn't have to face. It appears like I've risen to every challenges."

The war of the "shoulds took place in the case also. "I think the biggest issue was the noise that was made in the internet forums concerning how companies should be presented and the things they can do with the issues and things that they must do in order to succeed," she says.

Looking back, Becky finds this common misconception--that those who fail to take their time and effort to be fully committed of their potential from the beginning do not have confidence in their abilities and thus are not able to enjoy the have a right to. "I did not realize that in the moment, as I was overwhelmed by anxiety and feeling that I wasn't doing my very best job since I was still needed to write [to pay the bills and survive]."

She thought to herself "Why could I not help my coach become more effective and efficient quickly? What went incorrect?"

Most of us can't afford to start a start-up completely by themselves but that's fine! It can be a gradual approach, but that doesn't suggest that you're not legitimate as an entrepreneur.

"I was forced to complete the job of freeing myself from guilt and shame and realize that the advice of "to be all-in" was not practical for the majority of people."

"The hardest part at first was recognizing that I had the capacity to transition from running a company to a new business." She aimed to reduce her work load by 25 percent every year. In the beginning, her workload was composed of 75% writing and 25% coaching. "Honestly it's the very first year with no write-ups" Becky tells us.

"That is a slow shift. Accepting it and then in a position to let go of any guilt and accept that it's OK, could be the best and most effective method for someone to get started with a business without feeling that they have to be all involved in their venture, or feeling that they're not sure about their capabilities."

Becky was hesitant to see herself as the CEO and recognize the significance of her role as well as think about the big within the bigger.

"You are self-employed and have become a sole-entrepreneur or proprietor of a smaller-sized company through the use of a few consultants . But, you're still the CEO, the leader, the CEO as well as the one who has vision." she emphasizes.

"It's about being confident to be able to say, "I'm confident in the techniques. I'm competent to accomplish this.'"

Today, the mentality of a CEO has become fundamental to the way they interact with their customers.

A specific client in mind (while giving her an overall customer base)

Becky's professional career is going through changes. She's now turning on the training of small-sized entrepreneurs and teammates .

A variety of factors led to this shift.

Her work is one step further from her personal experiences as a business owner.

Becky's time and expertise to be exchanged to earn Becky the highest amount of money.

She is the one who performs the job she is most passionate about.

Based on her personal experience, Becky wants her clients to be able to experience "the changes that occur internally once you treat your business like a corporation and to treat yourself like CEO."

"I have had the privilege of working with individuals, and still do, but I'm now trying to do more work with women and mostly women in mid-sized companies" she states. "It's all about creating a good lifestyle/work-life balance as well as working with their employees and advisors to offer their clients coaching to ensure they are better able to balance their lives between their work and personal life."

This change is likely to cause an alteration in Becky's bottom line as well.

"You charge more to coach," therefore you'll only need to find one individual to earn the same amount of money using these guidelines with a cost of $7, or possibly a $200-$200 course. It is my responsibility to market a lot more [courses as well as books]. That is why I need to attract more clients who can choose my offerings since only a tiny percentage of people turn into items." Coaches' clients tend to recommend their peers that can lead to more chances to earn cash from coaches in the future. the line.

However, Becky plans to continue offering her services to an ever-wider variety of clients even if they're not the ideal fit to her new coach one-on-one.

"I'm running my business the same manner as I've managed it. It's Gutsy Boss, and providing assistance to people as well as companies," Becky explains. "I want to not be the only one who leaves them to fight on their own. I've had the privilege of working with individuals for a long time many of whom have listened to my podcasts or are on my list of email addresses."

With those individuals in mind, Becky has repurposed a significant portion of her earlier material to develop Gutsy Guides that help tackle specific issues like setting limits, creating huge-scale demands, in addition to getting over imposter's disorder.

"Generally people who are in this category are professionals in mid-career and rather than doing lots of one-on one with them, I give them a lot of resources which they can use to help them with these issues," she says.

Now, when someone discovers Becky's works, they'll be between two kinds:

Coaching clients are looking to become potential coaches

Individuals who can benefit from Becky's self-guided mini-course , self-study program , and Gutsy guidebooks which are all run by Becky on

What is she doing to determine the type of segment a potential customer can be placed into?

Automated segmentation and automation. a little ideas of Golden Girls. Golden Girls.

Automating and segmentation as well as a fun test to connect potential customers with the appropriate product

Becky has a test available on her site: "Which business owner is you? " The test, which is 6 questions long (built by using Interact ) gives users more information on the Golden Girls-inspired business owners they are: Newbie (Rose), Flirt (Blanche), Pro (Dorothy) and Sage (Sophia).

Everyone is at a different stage of ownership in business, starting at the beginning before progressing into a professional.

"To make it clear that the opt-in is advanced emailing," Becky cautions fellow creators. "I wouldn't recommend beginning with something like this, particularly if aren't currently using your opt-in... My experiences was that I began with downloading just one file. It's the most straightforward method to get started."

If you're seeking to target your target market, a complicated opt-in page like Becky's can aid you in this process. The form can assist you to contacting individuals with relevant offers to match their needs and degree of knowledge.

Automated email marketing campaigns are developed through ConvertKit. This means she doesn't have to devote time to making certain that the right products are sent to the appropriate individuals.

"It occurs in late at night," she describes. "They're receiving the email newsletters as well, and if they want to buy these books, they'll be able to find the books at an extremely low price. So it makes it simple, and an easy process."

Becky is aware that her business will continue to expand and her company will grow too.

Becky's business has grown and changed, and so has her approach to employing .

Becky launched (and frequently she eliminated) different products as her business expanded with the introduction of digital downloads, training courses and groups of coaches.

In the moment, she's working on launching the 2023 Gutsy Accountability program which includes group coaching, downloadable resources, 1:1 coaching sessions with Becky as well as online or live coaching sessions, dependent on the plan customers choose.

"I am in awe of the capability to coach groups as everything I'd love to impart is readily available. Clients are able to get all the resources. The possibility exists to create available the assets that I already have accessible. This makes it much more simple. It is also possible to make a payment for the entire purchase . You don't have to contemplate the possibility of."

The purchase buttons, which can be embedded and the checkout feature makes it easier for users to purchase software such as Gutsy Accountability without leaving the homepage of the website.

Through the process of creation It gives Becky the chance to study various types of items available and discover what works best for her and her customers.

"Almost every single week I get someone to call me to ask, 'I'm aware that you're using it, let me know and I'm happy to answer," she says.

"I think it's good to let people know that you are able to make your own content with platforms such as... Here's everything you'll need for an affordable price."

Be confident in your abilities and establish a company that is true to the values you hold dear.

Becky's last advice to creators is the exact same advice she offers her clients"Like your gut.

"Listen to your own inner voice. A majority of those that contact me... There are a lot of doubtsand don't believe in themselves, and that leads them to feel trapped and they are then feeling like they're not making progress on their business. It's downright demoralizing. That's what I feel," she says.

"In early stages, doing your best to become self-confident is the key to successful outcome."

Becky's coaching business has grown dramatically since she began her coaching program in this year. However, the core in her teaching help others get rid of the'shoulds' which'shoulds'- has remained constant. We can't wait to see how the next four years (and perhaps further!) will bring for Becky and her firm.

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